Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Elixir Ensemble Riverside Estates Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,485 Rehearsal and performance of two programs (three concerts) of chamber music in Saskatoon and Rosthern, SK for the Elixir Ensemble 2023-24 season.
Favel, Floyd Paynton Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,000 To develop my research on Indigenous theatre methods combined with my literary text Red People Red Magic. Create a virtual platform for global artistic presentation.
Francoeur, Paige Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,000 This grant money would be used to pay myself and a dramaturge to complete a new draft of my play.
Froese, Robert Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $13,000 research and produce new ceramic work using specialized soda kiln firing methods
Garcia-Luna, Gabriela Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $17,000 New body of work and research in relation to my feminine Mexican ancestry, based on photographic documentation of Mexican and Saskatchewan flora.
Gares, Jessica Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,000 'The Rehearsal' is a devised play to be independently produced and presented as part of the RISER Project's inaugural season in their Regina expansion.
Gares, Jessica Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,474 I am seeking funds to complete post production work on my short film "Fuck" I shot this past summer, which I wrote, directed, and produced.
Garez, Simon Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,500 To develop, write, and storyboard my debut feature-length bilingual screenplay.
Graham, John Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,000 Post-production work on the art film STILL HERE and submissions to film festivals worldwide in 2024 & 2025.
Gronsdahl, Todd Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,246 I am building and photographing "historical" scenes to exhibit with my Saskatchewan Maritime Museum installations at upcoming solo exhibitions in Swift Current and Edmonton.
Gronsdahl, Troy Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $18,000 to create a video and sound installation comprised of a woodwind quartet playing in the northern Saskatchewan wilderness.
Hagel, Mandie Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,611 I will be continuing the work of my poetry manuscript that examines how my relationships we affected throughout or by the pandemic.
Haines, Cat Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,147 Develop a collection of 10 large watercolor self portraits featuring moments of my activist history.
Han, Xiao Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,000 To attend an artist residency which aims to research and develop my photograph into public art which creates spaces and connections for Saskatoon-based BIPOC communities.
Harpham, Lindsay Tisdale Dance Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To present a full-length show entitled "Behind Us" in Saskatoon, SK. Intended for future goals of national and international touring as well as festival submissions.
Harris, Carla Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To work with a dramaturg to refine a play about the experience of having a hidden disability.
Haynes, Sierra Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,000 Workshop the first act of the new musical Crazy Girl The Musical in advance of Pacific Theatre’s New Roots Festival Showcase in Vancouver, BC.
Hill, Milo Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,000 Uplift LGBTQIA+ voices and showcase the wealth of local talent in 12 all-ages drag shows at the Saskatoon Fringe Festival
Hoggarth, Opal Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,163 Peyote Ugly is a show that combines live music with alternative drag in Regina and Saskatoon.
Holowachuk, Dorianna Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,500 Developing an artistic vision and repertoire list, and supplementing skills in preparation to direct a newly-formed independent choir.
Hosaluk, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 'The Circle and the Dot' is a mixed-media Installation influenced by folklore and Saskatchewan architecture. New work is scheduled for exhibition for 2024.
Joa, Catherine Denare Beach Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To take time to create six paintings for "View from the Edge of the World", a confirmed group exhibition at the AGR in August 2023.
Kazan, Lina Saskatoon Dance Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $14,577 Development, preparation and multiple presentations of Flamenco Borealis' reimagined stage work "Qadar: a Date with Fate"
Kimbley, LJ Prince Albert Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,000 Focusing on writing new music reflective on the personal experience of a two-spirit person in Saskatchewan.
Kirchmeier, Kurt Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,000 To write a short speculative fiction novel about a man returning to his childhood home to face unresolved trauma and unanswered questions about his past.
Kovach, Jaye Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 Showcase and archive trans joy and futurity through the development of a series of photographs and large oil paintings featuring trans subjects throughout Saskatchewan.
Kruger, Samuel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $13,570 To rewrite, remount and produce solo physical theatre show, "Bat Brains or lets explore mental illness with vampires" as part of Live Five's 2023/2024 season.
Kuz, Tessa Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,367 To support the creation of a new contemporary dance solo choreographed by Adam Barruch and danced by Tessa Rae Kuz.
Legris, Sylvia Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,000 I will work on developing the first draft of "Wake/Subwake," a new poetry collection.
Lepage, Mario St. Denis Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,450 Creation of Ponteix’s new live performance incorporating new written material to support the new album "le canadien errant" to be released autumn of 2024
Lowry, Nancy Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $16,918 Create large scale paintings which push my perceived physical limits while highlighting the important intergenerational role of non-male artists from the Emma Lake Artists’ Workshops.
Macdonald, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,000 The development of a creative work in the form of a full-length play through dramaturgy, workshops, redrafting, and public feedback.
Macnab, Bonny Mervin Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,000 Developing knowledge for a sustainable, bio-diverse art practice through mapping color extraction from Canadian plants. Rebuilding connection to sense of place through experience with plants.
Maier, Lenore Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $1,920 This project application will support my endeavors to learn the education of new percussive styles through formal drum lessons and mentorship from Graham Templeman.
Martin, Monique Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,661 I am installing and exhibiting a large installation based printmaking piece and attending the International Printmaking Biennial in Duoro, Portugal, which is an invitational event
Martineau, Andrea Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $2,988 To participate in the Surrey International Writers Conference (virtual), the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild Annual Conference & AGM (in-person), and writing residencies/retreats.
McFadzean, Credence Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,153 To write the first draft of a fiction manuscript exploring the intricate mythology of an invented slasher movie villain or 'supernatural killer.'
McKenzie, Tiess Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,178 To compose and workshop three new pieces for string quartet, in collaboration with local performers in Saskatoon.
McKnight, Spencer Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,010 This grant will be to take significant time to develop and create the song recital "In Dreams".
Melberg Schwier, Karin Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 Develop an in-progress literary prairie fiction manuscript, Inheriting Violet, a sequel to my award-winning debut novel, and produce a finished draft ready for substantive editing.
Merasty, Marcus Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,000 Professional development in dance creation. Exploring Indigenous storytelling as choreographic research.
Mikkola, Elian Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $13,500 For the production and presentation of a time-based media installation for an upcoming solo exhibition
Morgun, Jessica Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,000 Explore collaborative drawing and installation work with JingLu Zhao, working toward creating a body of work together as an emerging artist collective.
Morken, Jaclyn Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To finish outlining and drafting my short story collection, "Inter(n)ment," and to revise the manuscripts for publication.
Murawsky, Graham Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,000 To write a new Factor Chandelier solo record in Saskatchewan focused sonically on expanding my prairie sound and taking it to the next level.
Murray, Aryn saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,000 Collaborative creation of material for a concept album, "Speakeasy". Expansion of original works, increasing live repertoire.
Nachtigall, Jeff Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $16,000 The production and exhibition of a body of work for the Museum of Temporary Art, an evolving pop-up with locations throughout Regina and rural Saskatchewan.
Nelson, Josiah Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To continue drafting poems for a poetry manuscript exploring the interconnectedness of the self and the natural world.
Nepjuk, Elizabeth Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,275 I will be researching and developing, and then presenting my death-centred production TEA. CAKE. DEATH. at the 2023 Saskatoon Fringe.
Nepjuk, Elizabeth Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,000 To transcribe and compile research data gathered during the production/duration of the game EVERY BODY DOES IT at the Saskatoon Fringe in August 2023.
Neufeld, Clint Osler Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $11,200 making ceramic soldiers, reminiscent of Royal Doulton figurines creating scenarios using memories from when I was a soldier.
Oblong and Oboe Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $17,000 The final stage of development and world premiere of Oblong and Oboe Stir the Pot as part of Live Five’s 20th Season in Saskatoon.
Olsen, Farideh Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,500 To write a 60-90min show about motherhood that integrates music and comedy.
Peart, Greta Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,000 I will create an empathy-focused videogame called “Mitch” that explores finding personal growth and groundedness amidst new and unfamiliar experiences.
Peart, Greta Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $15,000 To create an empathy-focused videogame called “Mitch” that explores finding personal growth and groundedness amidst new and unfamiliar experiences.
Piper, Lynette Lebret Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $18,000 'Driver's Licence' is the story of an elderly man who loses his licence after a series of accidents and run-ins with police.
Polischuk, Katelyn Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,000 Funding production of The Josephine Knot by Meg Braem as a part of Live Five's 2023/2024 season.
Portman, Gordon Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 The creation of a collection of prose materials exploring the various experiences of mature / aging / elder gay men.
Pottle, Adam Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $8,000 Complete the first draft, then revise and rewrite into a second draft my young adult horror novel FULL MOON CHRISTMAS.
Powell, Marie Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,070 I will spend five months focused on my writing to complete a clean submission draft of my newest medieval fantasy novel, Chronicles of Meirionnydd: Excalibur.
Ppl r Ppl Productions Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $17,000 Ppl r Ppl Productions is creating professional work for theatre artists and will present 'Spring Awakening' by Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater, February 23-March 2.
Pridmore, Helen Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,402 Presenting my one-person show "Mother Calling" in a double bill with Regina singer/actor Shannon Holmes, via RISER Regina's presentation series
Redding, Katlyn Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $1,500 Attend the British Columbia Music Educators Association Conference in Richmond, BC from October 18th - 22nd 2023.
Reimer, Joel Dash Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $8,500 To workshop a 1 hour spoken word poetry/folk music set that integrates a loop pedal in order to tour it in Eastern Canada.
Richter, Jessica Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 We seek funding to develop an exhibition for the Ukrainian Museum of Canada. In addition to Artist Run Centers & Gallery's in Canada.
Ricketts, Kathryn Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,925 This support is for the first design stage of the interdisciplinary production of The Chairs. This entails the set, sound and media design team.
Saltzman, Vera Fort Qu'Appelle Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $13,661 Rural settler women responding to the beauty and destruction of small remnants of land in SE Saskatchewan to encourage discourse about the land’s intrinsic value.
Sapp, Cheyenna Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,069 I would like to write new material for my standup comedy routine to increase performance opportunities and expand my audience.
Saskatoon Experimental Music Ensemble Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $8,125 To compose, develop, rehearse, and perform three concerts worth of communally-focused experimental music in Saskatoon.
Schneider, Zoë Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,900 This proposal seeks funding to support the creation of a solo exhibition of sculpture, video, and installation at Bunker Projects, Pittsburgh, PA in September-October 2024.
Scott, Tallus Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $5,000 Study advanced drum techniques & mentorship career paths for a 5 day period, Jan.2-6, 2024, with renowned drum educator Dave Elitch in Los Angeles.
St. Germaine, Yvonne Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To write and perform a brand new full-length album that is contingent upon my newly released single "Sacred Tree" inspired by Sixties Scoop survivors.
Straker, Jeffery Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,600 This project is to compose 10 new songs covering a range of themes. Works will be used in performance & upcoming recording.
Syrnick, Daniel Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,673 To take time to develop and create a new series of 10-15 artworks, to show as a solo exibit in the coming fall.
The Women's Company Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,000 Funds for the production of "Annette is a Bimbo" as part of RISER Regina 2023 presented by On Cue and Why Not Theatre.
Trapp, Amanda Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $3,000 I'll be travelling to NYC to take classes to deepen/refresh my acting and dance practice, ensuring I am working to the best and safest extent.
Tucker, Peter Moose Jaw Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $14,000 I AM DISAPPEARING is a large installation-based sculpture using reclaimed wood beams from the historic Souris Valley Mental Health Hospital in Weyburn, Saskatchewan.
Tweidt, Adam Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $2,000 Seeking funding to explore directing as a mentee during the production of Two Bees The Anger of Ernest and Ernestine.
Weber, Angel Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $4,996 I've been invited to the first special event workshop and exhibition held by the international association for my art form - the International Tsumami-Zaiku Association.
Wensel, Judy Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $16,543 Collaborative exploration and development phase of new interdisciplinary work with visual artist Shaunna Dunn.
Whirligig Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,000 Whirligig Theatre seeks to produce Jean Genet's queer classic, The Maid's, at Divas Nightclub in downtown Saskatoon.
Wilson, Nic Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $6,800 To research and produce a new performance about queer embodiment and history.
Auger, Kristen Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To create editions of hand-pulled, beaded, and woodcut prints that will be a graphical demonstration of my journey of learning nêhiyawêwin (the Cree language).
Badger, Joanne Sturgeon Lake Please Select Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $6,719 To introduce the practice of porcupine quill zig zag stitching to women and men at the Lloyd Johnson Healing Lodge in Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchewan.
Belanger, Maureen Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $15,000 The funds requested are to assist in creating and writing new material for my character "Ernestine and her pet bird Muckatoon"
Bird-Wilson, Lisa Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To attend three writing residency/retreat locations as I research, write, edit, and revise my book-length memoir, Magpie Dreams.
Crowe, Lisa Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $6,000 Funding to assist in the creation of a beaded mens regalia including vest, side drops, arm cuffs, headband, hair ties, neck tie, leggings and moccasins.
Cuthand, Shawn Saskatoon Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $10,031 To produce a comedy web series "That Deadly Cousin," which uses super 8/digital film which focuses on urban Indigenous kinship bonds.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $15,000 Finding courage, embracing Indigenous culture, my new novel. JOE is a vampire but the real killer is alcohol. Mythology and folklore are dominant.
Dufour Bowes, Arnolda Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 A written and/or audiovisual preservation of traditional northern Metis stories and songs.
Favel, Floyd Paynton Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $10,000 To create an artistic book- 60 word lexicon of Plains Indian Sign Language in black and white photos, accompanied by the Cree word or phrase.
Hebert, Dakota Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $14,780 To showcase the hard work and talent of Saskatchewan's Indigenous Comedians in Regina, Saskatoon, Toronto, and Ottawa.
Hebert, Dakota Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $18,000 We want to develop our standup comedy careers by showcasing in Saskatchewan and California, meeting with Industry Professionals, and securing our Social Security Numbers.
Janvier-Dugan, Diane Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $2,000 Quilted a portrait of my newly wed Dene parents in the early 50s. 56" x 82" wall hanging textile art.
Jarrett, Alexandra Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 I will be conceptualizing 50 poems dedicated to the land and nehiyaw language. I will be incorporating political, matriarchal and MMIW elements.
Johnson-Harder, Harmony Prince Albert Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $1,000 To explore different techniques that will create a painting / mixed media image that depicts the connection of Story & Evolution.
Knight, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 I plan to write a rock musical exploring the theme of the integration of indigenous men in a colonial society
McDonald, John Brady Christopher Lake Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $6,820 It will be a series of paintings addressing my personal experiences as a Residential School survivor in the 1980s
Merasty, Marcus Regina Dance Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To deepen my creative process and performance skills through realizing a dance-based performance work informed by traditional Indigenous art practices, choreographed by Robin Poitras.
Moccasin, Ryan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $12,000 This project is to assist me in writing the first two pilot episodes of a TV series called "First Among Equals".
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.