Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Blackett, Tim Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 Revising and rewriting a novel, LOOK MA, IT'S ME, a novel in essays.
Brophey, Erin Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $15,800 Two concerts of selected works by under-performed composers. Titled "Finding Our Place", each concert will explore the inspiration behind each composition.
Bundon, Johanna Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,400
Buttered Ghost Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $18,000 an artist collective co-production of Anne Washburn's Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Play as part of Live Five 21st season.
Cameron, Ian Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 To travel from Regina, Saskatchewan, to St. Paul, Minnesota to learn about mechanical operation and maintenance of the pedal steel guitar.
Campbell, Jesse Prince Albert Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,000 To research, conduct studio visits, and write texts for an exhibition in March 2025 that commemorates the 50th anniversary of George Glenn's residency in P.A.
Chadwick, Madison Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $1,573 With this funding I’d attend the 2024 b12 dance festival in Berlin, a professional development opportunity to attend research workshops taught by international dance artists.
Chan, Marvin Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 This grant will be used to support singer-songwriter Merv xx Gotti in his recently accepted artist residency in Woodstock, NY.
Conly, Bonnie Grasswood Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,500 Honouring women’s resolve: an installation featuring Baba Yaga’s Hut and at least ten large photographs depicting the hut in Saskatchewan locations settled by Ukrainian immigrants.
Cupid's Heart Prince Albert Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,007 Create 5 new original songs during a creative retreat at Anglin Lake.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,053 Weather or not, a personal memoir through poetry (working title). To develop a manuscript of poems which chronicle my experiences under a living sky
derdie Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,050 This workshop introduces ceramic-making techniques and interactive art concepts, culminating in a collaborative miniature golf course installation to explore play and creativity in Winnipeg.
Devine-Tajgardan, Negar Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,290 production, installation and presentation of art works at the above mentioned art centers and provide artist talk and community engagement programs at ARTSPLACE gallery
Dufour Bowes, Arnolda Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $18,000 Apples & Traintracks is a multi-sensory art and short film exhibit based on the history & resiliency of the Road Allowance Metis.
Eger, Ruby Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 The goal to engage in a month long dance training program based in Lucca, Italy.
Erwin, Keisha Spiritwood Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $14,000 This project is to produce a 10-minute film documenting an Indigenous woman’s experiences while evacuating her traditional territory as a wildfire rages on in Saskatchewan.
Eskowich, Graydon Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $17,000 Proposal for the production of the independant short film 'Headstones,' a 15-20 minute dark comedy/drama to be filmed in Saskatchewan in the Summer of 2025.
Fernandez, Cezar Patrick I Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,587 Develop and produce new works for three exhibitions in the Philippines.
Ferraton, Dominique Gravelbourg Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $9,827 To complete first drafts of a 5-part audio piece exploring our relationship with water in Southwestern Saskatchewan.
Feuring, Jared Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $10,000 We are creating a short film 5-7 minutes in length for festival entry and distribution.
Garcia-Luna, Gabriela Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Research of analogue methods and techniques of print making, mark making and paper treatment to incorporate into my works Rivers.
Gronsdahl, Todd Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 This project is to bring curator and gallery director, Dominique Toutant to Saskatoon to visit artist studios and to present a talk.
Gronsdahl, Todd Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,500 To build the installation for exhibit at AKA ARC, which will then function as a workshop for me and the community to to create in.
Gronsdahl, Troy Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $13,000 a creative project that investigates and contemplates the ethics and aesthetics of land-based artistic practice.
Haines, Cat Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $13,200 Produce and present "Towards Liberation," a group exhibition featuring emerging and established Saskatchewan-based trans women artists at a time when our rights are under attack.
Haines, Cat Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 To Engage in the CARFAC Sask Art Writing Mentorship with Nic Wilson to develop Trans Feminist Self Help Zine: Volume 1 (November 2024-May 2025).
Hainsworth, Alexa Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 This Creation Grant supports 3 months of materials and production of textile sculptures, which will be on display at Saskatchewan Craft Council in 2026.
Hambrock, Meredith Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,000 To write a second draft of my literary horror novel about climate change.
Han, Xiao Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,280 To support Xiao Han's multidisciplinary creation on a sound-based performance which reflects the relationship between human, migration, and the environment with the Saskachewan landscape.
Hansen, Yolanda Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,500 A mentorship with an established Saskatchewan poet to learn more about the craft of poetry and work on a full-length collection.
Harpham, Lindsay Tisdale Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,500 To spend time developing a contemporary dance curriculum focusing on floor work, partnering, and injury prevention/cross-training. Used for company, master classes and tour.
Harris, Carla Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 To hold an active reading workshop with disabled actors and a disabled dramaturg as a basis for refining a play about discovering a hidden disability.
Hosaluk, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 New work develops my ceramic practice and brings innovation to sculptural work scheduled for exhibition July 4th, 2024 at the Mann Gallery, in Saskatchewan.
Hueser, Nicole Dalmeny Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $14,000 Abyss within is a short film based on my life about an individual trapped by chronic pain and how it affects them physically and psychologically.
Johnson, Benjamin Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 I intend to create a short story collection centered around queer experience using camp and fabulist modes.
Kirk, Tommy Swift Current Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $500 Production of an original dragon puppet made of paper mache to be used in film and theatre
Klassen, Hilary Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,500 Professional development in the form of mentorship for creative nonfiction book manuscript about a Saskatchewan land conflict, subsequent reconciliation and shared continuing quest for justice.
Klassen, Vanessa Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 This is a 2-part project for which I will create new typeset editions of three selected clarinet works by Canadian composers, then record each one.
Kovach, Jaye Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,500 Complete post-production for The Lovers 2, a short film exploring my trans-for-trans and butch-femme relationship with Cat C. Haines through kink and the everyday.
KSAMB Dance Company Saskatoon Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,054 A cross-discipline collaboration in scored improvisation using integrated dance to express themes of radical empowerment in the face of environmental disaster, performed at Persephone Theatre.
La Marre, Rebecca Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,600 To exhibit ceramic works, and produce a catalogue with a critical essay for presentation at Western Front, Vancouver, in November, 2024.
Larsen, Mitchell Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $10,000 I am applying to fund an extended creation/development phase of a queer, research-inspired production of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie.
Last Birds North Portal Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,000 To write, arrange and rehearse twelve original songs for the full-length album Last Birds plans to record in 2025 and release in 2026
Lebel, Emilie Moose Jaw Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 Write research-based lyrics via workshops and mentorships and compose melodies inspired by nature via the Ableton music software.
Lehner, Katelyn Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,607 This grant would allow me to go on two seperate writing retreats, working alongside co-writers, to create music for my upcoming project.
Leier, Tessa Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $12,247 Filming of a 10-to-15-minute screendance, entitled “ROVER,” which explores what the concept of home is and what it can mean to individuals and society collectively.
Lenko, Timothy Moose Jaw Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To write a collection of musical theatre songs adapting the George MacDonald novel 'The Princess and the Goblin' and contract a composing consultant for coaching.
Littlechief, Teagan Carylyle Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,500 We need grant funding to attend the OSAC Showcase, aiming to secure bookings for the 2025-2026 season and expand our performance opportunities.
Lorer, Danica Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 To continue work on a short story collection "Out Loud, Softly" with the intention of finishing and finding a publisher.
Mabrouk, Rawda Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,890 Explore the paradoxes of an Egyptian woman, bridging trauma of oppression in Egypt to the challenges of life in Canada through tracing movement onto canvas.
Macdonald, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $9,000 Build a touring production of my play IAGO SPEAKS to tour to High Schools students through arts centres across the province in 2024/25.
Maier, Lenore Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,400 This project application will support my continued educational endeavors to learn new percussive styles through formal drum lessons and mentorship from Graham Templeman.
Margoshes, Dave Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $15,000 To write, revise and polish new short stories with an eye to a new collection during an 18-month period starting in January 205.
Mathieu, Veronique Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 Research manuscripts of violin works written by four women composers in Calgary (AB), and Paris (France) in June 2024.
Matyushenko, Valentyna Grandora Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,000 Choreograph and perform the folk ballet of the play by Lesia Ukrainka "The Forest Song".
McCreary, Sara Michelle Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,274 Miniature futurism dioramas blending technology and traditional knowledge and are based on prairie life. They depict climate change impacts and resilience from global nation collaboration.
McDougall, Bradley Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 Rehearse and tour my re-written one man show “Night Sweats” to Regina & Saskatoon Fringe Festivals and Flin Flon & North Battleford.
McFadzean, Credence Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,769 To continue drafting a manuscript of connected stories inspired by American slasher films from the seventies, eighties, and onward.
McGuinty, Mooky Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $9,747 Creation time to script write and production plan 13 episodes of a preschooler and neurodivergent student, screen based educational program
McKenzie, Tiess Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,570 To present three musical events in Saskatoon: An outdoor, interactive soundwalk, a concert of string and piano music, and a concert of electro-acoustic trombone music.
McLeod, Kenn Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 Funds to assist in the writing and workshopping of a new script, "Infinite Jest", by Kenn McLeod. A show incorporating Clown, Shakespeare, and Family.
Mendez, Edward Warman Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,000 I will obtain my Intermediate Actor/Combatant Certification through Fight Director's Canada at The 2024 National Stage Combat Certification Conference in Saskatoon, SK
Mendez, Edward Warman Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,716 I will write a verbatim play based on interviews with first generation and Indigenous Canadians exploring loss of culture and the concept of "Being Canadian"
Meneley, Barbara Val Marie Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $13,724 To develop, document and disseminate my project "Soil."
Nawaz, Zarqa Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,238 Everyone loves to watch a good crime story. But we've never seen a play about mosque heist. I'd like to write that play.
Negraeff, Laura Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $10,000 I will produce & direct Sarah Ruhl’s play about relationships, women’s health, & sexuality, titled “In the Next Room” at Persephone’s Backstage in Saskatoon
Nelson, Josiah Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 To continue to draft and revise poems for a manuscript exploring the interconnectedness of the self and the natural world.
Never Never Shakespeare Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,666 To fund a theatrical production of Twelfth Night through the lens of Queer culture, for presentation in Saskatoon, in January of 2025.
O'Gorman, Kate Sasktatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,095 The artist will attend Sage Hill’s 2024 Fiction Course with a focus on revising part one of a three-part novel-in-progress currently titled The Light Chasers.
Parovsky, Karley Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,770 I will be travelling to Brevard, North Carolina to participate in the auditioned Blue Ridge Fiddle Camp led by Cassey Dreisen and Darol Anger.
Pasqua, Anthony saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 I will research, develop, write and select 6-8 tracks for my album highlighting the modern day struggles and powerful resiliency of First Nations people.
Pedersen, Courtney Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,428 "A Poet's Blouse" will be a series of short videos and accompanying photography, portraying poets and their words through these visual mediums.
Petit, Marcel Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $15,000 To complete footage for a documentary film on local Queer Seniors by interviewing queer non-Indigenous senior citizens & Two-Spirit Indigenous Elders on the Prairies
Pickrell, Jonathon Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,500 Funding to support a dramaturgy cycle and two day workshop for my play "66 No Exit Lane" to prepare it for production.
Prairie Saxophone Initiative North Battleford Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,818 To hold the Canadian premiere of Joseph Lai's new work for 2 saxophones and piano entitled 3 M's of a Union.
Pridmore, Helen Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,238 Presenting a performance of our multimedia musical work "Out Loud" in Regina, to coordinate with performances in Saskatoon and Edmonton
Redding, Katlyn Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,500 Attending the Texas Music Educators' Conference in San Antonio, a premier event showcasing innovative music pedagogy and professional development, advancing excellence in teaching and learning.
Reid, Sonia Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 To train for certification as a NeuroVocal Method® Licensee.
Rewuski, Lindsey Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,440 Support in presentation and transportation of works for first solo exhibition in March 2025 in Yorkton, SK.
Rose, Melanie Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,000 Research, develop and create new work for future production for upcoming exhibitions & workshops in 2025
Rosenwald, Betsy Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 To attend an artist residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Amherst, Virginia.
Rousseau, Marc Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $12,164 Continued creation of my graphic novel 'Death by Hot Dog', to be brought from it's current initial draft to full book completion.
Savage, Candace Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $18,000 I will collaborate with members of the Young Adult Buffalo Lifeways Society to create a nonfiction book about the restoration of buffalo to Indigenous lands.
Scantily Glad Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,000 This project is to remount our outdoor roving interactive performance, "Homebuddies" for presentation at Summerworks Festival from July 30 - August 11th, 2024.
Scott, Tallus Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 Study advanced drum techniques & mentorship career paths for a 6 day period, Jan.15-20, 2025, with renowned drum educator Dave Elitch in Los Angeles, California.
Semko, Jacob Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,555 Expanding traditional fine-art wood block printmaking by developing methods with novel tools and techniques
Silverthorne, Judith Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $10,423 To complete the Walking the Prairies manuscript, an innovative AR fusion of nature photographs, videos, and thought-provoking notes to share as a hand-held visual experience.
Sinclair, Aaron Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $14,000 A multidisciplinary project based on the surreal and abstract experiences an artist has growing up with church, school and a farm in rural Saskatchewan.
Slow Down Molasses Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,500 To write a new suite of songs for Slow Down Molasses, as well as creating supporting video and visual art for the project.
Smith, James Muskoday Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,000 I want to compose, sketch, paint with the use of storyboarding the history of the Cree in our area. This will involve exploring and research.
Solheim, Krista Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 With this Professional Development grant I will attend and complete The Franklin Method 6-month Level 4 long-form training program (June – November 2024).
Soulodre, Lévi Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,500 A complete songwriting session for a full-length, English / French-language 'Ageless Forest 2' organic / electronic music album, in mentorship collaboration with Producer Factor Chandelier.
Spilchen, Danielle Warman Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,583 Our collective will produce and present George F. Walker's Zastrozzi as part of Live Five's 2024-2025 season in November/December of 2024.
St. Pierre, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,922 Continuation of the Sower photographic project from a first-person perspective, using sustainable analog photography as a medium.
Stinn, Cassandra Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,071 Creating an immersive performance experience for the release of my newest work, “Returnings,” my first work for small ensemble.
Stonhouse, David Tuscan Ridge Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,000 an independent curator grant for me to work with 3 artists: mentoring, exploring new work, creating an exhibition, and a writing feature on each artist.
Straker, Jeffery Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 Relocate to the Saskatchewan family farm where I grew up to compose 8-10 songs inspired by place. Songs will be used in performance & recording.
Ternier-Daniels, Betty Cochin Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,052 I propose to complete the first draft of A Clear-Cut Case and to finish a second draft.
Tic Toc TEN Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,239 Tic Toc TEN is a short performance festival (in person and online) featuring a selection of new, multidisciplinary performances by emerging and established Saskatchewan artists.
Tiggelers, Larissa Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,315 I am applying for funding to support the costs associated with attending an artist residency hosted by the University of Lethbridge in Blairmore, Alberta.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.