Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Francis, Jaron Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,750 To rehearse and stage the full-length drama 'Manuscript' by Paul Grellong, performing at the Refinery Arts & Spirit Centre Aug29-Sep1 and Sep5-8, 2019.
Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative Regina Media Arts Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $102,000 For general operating and programming support.
Weyburn Art Gallery Weyburn Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
La Troupe du Jour Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $79,000 For general operating and programming support.
Globe Theatre Society Regina Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $238,930 For general operating and programming support.
On the Boards Staging Company, Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $29,950 For general operating and programming support.
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company Saskatoon Dance Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Sum Theatre Corp. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $30,200 For general operating and programming support.
Station Arts Centre Cooperative Rosthern Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
PAVED Art + New Media Saskatoon Media Arts Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $138,980 For general operating and programming support.
Coteau Books Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $133,620 For general operating and programming support.
Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc. Saskatoon Media Arts Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Dunlop Art Gallery Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $111,800 For general operating and programming support.
Art Gallery of Swift Current Swift Current Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $40,000 For general operating and programming support.
Friends of the Broadway Theatre Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $50,500 For general operating and programming support.
Buffalo Berry Press Inc. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $27,480 For general operating and programming support.
Sage Hill Writing Experience Inc. Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $86,780 For general operating and programming support.
City of North Battleford Galleries North Battleford Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $57,850 For general operating and programming support.
Southwest Cultural Development Group Inc. Swift Current Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Art Gallery of Regina Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $45,580 For general operating and programming support.
Dancing Sky Theatre Inc. Meacham Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $87,940 For general operating and programming support.
AKA Gallery Inc. Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $70,000 For general operating and programming support.
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery Inc. Yorkton Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $49,000 For general operating and programming support.
Thistledown Press Ltd. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $128,840 For general operating and programming support.
Indigenous Peoples Artist Collective of Prince Albert Inc. Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $34,000 For general operating and programming support.
The Mann Art Gallery Inc. Prince Albert Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $63,000 For general operating and programming support.
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc. Regina Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $17,000 For general operating and programming support.
FadaDance Troupe Inc. Regina Dance Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $22,000 For general operating and programming support.
Kenderdine Art Gallery Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $32,760 For general operating and programming support.
Persephone Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $230,000 For general operating and programming support.
Creative City Centre Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Jazz Society Inc. Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $29,950 For general operating and programming support.
Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre Inc. Regina Beach Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Regina Symphony Orchestra Inc. Regina Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $197,440 For general operating and programming support.
Tonight It's Poetry Performance Series Inc. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Opera Association Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $30,000 For general operating and programming support.
J.M. Curtain Razors Inc. Regina Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Remai Modern Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $213,750 For general operating and programming support.
Gordon Tootoosis Nīkānīwin Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $56,500 For general operating and programming support.
Wide Open Theatrical Escapades Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
MacKenzie Art Gallery Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $161,620 For general operating and programming support.
Common Weal Community Arts Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $142,200 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Symphony Society Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $150,000 For general operating and programming support.
Neutral Ground Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $95,000 For general operating and programming support.
Sâkêwêwak First Nations Artists' Collective Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $68,100 For general operating and programming support.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $102,120 For general operating and programming support.
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum Estevan Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $44,000 For general operating and programming support.
New Dance Horizons Inc. Regina Dance Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $82,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $50,640 For general operating and programming support.
Articulate Ink Press Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
JackPine Press Inc. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $23,630 For general operating and programming support.
Winston Knoll Collegiate Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $17,000 For general operating and programming support.
Martin, Monique Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 To continue the touring of my installation based work "Continuous" and "Context is Everything" to 7 different exhibitions, solo and group.
Checkley, Shauna Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,000 My project is a collection of short stories. These are adult level, literary fiction. My collection is an examination of personal decline and redemption.
Romero, Alejandro Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,696 #Sole_Purpose_a_glogal_interpretation_on_Islam is a ten day participatory art installation with components of Islamic culture including dance-performance art, fabric-fiber art, photography, audio-sound-light-projections, and re-purposed objects.
Richter, Jessica Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,326 "Einwanderer" is an installation project in an abandoned farmhouse that explores inter-generational, post-war German-Canadian identity and immigration.
Tucker, Peter Moose Jaw Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,000 “Defined by Otherness” is the creation of a body of work exploring the structure of identity for an upcoming exhibition of sculptural installations.
Bonneau, Devon Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,000 A Devised Theatre Creation project, engaging six Saskatchewan artists, exploring creative/innovative uses of movement, sound, and theatrical technology; and integrating them with traditional performance methods.
Henry, Hugh Swift Current Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 The funds will be used to print and frame 30 photographs and deliver / install prints for exhibition in Maple Creek.
W3APONS Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $12,000 Our project is a 5 month writing period that will include collaborations with notable songwriters John-Angus MacDonald (The Trews) and Clayton Bellamy (The Road Hammers).
Kumar, Madhu Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,800 An adaptation of both new and existing paintings with the use of Augmented Reality and Audio content to create immersive storytelling and deepen audience experience.
Lynch, Rory Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,000 Compose pieces designed to strengthen and diversify my band's repertoire, including a series of blues compositions and several stand-alone pieces.
Worrell, Peggy Swift Current Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 To write a collection of linked short stories with the theme of contemporary rural and urban culture in prairie Canada.
Allard, Mark Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,000 A Graphic Art (graphic novel format) adaptation of the Icelandic saga known as The Saga of the Völsungs.
LaRiviere, David Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,400 Deliver paper at 12th annual Deleuze & Guattari Studies academic camp and conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, and apply research to collaborative project.
Bernbaum, Joel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 To apprentice with Forklift Danceworks' Artistic Director Alison Orr on her new community engaged production of Givens Swims - the culmination of a 3-year residency.
Thurmeier, Tim Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $17,000 To produce a 45-60 minute documentary called The Great Train Reverie, which follows four Saskatchewan musicians who toured Eastern Canada by train.
Bates-Hardy, Courtney Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $1,740 To attend the Sage Hill Summer Poetry Workshop, where I will work on my second poetry manuscript, tentatively titled "The Anatomy of a Monster".
Scarrow, Kristine Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,000 Create a fiction young adult manuscript exploring organ donation and its potential impacts.
Wagner, Bernadette Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,169 To substantially revise and rewrite the mixed-genre manuscript, Unclear Future: Situating Uranium.
Hamel, Madonna Val Marie Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,500 Write 6 months, complete 2nd draft of novel "The Hem of the World' using monologue 'Mother's Apron' as template. All scenes outlined if not finished.
Noel-Maw, Martine Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 To complete my "Will James Triad" by writing a novel based on my play "Dans l’ombre de Will James".
Neufeld, Travis Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $8,000 To support the writing and completion of a Saskatchewan-set feature film screenplay called Wildfire.
Keating, Bridget Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 This application requests financial assistance from the Saskatchewan Arts Board for the development of Culling Season, my second book of poetry.
Queer City Cinema Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $30,000 For general operating and programming support.
Harder, Kristel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,466 To gain the professional skills necessary to develop "EmotionLoss", a comedic cabaret exploring mental health, through two workshops and a mentorship program.
John Arcand Fiddle Fest Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $21,000 For general operating and programming support.
Deaf Crows Collective Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 The project will develop the ASL/English script, puppetry, and ASL poetry, and present a workshop reading of "1000 Ladders Down" with a small ensemble.
Thorn, Elly Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,000 Allan Gilliland will arrange 4 of Elly Thorns original Christmas songs so that she can perform them with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra Christmas 2019.
Normand, Alexis Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 This project is to complete the research, development, and treatment plan for "Sing Me Home" – a 30-minute POV documentary.
Per Sonatori Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $11,504 Per Sonatori will be presenting two concerts as part of their 11th season, as well as workshops for both professional and emerging musicians.
Fortier, Zoe Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,000 This grant will help fund the creative production of Latente, a Mexican-Canadian sound art intervention project produced through two artist-residencies.
Tushabe, Irene Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 A work of literary fiction that explores the moment when a young woman asserts herself outside the religious and cultural limits of her family.
Anderson, Bruce Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 Complete several large format and medium sized oil paintings as the beginning of two new series expanding on the concerns examined in my previous work
Goobie, Beth Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $12,000 To write a collection, titled lookin' for joy, that combines lyrical, narrative poetry with my experiences with spoken word/poetry slams.
Garneau, David Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 To create forty metaphoric still life paintings in which mundane objects are arranged and titled so they evoke complex themes and ideas.
Kuse, Stephanie Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 Developing technical quality and scope of abstract digital video art utilizing natural textures.
Bundon Pfeifer Henderson Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $12,000 A research-based creation term to develop a theatrical installation, influenced by the real life of Peter Tripp.
Ba, Flany Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,000 Intensive Afro-latin dance training program for teachers and performers focusing on styles and techniques difficult to encounter in North America (but widely available in Europe).
Peet, John Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,412 This grant is to cover materials, firings and studio costs, enabling me to development a new body of work for a solo exhibition.
Harder, Kendra Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,500 Along with my librettist collaborator, orchestrating and editing my two chamber operas for future performances in Saskatchewan.
Atkins, Amalie Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $15,500 To create a triple screen film installation for a confirmed solo exhibition at the Remai Modern opening April 5, 2019
Penner, John J Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,000 The project entails the exploration and applicaiton of digital technology to the historic process of carbon printing.
Goodwyn, Amber Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $17,110 We are seeking funding for the collaborative production of an episodic experimental feminist science fiction musical called Porous (working title).
Froese, Robert Moose Jaw Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $15,000 Production of ceramic and wood installation work based on material and musical composition/improvisation for exhibition at the Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery, February 2020.
Pooyak, Roberto Saskatoon Music Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 15-17 Track Reggae & Hip Hop album following two previously released albums.
Rosie & the Riveters Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 This project is to write 60 new songs, the best 12 of which will be recorded on Rosie & the Riveters’ next album.
Burnt Thicket Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 Script development & world premiere production of My Own Personal Jesus? by Tim Bratton
Epp, Carole Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,771 This grant covers the creation of a new body of politically themed functional ceramics and includes a one month residency at the Archie Bray Foundation.
Lavoy, Landon Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,473 The Year Long Ukrainian Dance Immersion Program allows dancers to spend a year in Ukraine training and performing with five unique, professional Ukrainian Dance ensembles.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.