Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Pocha, Michael Lloydminster Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 Children's book 'Junior Paranormal Investigators' about the Dene legend of the Skinwalker. Set within Cold Lake First Nation where many Dene legends are explored.
Redding, Katlyn Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,500 Attending the Texas Music Educators' Conference in San Antonio, a premier event showcasing innovative music pedagogy and professional development, advancing excellence in teaching and learning.
Ruep, Jill Torquay Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $6,440 "Ma Fii Lii Rasaad" is a software application promoting Indigenous beading education, preserving Indigenous culture, and celebrating artistry through accessible tutorials and resources.
Biggar Old Time Music Festival Committee Biggar Music SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $8,000 A three-day professional music festival celebrating and revitalizing the cultural, historic, and artistic nature of Old Time Music and Dance in rural Saskatchewan.
Rose, Melanie Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,000 Research, develop and create new work for future production for upcoming exhibitions & workshops in 2025
Feuring, Jared Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $10,000 We are creating a short film 5-7 minutes in length for festival entry and distribution.
Cathedral Area Community Association Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $8,000 We are seeking support for the 34th edition of our Cathedral Village Art Festival to be held in Cathedral at the end of May.
Semko, Jacob Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,555 Expanding traditional fine-art wood block printmaking by developing methods with novel tools and techniques
Gronsdahl, Todd Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,500 To build the installation for exhibit at AKA ARC, which will then function as a workshop for me and the community to to create in.
All-Terrain Theatre Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,769 For All-Terrain Theatre I will produce and direct my play, Lyudmila Times Three: A Play for Peace, for Tic Toc Ten Festival .
Chan, Marvin Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 This grant will be used to support singer-songwriter Merv xx Gotti in his recently accepted artist residency in Woodstock, NY.
Alpha Kids Crew Saskatoon Dance SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 Game Theory is a free community festival showcasing live deejays, street dance performances, cyphers, and Breakin' battles with its seventh edition focusing on bgirls.
Tootoosis, Lovina Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $7,500 my debut music project as a solo artist produced by Connor Seidel
Saskatchewan Jewish Arts Festival Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 To produce the second Saskatchewan Jewish Arts Festival, celebrating Saskatchewan Jewish Artists in theatre, music, visual art and film.
Live Five Theatre Inc. Saskatoon Theatre SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 We are seeking funding for our twenty first series of Live Five Independent Theatre in Saskatoon.
Margoshes, Dave Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $15,000 To write, revise and polish new short stories with an eye to a new collection during an 18-month period starting in January 205.
Wallace-Lewis, Teiji Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,000 To collaboratively re/search the colonial entanglements between an Indigenous + settler family photographic album and reconstruct their contents into a body of work.
Ba, Flany Regina Dance Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 Space rental for recording and practice Kizomba, ensuring continuity in artistic creation after unexpected studio loss.
KSAMB Dance Company Saskatoon Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,054 A cross-discipline collaboration in scored improvisation using integrated dance to express themes of radical empowerment in the face of environmental disaster, performed at Persephone Theatre.
Dubois, Emily Regina Music Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 I want to receive professional instruction in order to make myself a better performer and a better teacher on the fiddle!
Farrell, Jacob Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 Travel grant to attend the 2024 Reelworld Film Festival in Toronto and exhibit my debut feature film "8th Street Menace" at its festival premiere
Smith, James Muskoday Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,000 I want to compose, sketch, paint with the use of storyboarding the history of the Cree in our area. This will involve exploring and research.
Stonhouse, David Tuscan Ridge Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,000 an independent curator grant for me to work with 3 artists: mentoring, exploring new work, creating an exhibition, and a writing feature on each artist.
Petit, Marcel Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $15,000 To complete footage for a documentary film on local Queer Seniors by interviewing queer non-Indigenous senior citizens & Two-Spirit Indigenous Elders on the Prairies
Larsen, Mitchell Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $10,000 I am applying to fund an extended creation/development phase of a queer, research-inspired production of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie.
Dufour Bowes, Arnolda Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $18,000 Apples & Traintracks is a multi-sensory art and short film exhibit based on the history & resiliency of the Road Allowance Metis.
Rousseau, Marc Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $12,164 Continued creation of my graphic novel 'Death by Hot Dog', to be brought from it's current initial draft to full book completion.
Abbott, Mika Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 Seeking professional development through a residency, 1:1 instruction, workshops that will support my artistic growth while developing a photography-based project exploring space and class.
Scott, Tallus Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 Study advanced drum techniques & mentorship career paths for a 6 day period, Jan.15-20, 2025, with renowned drum educator Dave Elitch in Los Angeles, California.
Leier, Tessa Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $12,247 Filming of a 10-to-15-minute screendance, entitled “ROVER,” which explores what the concept of home is and what it can mean to individuals and society collectively.
Buttered Ghost Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $18,000 an artist collective co-production of Anne Washburn's Mr. Burns: A Post Electric Play as part of Live Five 21st season.
Marchand, Laureen Val Marie Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 Attend a residency October 25 to November 8 where I will focus on my current project, reset my practice, and connect with other artists.
Wecker, Sabine Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $848 Presenting my MFA thesis exhibition at this year’s UAAC conference in London, Ontario at the panel “Left in the Dark” chaired by Anna O’Meara.
One Take Super 8 Event Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $5,000 This project will help artists create and exhibit 25 new films as part of the annual OTS8 film event dedicated to developing filmmakers in Saskatchewan.
Anderson, Charles Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,000 I'm seeking funding to complete a short story collection entitled Naked in a Graveyard.
Outlook & District Heritage Museum outlook Music SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $8,000 Our festival takes place outside, we want to create a safe place for our performers and community members to come together.
Pridmore, Helen Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,238 Presenting a performance of our multimedia musical work "Out Loud" in Regina, to coordinate with performances in Saskatoon and Edmonton
Rewuski, Lindsey Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,440 Support in presentation and transportation of works for first solo exhibition in March 2025 in Yorkton, SK.
Nelson, Josiah Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 To continue to draft and revise poems for a manuscript exploring the interconnectedness of the self and the natural world.
Slow Down Molasses Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,500 To write a new suite of songs for Slow Down Molasses, as well as creating supporting video and visual art for the project.
Reid, Sonia Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,000 To train for certification as a NeuroVocal Method® Licensee.
Wecker, Sabine Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Re-Orientation Space after Grad School
Northern Saskatchewan International Children's Festival Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,260 We would like to attend the Festival and Event Management Masterclass for professional development of our staff.
Bellefleur, Stephanie
Qu'Appelle Valley Friedship Centre Inc
Willow Bunch Visual Artists in Communities 2024-2025 $9,700 Friendship Centre inclusive contemporary indoor mural, facilitating mentorship related to themes of; Nature, Mental Health and Community Civic Pride.
Write Out Loud Poetry Saskatoon Literary SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $8,000 We will administrate a 4 day youth poetry festival in Saskatoon at The Remai Modern through showcases, workshops and community building events.
Matyushenko, Valentyna Grandora Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,000 Choreograph and perform the folk ballet of the play by Lesia Ukrainka "The Forest Song".
Kovach, Jaye Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,500 Complete post-production for The Lovers 2, a short film exploring my trans-for-trans and butch-femme relationship with Cat C. Haines through kink and the everyday.
BTWN Magazine Saskatoon Literary Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,706 To complete an end-of-year print run and subsequent virtual launch of Issue 2, Volumes 1-3 of BTWN Magazine. Printed at Saskatoon’s Globe Printers.
Lebel, Emilie Moose Jaw Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 Write research-based lyrics via workshops and mentorships and compose melodies inspired by nature via the Ableton music software.
Desjarlais, Jeromy Lestock Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,705 I'm creating a 10 part documentary series, in each episode I will show different problems we face as First Nations 1. mmiw 2. residential
Lenko, Timothy Moose Jaw Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To write a collection of musical theatre songs adapting the George MacDonald novel 'The Princess and the Goblin' and contract a composing consultant for coaching.
Fernandez, Cezar Patrick I Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,587 Develop and produce new works for three exhibitions in the Philippines.
Prairie Sky School
Miriam Körner
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $5,872 This project is for students to collaboratively write, illustrate, and photograph two multi-media stories, inspired by the works of author/illustrator Miriam Korner.
Mendez, Edward Warman Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,716 I will write a verbatim play based on interviews with first generation and Indigenous Canadians exploring loss of culture and the concept of "Being Canadian"
Straker, Jeffery Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $4,000 Relocate to the Saskatchewan family farm where I grew up to compose 8-10 songs inspired by place. Songs will be used in performance & recording.
Black Professionals and Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $5,725 Our festival is a multidisciplinary festival celebrating Black culture in Saskatchewan through music, fashion, and educational initiatives, fostering intercultural understanding and community engagement.
Garcia-Luna, Gabriela Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Research of analogue methods and techniques of print making, mark making and paper treatment to incorporate into my works Rivers.
St. Pierre, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $11,922 Continuation of the Sower photographic project from a first-person perspective, using sustainable analog photography as a medium.
Welbourne, Jordan Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $5,800 The composition and recording of Ukrainian choral arrangements, musical theatre pieces, country songs, as well as Ukrainian-influenced contemporary songs.
McLeod, Kenn Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $7,500 Funds to assist in the writing and workshopping of a new script, "Infinite Jest", by Kenn McLeod. A show incorporating Clown, Shakespeare, and Family.
It's Not a Box Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To co-produce, co-direct, and co-design a production of Overhear as a performance and an installation in Taiwan with producing partner Performosa Theatre.
Baird, Gavin Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $6,000 This grant is to help fund the post-production of the horror short film, KLEE.
Holophon Audio Arts Regina Media Arts SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $5,000 To host the second annual Wavefield sound art festival running from September 26th to September 27th, 2025.
Harmony Arts Program
JanLaree Denbigh
Moose Jaw Theatre Artists in Communities 2024-2025 $15,000 Harmony Arts Program will produce a musical theatre production for adults and children to enhance community reducing any financial barrier to participation.
Moore, Tim Shellbrook Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $18,000 Develop ideas around theme of erasure - reimagining scrip in a conceptual art form and exhibiting“Remainder,” survey of my work over the last 20 years.
Anderson, Skyler Regina Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $8,000 To support the writing and presentation of a performance based on a difficult time of my life where I was saved by ceremony.
Anderson, Darryl Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $10,262 I will be working with award winning Bart Mckay Studio to write 2 new songs and with Skull Creek Studios to write 3 new songs.
Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 20th Edition International Francophone Film Festival of Saskatoon CINERGIE
Angus, Meagan Turtleford Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $1,000 To create multiple cosplay costumes inspired by my Indigenous background for Tik Tok content and for future cosplay conventions.
Wiebe Works Creative Productions Inc. Langham Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $5,725 Art in The Garden Festival: An annual celebration of Saskatchewan art and music, featuring local performers, artisans, and interactive experiences, fostering community and creative expression.
Regina Blues Association Regina Music SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 The 30th Annual Mid-Winter Blues Festival features both MainStage and free live blues events throughout Regina. We feature diverse local, national and international performers.
Martineau, Andrea Regina Literary Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $916 I plan to participate in two virtual bookbinding/bookmaking educational opportunities to later apply that knowledge to two personal chapbook-length poetry projects.
City of Prince Albert
Jesse Campbell
Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2024-2025 $15,300 Through peer support, curatorial guidance, and professional development, we continually develop artists' capacities to build long-term community arts programming & projects for marginalized or underserved groups.
Colette Bourgonje School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $15,600 A multi-media residency exploring the intersection of science and art-offering students an opportunity to observe and participate in the artistic process of documenting findings.
Kitchen Party Music, Inc. Forget Music SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $8,000 Kitchen Fest: A series of 8 inter-ractive evening concerts over two weeks presenting Saskatchewan musicians collaborating with professional musicians from across Canada and the World.
Dufour Bowes, Arnolda Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $11,000 Apples & Traintracks is a multi-sensory art and short film exhibit based on the history & resiliency of the Road Allowance Metis.
33 Central School
Brianna LaPlante
Fillmore Visual Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $10,225 Instruction in visual art for K-12 students from an Indigenous Artist with Elder support culminating in installation of Indigenous art (mural) at 33 Central School
Unheard Sound Collective Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 To present the 12th edition of Sounds Like: An Audio Festival in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, October 3rd-5th, 2025.
Flamenco Borealis Saskatoon Dance SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 Production and presentation of the 2025 Borealis Flamenco Festival Series consisting of two shows, a film screening, and various workshops.
Afro Tribes Festival Incorporated Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 The 2025 Afro Tribes Festival grant proposal seeks support to celebrate African heritage, promote cultural exchange, and empower youth through arts, performances, and community engagement.
Peeteetuce, Curtis Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 wâpikwaniy, a vignette community production, is inspired by the history of Indigenous-Ukrainian relations in Saskatchewan and intended for production in 2025.
Wilson, Katie Regina Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $1,993 1-month of preceding or support phase (Monday, January 6 - February 14, 2025) in composition, arrangement, and rehearsal of demo single “Didn't Ask”.
Krause, Elena Regina Literary Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 I've been invited to Denver to participate in Reading Den and attend a reception at the Center for the Arts Evergreen.
Kennedy, Teesha Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $6,600 My grant proposal seeks to create a triptych of Métis portraits, celebrating traditional, modern, and future Indigenous perspectives for a solo exhibition.
Brass, Philip Balcarres Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 Pipe Stone carving youth mentorship opportunity at Community and School Chief Payepot, First Nation.
Regina Jazz Society Corp. Regina Music SaskFestivals 2024-2025 $7,000 JazzFest Regina 2025 celebrates our 17th annual jazz festival fun events announcing & ushering in summer in Regina and Southern Saskatchewan.
Morning Owl, Raistlin Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 Raistlin Morning Owl will create an Indigenous-themed rap album, incorporating community workshops and performances, focused on empowering youth through music and storytelling.
Smith, James Muskoday Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $18,000 I will paint 6 large pieces of acrylic works on canvas. They will be done in abstract/expressionism style. Realims/Geometric.
Robinson, Fiji Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $12,000 The creation of a “documentary in a book” about gay icons Douglas Wilson and Peter McGehee, stylishly designed with memories, lyrics, photos, and media moments!
Roelens, Diana Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $692 To partially cover my share of material costs for a large-scale, collaborative body of work with Cristine Andrew Stuckel for a confirmed exhibition in 2025
Young, Lyndsay Muskoday Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $1,000 I would like to paint and draw a few illustrations and or works for the community to showcase my art.
Dr. Brass School
Terrance Littletent
Yorkton Dance Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $15,643 Establish a Pow Wow group within our school to foster a sense of belonging and community for all students.
Das, Mohana Regina Dance Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 I am selected to perform at the biggest festival "North American Bengali Conference" at Toronto on 4th, 5th and 6th July, 2025.
Andrew Stuckel, Cristine Grandora Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $692 To partially cover my share of material costs for a large-scale, collaborative body of work with Diana Roelens for a confirmed exhibition in 2025.
Southwest Cultural Development Group Inc. Swift Current Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Host four performances of "Leave it to Weavers" by Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre
Mookerjee, Abhiroop Saskatoon Dance Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $1,000 Compete as an invited guest participant at the Calgary Hip-Hop and Street Dance Festival, while also attending street dance workshops led by pioneers of hip-hop.
La Ronge Arts Council Corp. La Ronge Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 The La Ronge Arts Council seeks to create an Art Gallery at the Alex Robertson Public Library to show local and OSAC artwork publicly.
Ecole River Heights School
Kevin Pee-ace
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $6,160 We aim to create an exploratory experience guided by Kevin Pee-ace for our student to express interpretations and perceptions of land and the treaty relationship.
Campus Regina Public
Joely Bigeagle-Kequahtooway
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $10,000 The collaborative art piece created from a buffalo hide will be displayed in the cultural classroom and will reflect students learning and connection with land.
Paivand-Iranian Canadian Society for Cultural Dialogue Inc
Yasaman Tarighatmanesh
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2024-2025 $15,000 International Women's Day 2025: Power of women for peace and collective liberation; through the eyes of women impacted by the cruelty and horror of war
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.