Access Copyright Foundation Grants

The Access Copyright Foundation provides grants to publishers, individual creators, and publishing, writing, and visual arts organizations.


  • Events Grants: November 1
  • Marian Hebb Research Grants: February 15
  • Professional Development Grants: April 1

Read More: Access Copyright Foundation Grants

Guidelines Apply

Artists in Communities

Artists in Communities - Development provides small amounts of funding to organizations and/or professional artists or arts professionals to build relationships with potential partners, develop projects or residencies, and/or research community needs.

Artists in Communities - Projects allows eligible applicants to engage in the arts through performances, exhibitions or workshops led by a professional artist(s) or arts professional, and presented either as a series or as a single event and/or to work with an artist in the research and development of an artistic residency.

Artists in Communities - Residencies supports community organizations to host a six- to 12-month artist-in-residence project with a professional artist, working in any art form, that involves significant community engagement components. Participating artists take up residence in a community contribute to its cultural life and the community's continual engagement in the arts.


  • Development: June 5 and December 5 
  • Projects: March 5 and November 5
  • Residencies: March 5

Read More: Artists in Communities

Guidelines Apply

Artists in Schools

Artists in Schools offers schools a chance to enhance arts-related activities that are linked to educational outcomes through partnerships with professional artists. The aim of the program is to expand access to meaningful artistic activities, increase student engagement in learning, cultivate cross-disciplinary learning skills and attitudes, and foster a lifelong interest in the arts.


  • Development: February 5 and September 5
  • Projects: April 5 and November 5
  • Residencies: April 5 and November 5

Read More: Artists in Schools

Guidelines Apply

Building Arts Equity: BPOC Program

The Building Arts Equity: BPOC Program seeks to increase accessibility and connections to arts and cultural resources by people of colour, specifically African, Black, Asian, Latin American, Caribbean, and Middle Eastern descent (BPOC), by:

  • supporting BPOC artists to create and develop new work within traditional, contemporary, and non-traditional art forms;
  • providing opportunities for Saskatchewan BPOC artists to connect with their own and broader communities;
  • supporting sharing of BPOC artistic knowledge and cultural practices within traditional, contemporary, and non-traditional art forms across generations; and
  • supporting the priorities of equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility held by SK Arts and our program partners, SaskCulture and the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan.


  • July 15, 2024
  • November 15, 2024
  • May 15, 2025
  • November 15, 2025

Read More: Building Arts Equity: BPOC Program

Guidelines Apply

Independent Artists

The Independent Artists program supports Saskatchewan artists to pursue their creative work and careers by funding creative, professional development, or research projects, and the production and/or presentation of artistic works.


  • March 15 and October 1

Read More: Independent Artists

Guidelines Apply

Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists

The Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists program supports the development and continuation of Indigenous Peoples' art forms in Saskatchewan.


  • April 15 and October 15

Read More: Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists

Guidelines Apply

Micro-Grant Program

The Micro-Grant Program provides support to professional artists and arts organizations to achieve outcomes that respond to emergent needs; create access for first-time and underserved applicants; contribute to professional practice and development; and advance the professional arts and artistic practices in Saskatchewan.


The deadline for applications is the first day of each month. You can start an application on the eleventh day of each month preceding the deadline (e.g., May 1 deadline, applications accepted as of April 11).

Read More: Micro-Grant Program

Guidelines Apply

Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts

The Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts Awards Program provides financial assistance to Saskatchewan artists to create or develop new work or work in progress.

In 2020, the Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts will be administering its own awards. Full application materials should be available by the fall at

Share and Connect: Indigenous Community Arts

The Share and Connect: Indigenous Community Arts program seeks to empower Indigenous communities to control and develop their own arts and culture. It promotes resilience and healing by:

  • Sharing Indigenous arts and cultural revitalization within Indigenous communities and with broader communities;
  • Increasing the intergenerational transfer of Indigenous artistic knowledge and cultural practices within contemporary, traditional, and non-traditional art forms;
  • Promoting Truth and Reconciliation in non-Indigenous communities through exposure to these projects and this work; and
  • Aligning with the mandate and strategic priorities of SK Arts and our program partners.


  • January 7 and June 7

Read More: Share and Connect: Indigenous Community Arts

Guidelines Apply

Photo credit: Amber Goodwin, aka Natural Sympathies. Photo by Gina Brass.