Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Canadian Light Source Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $500 Bison Herstory begins initial collaborating, transcribing the untold story about First Nation and Metis relationships between Bison and the women who saved them from extinction.
CARFAC Saskatchewan
Clint Neufeld
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $43,500 We propose an artist residency where Travelling Mentor Clint Neufeld offers critical engagement, professional development opportunities, and expanded community for artists working in rural Saskatchewan.
Centre Francophone BDS Bellevue Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 To discover through community consultations, research, and project planning how to bring music back to our communities.
Centre Francophone BDS
Alexis Normand
Bellevue Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 To start a youth choir who will perform three songs in French for “Les rendez-vous de la francophonie” and host Café Culture gatherings in Bellevue/St.Louis/Domrémy.
City of Prince Albert Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 This development project would determine the interest and readiness for Artist in Residence projects in Prince Albert for the next 1-3 years.
City of Prince Albert Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 To contract Jesse Campbell as a Curator for Artists in Community project coordination in Prince Albert.
Common Weal Community Arts Inc.
Eliza Mary Doyle
Regina Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $46,500 Community Arts Mentorship Programming that engages community in music for self-expression/healing/reconciliation with intent on identifying, training and mentoring community members for future community program facilitation.
Creighton Community School
Karen Clark
Creighton Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $7,356 This school led program will provide opportunities for youth and parents to experience visual arts and gain knowledge of traditional Cree teachings, values,
Doyle, Eliza Mary Asquith Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Consult with First Nations Artists and Trauma Counsellors to develop an Artist-In-Residency/Workshop Training Course to educate artists in program delivery from a trauma-informed culturally-sensitive perspective.
Doyle, Eliza Mary
Girls Rock Camp Saskatoon
Asquith Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Providing continued opportunity for female empowerment by building local capacity through strengthening, mentoring and expanding the Girls Rock Saskatoon program to under-served/remote communities in Saskatchewan.
Ferguson, Louisa Meacham Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Ecological Restorative Art project is a site specific art installation designed and executed in collaboration with community members and The Meewasin Valley Authority.
Gauvin, Vanessa
Camp Shagabec Committee
Swift Current Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $5,144 In partnership with Camp Shagabec, this project creates a dedicated youth music program, serving the Cypress Hills and area
Goretzky, Barbara
Town of Lumsden
Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 To start the first stage of a large mural at the museum, depicting the settlement of the area, beginning with Indigenous people to the present.
Jack Millikin Centre, Inc. Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 1. Bring together emerging artistic blacksmiths to explore the transmission of sound through metal. 2. Explore concept of permanent, four-season blacksmith facility at Ness Creek.
La Marre, Rebecca
North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Inc.
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Artist Rebecca La Marre proposes to both collaborate with and provide artistic programming to clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre.
Larsen, Mitchell Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 We will communicate with the above organizations to develop arts-based community wellness workshops with remote delivery options.
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc.
Judy Wensel
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $20,000 LTD' Artists and Judy Wensel will support creative community members with disabilities in an online-focused exploration of Caryl Churchill's play, Love and Information.
Mathieu, Veronique
Saskatoon Public Library
Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Present six free interactive and educational concerts involving different musical traditions at Frances Morrison Public Library (Saskatoon) and in North Battleford .
Muskoday First Nation Community School Muskoday Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 We want to meet and become familiar with processes of artists that will carry out future activities for our upcoming Artists in Communities- Residencies grant.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 This project consists of a partnership with artist/architect Jason Surkan, Oxbow Architecture, Nuit Blanche Saskatoon to facilitate youth workshops in digital design and fabrication.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc.
Jason Surkan
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 This project engages youth to create an installation that explores how the rhythms and patterns of Métis tectonics can be translated through contemporary architectural design.
Phillips, Geoff
Southwestern Saskatchewan Oldtimers' Museum Inc.
Maple Creek Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 The next generation of Agribusiness will benefit from learning how technology is impacting their trade through targeted art workshops inspired by local ranching history.
Saskatoon Open Door Society Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Establish a body to research and coordinate artistic programming in partnership with Saskatoon Open Door Society.
Saskatoon Youth Jazz Orchestra Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 SYJO will collaborate and record with guest artist Joel Grundahl as a mentoring opportunity for current SYJO members and to generate future engagement.
Stonhouse, David
Bridges Art Movement
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $6,408 Artist David Stonhouse is working with newcomer youth from Open Door Society to learn and create artwork that will lead to an exhibition at BAM
Sum Theatre Corp.
Pleasant Hill Community Association
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $20,000 An artistic inquiry process developed in the Pleasant Hill community, culminating in a documentary play.
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity Inc. Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Exploring the need and interest of drag performance development in Regina
Wasteste, Angelo Fort Qu'appelle Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Purchase pro audio recording equipment to record traditional Dakota songs (wars songs, pow-wow, kahomanie, spiritual) and Dakota oral stories for preservation of language.
Wildeman, Tatum
Father Megret High School
Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Utilizing dance to strengthen Indigenous youths' knowledge and connection to their language and culture while improving their sense of mental wellness.
YWCA Regina
Joely Bigeagle-Kequahtooway
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Brain tanned buffalo hide will used to create art work that will commemorate MMIWG2S+ families loved ones.
Balfour Collegiate - Balfour Arts Collective
Tessa Kuz
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $10,000 “Who Am I?” is designed to impact young people as they investigate, represent, express and embrace empowered self-identity through the arts.
Bishop James Mahoney High School
Cate Francis
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $10,000 Project grant to work with Health Science Academy students to create collaborative murals at BJM as well as a scientifically focused public art campaign.
Bradley, Bevin Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 Through three workshops students will learn to communicate, and to develop abstract thought through their art, and be invited to talk about their art one-on-one.
Buena Vista School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $500 Together with the Community Association, Home and School and SCC we want to have the students of BV create a mural on the rink boards.
Dene High School
Tenille Campbell
La Loche Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $20,000 We will build the capacity of Dene youth to express themselves musically, in written word story building and through visual imaging of photography.
Dr. Brass School Yorkton Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 Saskatchewan Artist, Kevin Peaace, will come to Dr. Brass School to create classroom murals in his style of painting. *No volunteers due to COVID.
Dureault, Mitchell
Minahik Waskahigan Elementary School
Wolseley Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $10,000 Bring a music educator into our Northern community to rejuvenate lost culture, strengthen intergenerational connections, teach music to youth and build local capacity through mentorship.
E.S. Laird Middle School Lloydminster Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 Work with local elders and drummers to create a sustainable pow wow and round dance drum group for young men in Lloydminster.
Eagle's Nest Youth Ranch Prince Albert Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $500 We would like to showcase our student's stories through their lens as artists. We would end up with a magazine they can share.
Ecole Dundonald School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 We would like to work with an artist to develop an Artists in Schools Project for Fall 2021 focused on the theme of connection.
Ecole St. Pius X
Chancz Perry
Regina Dance Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $20,000 Artists Chancz Perry and Ashley Johnson will develop innovative programming in kindergarten classrooms focusing on cross-curriculum, self-regulation, and cross-cultural learning experiences, through dance and music.
Lipton School
Holly Yuzicapi
Lipton Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $2,210 We have asked Holly Yuzicappi to provide a introduction to Indigenous art and natural materials to our grade 7-9 students.
Loreburn Central School Loreburn Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 To develop drumming as part of the music in class, and potentially have a group for students to take part in outside of class time.
Lumsden High School Lumsden Literary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 Author visits to explore the power of reading and writing fiction to help us to better understand our world outside and within.
Macza, Jason Saskatoon Media Arts Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 Introduce the 12 rules of animation, (basic film theory) storytelling. These principles add strength to multi media and inclusion. To Test enthusiasm for future projects.
Marsolais, Tal Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $890 An artist-school collaboration to assess the potential for professional artists to support learning outcomes and youth activism by inspiring, teaching, and engaging students through art.
McKenzie, Tyrone Saskatoon Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 High school bands in two communities: Engage students in conversations to develop a new composition. Provide workshops, partnering with students to develop a virtual concert.
Normand, Alexis
Ecole Notre-Dame-des-Vertus
Saskatoon Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $10,000 This project is to carry out a rock camp with students who will learn and perform songs in French about Zénon Park.
Oxbow Prairie Horizons School Oxbow Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,166 Artist Terri Fidelak will work alongside Oxbow Prairie Horizons School to design a longer-term project involving a large interactive 2D/3D-relief artwork for Oxbow’s Main Street.
Prairie Sky School
Holly Yuzicapi
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $20,000 Students will learn some traditional indigenous beading techniques, and prepare a spring cultural festival that includes display and demonstration of beading, powwow dancing, and songwriting.
Prairie Valley School Division #208 Regina Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 The aim is to introduce First Nation singing to students (gr. 6-12) utilizing local resources and proven champion singers.
Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 To partner a playwright with a high school class to develop new playwrighting techniques
St. Michael Community School
Karrnnel Sawitsky
Saskatoon Music Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $40,000 In reconciliation, St. Michael Community School will collaborate with Metis Knowledge Keepers, elders, fiddlers to explore the relationship of music, cultural identity and colonization.
Sylvia Fedoruk Elementary School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $500 A class field trip to SCYAP art gallery and art centre to learn about their activism in the Saskatoon community based on Saskatchewan curriculum.
Turtleford Community School Turtleford Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 Students will be exposed to nature and First Nations art and storytelling. They will produce art based on their experience.
Yorkton Regional High School Yorkton Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,000 To initiate a pilot ceramic program at the YRHS with SK Artist- Marea Olafson collaborating with art teacher Jana Martinuk supporting the Art Curriculum.
Alvarez, Kris Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,410 Acknowledgement is a creative response to the impact that my current work of opening up about race has had on me.
Baerwaldt, Wayne Assiniboia Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $16,116 To conduct original research, develop curatorial premises, write critical essays and deliver art exhibitions in Saskatchewan and abroad
Bates, Steve Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,400 To create an environmentally sensitive listening station and exhibition site from my home. Artworks will be exhibited from the same site and streamed online.
Battie, Kyath Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,000 To research the creation of multiple fictional landscapes by unifying 16mm colour film imagery and digital editing techniques.
Belarmino, Jimuel Weyburn Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will explore themes (acculturation, social class, identity) that will inform my work to create body of work for my first solo exhibition in 2023.
Bennett, Andrew Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,250 To write new experimental-electronic works from March 1st until June 30th, 2021.
Benning, Heather Swift Current Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,116 To create large scale installation sculpture "Winter Sleep" to exhibit at the 2020 Biennial of Contemporary Art at the Remai Modern.
Berglund, Blake Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,000 Four months of deep focused music creation inspired by the rural Saskatchewan experience and greater thematic narratives.
Berglund, Melanie Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,000 To write songs for a new album and conceptualize the videos, photos, on-stage patter, images, etc that relate to the music.
Bérubé, Annie Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will present a new series of work about abandoned buildings and their inner stories at CAVA in Edmonton in February 2021.
Billingsley, Alyssa Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,000 Integrating musical and physical theatre practices while developing a one-person show at the Manitoulin Conservatory of Creation and Performance.
Bluemke, Cat Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 GAN of Living Skies is a project that spans machine learning, video, and installation work.
Brochu Lambert, Anne Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,577 To create a multimedia triptych installation that integrates a motion activated soundscape, celebrating the close relationships and creative voices of four generations of Francophone women.
Bundon Pfeifer Henderson Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $12,963 Support for a 3-month work term, for the continued creation of 'Untitled Peter Tripp Project'.
Bundon, Johanna Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $3,316 Three-week solo research period to consider the Feldenkrais Method ® in relationship to solo contemporary dance practice and ongoing movement training and teaching.
Burnt Thicket Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $17,000 Develop the script and music of the musical Breathe by Sienna Holden and produce the world premiere in Saskatoon
Cameron, Ian Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,000 In the time of COVID-19, what is a performing/recording artist to do? Learn and practice. I'll use the grant for lessons and paid rehearsal time.
Campos, Yulissa Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,483 Script development of the new play "The Newcomer" by Yulissa Campos
Carroll, Jonathan Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,000 Gridlocked is an augmented reality project about the history technology and how it changes our relationship to land.
Claxton, Mark Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,000 A Regina remount of xTasis Screen/Stage's production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, by Edward Albee, which was presented in Saskatoon in autumn of 2019.
Dale, Danielle Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,500 An exploration of food in the post-Anthropocene through sculpture and photography.
Dawson, Michael Estevan Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $3,000 To write and arrange songs for a new album and conceptualize accompanying videos, design, visuals, and photos related to the release and live performance.
Doyle, Eliza Mary Asquith Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $11,500 Music-collaboration with professional-musician Kiera Dall'Osto to inspire/complete/infuse fresh music ideas; proceed to workshop album material in Nashville before recording new full-length album.
Dumont Walker, Dawn Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $15,000 To outline and write a novel in supernatural genre about a woman who is possessed by the spirit of a deceased cop and a cow.
Erickson, Craig Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,515 New body of paintings based on a series of camping research trips across Saskatchewan and Alberta in 2021
Feheregyhazi, Andrei Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,100 I'm looking for time to create an animated film that will be presented in the form of an augmented reality picture book.
Fidelak, Terri Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $17,000 Creation of new, large scale, sculptural installation, with exploration of performative elements, occurring from November 2020 to October 2021.
Fornwald & Wilson Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,900 We are working as a duo to produce an installation of 50 flags and wallpaper for the Alberta Biennial at the Remai Modern in Saskatoon.
Fournier, Lauren Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,188 Incredible, Instant Adoring Father is a single-channel video that uses performance for camera and humour to "heal" the world's daddy issues in an apocalyptic time.
Friday, Kristi Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $3,931 Kristi Friday and Nathan Coppens are working together to create a Video by combining Kristi's illustrations and written prose and Nathan's composed music with narration.
Friesen Reed, Tricia Yorkton Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,750 I am planning to revise and add to a collection of creative nonfiction essays titled, "A Field Guide to Travelling Home".
Gan, Jelly Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,500 Collaborative experimental video combining performance art, visual design, ambient music composition, and projections.
Garez, Simon Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,780 Direct and finish a narrative short film about beekeeping and the ecological issues effecting bees.
Gomez, Felipe Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,000 To produce and present “Soundtrack for Adventurous Kids” a 45-minute interactive musical experience.
Goodwyn, Amber Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Support for the creation of a new cycle of songs for my experimental pop music project, Natural Sympathies.
Graham, John Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,000 To produce a short experimental film during a 3-month artist residency at GlogauAIR in Berlin, Germany.
Hansen, Naomi Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,750 I am researching and writing the manuscript for my first book "Only in Saskatchewan," which highlights restaurants all across Saskatchewan through food, stories, and history.
Harder, Kendra Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will be working with Saskatoon ensemble, Mistral 5, to create a new piece of concert music for wind quintet.
Hunter, Jennie Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 To complete a new literary novel titled 'Factor of Safety', which focuses on my continuing theme of women working in non-traditional roles.
It's Not a Box Theatre Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,000 To write and design a series of vignettes for an outdoor digital immersive installation about climate grief and justice, to be played live by audiences.
Johnson, Ashley Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,000 A continuation of a collaborative project The Moving Heart between Karlie King and Ashley Johnson. We combine dance, sculpture with an interactive exhibit exploring anatomy.
Kennedy, Marsha Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,514 My proposal requests funding to produce and frame 15 works for a traveling retrospective exhibition and to support experimentation and further production of new works.
Kirkby, Mary-Ann Prince Albert Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $18,000 Over the course of a year, I plan to write the first draft of an historically based, non-fiction book titled “Untold, The Hutterite Story”
Klassen, Hilary Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,783 Request for subsistence to work full-time for nine months on a non-fiction book tentatively titled: Stolen Land: Young Chippewayans & Settlers Seek Justice
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.