Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Bigeagle-Kequahtooway, Joely Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To purchase a long arm quilting machine to assist me in designing and creating my starblankets.
Campbell, Tenille Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 "natural desire, embodied" is a series of ten portraits featuring Indigenous men who embody desire through an Indigenous woman’s gaze, exploring land, identity and lust.
Cuthand, Shawn Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $4,500 We want to continue our series of satirical news monologues centred around an Indigenous Comedy perspective and expand into comedy skits.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $5,000 I will create a one-woman production of spoken word, song and dance for the Regina Fringe Festival 2021.
Fourstar, Gabrielle Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $4,536 I intend to paint an art series of 100 abstract acrylic blob paintings on 18"X 24" canvases. Remaining paintings with vegan paint.
Goodon, Jayde Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $5,092 Create a collection that I can showcase in an art exhibition. These new pieces would include large cardboard sculptures and mixed media canvas paintings.
Gowan, Darren Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $5,092 Through interviews and research I plan to garner stories and legends from elders in the area and be interpreted in sculptural expressions in bronze& ceramics.
Hebert, Dakota Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To completely gut and redo my three-act play about Jack the Ripper into a way better two-act.
Jodoin, Berkley Leader Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $18,000 Create a full length album of original songs, while bringing light to the suicide crisis our communities have been experiencing.
Keighley, Ray Warman Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $12,000 This grant would produce 6 paintings and a wood carving. Dealing with the mystic animal and reconcilliation styles I work on with my art.
Knight, Daniel Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $16,080 We want to continue our series of satirical news monologues and comedy skits centered around an indigenous comedy perspective, and develop into an episodic series.
Knight, Lindsay Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 I plan research twenty years of my songs to compile lyrics and descriptions in nehiyaw (Cree) and english and then produce a resource.
Langhorne, Donna Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To support "What's Mine Is Yours", a series of paintings and drawings associated with medical research on organ donation and transplantation for Indigenous persons.
Lee, Erica Violet Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $13,000 "On the Prairies We Will Live Forever": a collection of poems exploring urban prairie Indigenous feminist freedoms.
McArthur, Robert Carlyle Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $16,000 I want to build on my existing work; the creation of Nakoda lullabies, and the creation of a recording, a book, and a presentation series.
McKay, Michelle-Rae (M-Rae) Grenfell Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 Utilize beads, material, leather, fur, feathers to create a visual representation of powwow grand entry through the ages on a brain tanned Moosehide.
Nind, Monique Grenfell Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $2,000 To produce four original paintings (24x30)in a series titled "The Love of Fishing' and artistic journals describing the creative process for each piece.
Parent, Anna Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To finish the writing and create paintings for a story about a raven raised by geese learning to fly, a sixties scoop survivors story.
Poitras-Jarrett, Phyllis Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,000 To paint the final six 36"x40" Metis Spirit Animals paintings for my series of 22 animals. A porcupine, fish, owl, skunk, raven and fox.
Ratt, Molly Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 My grant proposal is Landscape Creations By Molly R Ratt
Rose, Melanie regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To create and develop new work with the intent of exhibition. Research of new techniques and materials.
Standing, Lois Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To research and develop Dakota women's geometric beaded designed dresses and produce a dress with the influence of past designs.
Stevens, Tracy Regina Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To write a film treatment titled: THE RIVERS FLOW: A NATIONAL TRAGEDY, the untold love story of Marguerite Monet dit Bellehumeur and Louis Riel.
Tootoosis, Lyndon Battleford Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $16,000 Create 6 large sculpture. Sharing Our beliefs and customs pertaining to mourning and loss. These I share with the blessings of my Elders and community
Vincent, Angus Yorkton Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 Take time off work to complete my play. I've completed the songs and am looking to finish my script to begin work-shopping and marketing it.
Yuzicapi, Holly Fort Qu’Appelle Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 I would like to do traditional quillwork on a buffalo robe. Quillwork is the oldest art form from the land we live on.
Art Gallery of Regina Inc. Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 On-demand screenings of video works by Saskatchewan artists accessed through a free augmented reality smartphone app paired with AR-enabled posters at public locations throughout Regina.
Aurora Voce Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 Aurora Voce choral commission for their "North" performance in collaboration with composer Carmen Braden from the Northwest Territories.
Baraniecki, Jordan Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 During this time, I'm looking for innovative ways that people can still experience thought-provoking art by creating immersive projections around the city.
Bérubé, Annie Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Mentorship with Laura St-Pierre
Billingsley, Alyssa Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Creating and live-streaming 'Angry At The Internet: A COVID-versary Birthday Cabaret' while working with David Connolly of Drayton Entertainment and producing high-quality support material.
Biofeedback Art Collective Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 Biofeedback is creating an online platform to curate a virtual art show for emerging Saskatchewan artists as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Boechler, Jared Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Two-Day Solo Landscape Exhibition, Landings
Boucher, Adreanna Prince Albert Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To workshop a new play that will premier in Prince Albert in the summer of 2021.
Bourque, Marie-Véronique Regina Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $500 Participation in the The Ali Ryerson Jazz Flute Master Class. This training will be offered online from January 3 to January 8, 2021.
Bracht, Kathryn Regina Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $976 This proposal is for a free, live online reading of the new play Bros/Les Boys, which will involve 6 Saskatchewan actors.
Britski, Jason Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To get 4K digital Timed Scan of five of my 16mm films.
Brochu Lambert, Anne Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Researching, acquiring, and assembling technology components to support the soundtrack of four generation of women’s voices integrated into an art installation activated by viewers.
Buffalo People Arts Institute Regina Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To purchase a video recording device, lighting and microphone to use in creating videos on how to create a variety of Indigenous-related art workshops
Burns, Harriet Nipawin Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am making 5 vests for Shoal Lake Cree Nation - 2 with white leather and 3 with tan color with a beaded logo
Burnt Thicket Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 Audio Drama Podcast Research, Development & Market Test: to sustainably produce audio drama as an ongoing storytelling platform for SK artists with digital distribution.
Cameron, Heather Regina Dance Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am seeking funding to attend the "Creative Practice for Contemporary Dance" program as offered by the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.
Cameron, Jay Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 A graphic novel which will be sold with my game, as of high requests we are making an additional novel to tell the story
Campos, Yulissa Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Workshop for I, Frida by Yulissa Campos that is going to be feature at the Singapore Fringe Festival
Conly, Bonnie Grasswood Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Complete a series of twelve drawings in preparation and prior to attending two, Sculpting Porcelain from Life, workshops with Ruth Chambers, March 26th and 27th.
Currie, Dillon Swift Current Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $750 Funds are requested to assist in paying for audio production, mixing/mastering, and lyric video fees allotted for production of Christmas single, 'Staying Home This Christmas.'
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I need a website. It is a tool which allows for others to know how to contact the artist and what the artist creates.
Deaf Crows Collective Regina Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To provide accessibility to future Deaf Crows Collective theatre productions for deaf, hard of hearing, and Deaf patrons through the use of surtitling equipment.
Desgranges-Jean, Elizabeth (Ellie) Birch Hills Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Framing and printing supplies to create the "Individuality" installation to be exhibited at the Winter Festival Art Show and Sale in the winter of 2021.
Dieter, Mark Fort Qu'Appelle Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To write and complete a full story treatment for an independent feature screenplay in-development titled "As Far As The Eye Can See."
Dillon, Daniel Creighton Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Local gallery exhibition (at NorVA) and the self publication of book (Blurb) related to a COVID-19 project.
Dubois, Emilie Regina Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Money for composition of the soundtracks of the "Diva and Catastrophe" play to be able to perform it on stage .
Dunlop, Bonnie Swift Current Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Travel to present micro-readings in private homes to showcase 'Raft Baby', a novel set in the Peace River country and of particular interest there.
Eastend Arts Council Eastend Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 Eastend Arts Council will rebuild its website to grow our community, and support the arts through innovative on&off-line programing associated with Wallace Stegner House
Emma Artists Group Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To create an artistic installation on the south side of Ness Creek, as a 10th Anniversary reprisal of a project started in 2010.
Ens, Sarah Winnipeg Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $630 I have been invited to attend the Community of Writers Poetry Workshop in the Virtual Valley from June 20-27, 2020.
Epp, Carole Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Creation of work for the exhibition borderLINE: 2020 Biennial of Contemporary Art, plus travel to install the work in Edmonton in September.
Ferguson, Louisa Meacham Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I need to buy an exposure unit to continue to upgrade my skills in glass by exploring techniques of printing on glass with glass powders.
Fisher, Craig Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Despite CP, I use computers and digital devices. During COVID, I watch birds at my window. With web camera, I will stream my small world.
Francis, Jaron Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To do a comprehensive rewrite of my award-winning script Like Parting Water, in preparation for its second production, which will tour from November/21 through January/22.
Furstenberg, Tia Prince Albert Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To create a series of paintings for an upcoming collaborative exhibition at the John V. Hicks Gallery in March of 2022.
Garcia-Luna, Gabriela Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To produce digital prints to complete works for installation at confirmed exhibition in February 2021
Garez, Simon Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Direct and finish a narrative short film that deals with alcohol abuse and reverses racial stereotypes.
Goretzky, Barbara Lumsden Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To experiment with wood and metal in creating a time-sensitive, small-scaled, permanent wall piece in collaboration with young adults, who experience intellectual disabilities.
Hansen, Naomi Saskatoon Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am doing necessary research to start writing my first book, which will highlight restaurants all across Saskatchewan through stories, photography, history, and food.
Harpham, Lindsay Tisdale Dance Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To create, present and promote my contemporary dance choreography and provide an artistic opportunity for a Saskatchewan based emerging artist by producing a dance film.
Hill, Gerald Regina Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $632 A one-day work-through and talk-about of Charlotte and Wilbur, the brand new first draft of my adaptation of Charlotte's Web.
Himsl, Jaynie Weyburn Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $330 Tuition costs for a 6 week internet based course called "Art on the iPad".
Hosaluk, Laura Saskatoon Dance Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Dances with Props is the development of a dance piece inspired by contact improvisation investigations, as they relate to my craft practice.
Iris, Loretta Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Create portraits and sculptures for an online international exhibit titled "Variant ~ Ways of Seeing Through"
It's Not a Box Theatre Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To write, record, and release a trilogy of interactive thriller podplays designed to be played entirely in the comforts of your own home
James, Patrick Regina Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am investigating current technologies (3d printing, live virtual renderings and projections) from outside the theatre industry to research the impact on the audience.
Janzen, Ava Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To produce a new, experimental alternative pop single with Juno-award winning producer Ryan Stewart. A musical bridge between my recent and upcoming EPs.
Knight, Daniel Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am wishing to purchase high quality two channel audio interface to increase my capacity as an independent artist.
Kuse, Stephanie Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 March 2021 Artist residency at Bridges Art Movement
La Marre, Rebecca Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I have been invited to complete a BAM artist residency in Saskatoon for the month of October, culminating in an exhibition.
La Ronge Arts Council Corp. La Ronge Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To engage local indigenous artist DLanghorne to give artist talks and painting sessions to school groups and others while OSAC exhibit 'Common Truths' is here.
Larouche Ellard, Diane Biggar Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To complete a mixed media encaustic mentorship with Bobbi Clackson-Walker consisting of 8 one-on-one sessions.
Larson, Melanie Simmie Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $500 Fund two virtual exhibitor booths for children’s books that I was invited to. North Central Teachers Convention & Might Peace Teachers Convention, based in Alberta.
LITFACE Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 LITFACE is requesting funding for a hip hop music video focusing on transitions through life and perseverance through struggles.
Lorer, Danica Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Research and write to add to my growing repertoire of local ghost stories and perform them for small live audiences during the Halloween season.
Macza, Jason Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 sculptural addition to my painting series “Dogs dreaming of rabbits and Rabbits Dreaming of Dogs” Life size rabbits carved from standard Spruce.
Malinsky, Charles Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 With this grant I intend to rescue paintings and drawings that are stranded abroad due to COVID-19 and are to be destroyed if not collected.
Martin, Monique Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To create/install/exhibit "Context is Everything" decals with The Works Art and Design Festival in Edmonton at the Edmonton Tower.
Martin-Arcand, Logan Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 We will present live readings of The Gay Card through several live social media webcasts from the living rooms of the writer, director, and performers.
Matyushenko, Valentyna Grandora Dance Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I will choreograph a piece of a larger project about the importance of tradition and culture. The project's centerpiece is Ukrainian Easter Egg, Pysanka.
McCullam-Arnal, Caitlin Eastend Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $595 Attend Sage Hill Writing, Fiction Summer Course, to work on a draft of a novel in progress.
Moccasin, Ryan Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 This project is to hire a video editor in order to mentor me on a media project.
Mohsin, Ayesha Regina Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 "Ayesha's ASMR" is an original 45min theatrical production, it will be performed at Shu-box and also made available online on and various other channels.
Morgan, Zac Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Create a virtual musical production of A Killer Party: A Murder Mystery Musical and present the live production on our streaming platform on April 3rd.
Morgun, Jessica Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Produce a short video artist talk to communicate the project "Thoughts and Prayers"
Morin, Lawrence Ile a la Crosse Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Lawrence will have his artwork video taped so that our younger generation will know how to gather, prepare and utilize supplies from nature.
Morrison, Myles Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Create a musical comedy album. Humour based songs featuring collaborations with celebrated Saskatchewan musicians, spanning multiple musical genres.
Naytowhow, Joseph Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 designing and manufacturing 500 CD singles of my original song "Born From Dirt" about my fragmented memories of being stolen away to attend residential school.
Nelson, Marilyn Griffin Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am seeking assistance to attend a workshop to further my goal of creating meaningful art that explores social equity and justice.
Ness Creek Cultural and Recreational Society, Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 A small-scale virtual Ness Creek Music Festival, with activities and entertainment presented for Ness Creekers to participate in or simply enjoy.
New Dance Horizons Inc. Regina Dance Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 A creative process project exploring relationships between art and nature through dance, song, and costume via online workshops towards a backyard processional performance.
O'Shea, Myek Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Grant will go towards purchase of a green screen kit and to finish a micro documentary illustrating the life and work of the artist.
Oblong and Oboe Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 In May, 2020 we will continue the development of our clown piece, presenting and filming it in front of an audience after COVID-19 has passed.
Oehlerking, Darrin Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 This project aims to rehearse and perform large chamber music for winds that requires a conductor. The performance will be video recorded.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.