Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Badger, Joanne
Sturgeon Lake Health Centre
Sturgeon Lake Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $6,080 To introduce the skill of porcupine quilled birchbark basket making to women and men at the Lloyd Johnson Healing Lodge in Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchewan.
Bernbaum, Joel
Pleasant Hill Community Association
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $20,000 To create a verbatim theatre rap opera with the Pleasant Hill community, and present it in Pleasant Hill for high school students and the public.
CARFAC Saskatchewan
Robert Froese
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $40,000 We propose an artist residency where Travelling Mentor Rob Froese offers critical engagement, professional development opportunities, and expanded community for artists working in rural Saskatchewan.
Central Urban Metis Federation Inc. Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 CUMFI would like to provide jigging lessons as a cultural and entertaining event for children ages 5 to 15 to revitalize the dance Metis.
City of Prince Albert
Jesse Campbell
Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $15,000 The second phase of the Prince Albert AiC project that develops the model of supporting artists to build long-term arts programming, relational projects, and residencies.
Conservatory of Performing Arts
Karley Parovsky
Regina Music Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $10,000 The Intercultural String Exchange provides professional development for violinists/fiddlers and performance/workshop opportunities for the general public showcasing the violin's multicultural usage.
Core Neighbourhood Youth Coop
Muskwa Lerat
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $18,000 The Future Artistic Minds (FAM) is a program at CNYC for youth to explore their creative practice in a safe, identity affirming space.
DuBois, Richard Riel Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 Mural project in North Central to foster relationships and pride, contribute to the goals of Reconciliation, and solve problems created by loss of former mural.
Eden Care Communities Foundation Inc. Regina Literary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $984 In collaboration with artist Kevin Wesaquate we will participate in 3 poetry workshops to enhance our understanding of Truth and Reconciliation.
Eden Care Communities Foundation Inc.
Heather Cameron
Regina Dance Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $18,000 To deliver innovative multigenerational programming to Eden Care Communities involving creative dance, musical exploration and capturing the process through the creation of a music video.
Global Gathering Place Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 The project is painting classes with newcomers. The completed works will be on display at the Bridges Art Movement Gallery for two months.
Kitchen Party Music, Inc.
Mitchell Dureault
Forget Music Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $15,000 KLKP Kids Camp: engage children in an inclusive, accessible and supervised 5-day Music and Art camp utilizing Saskatchewan musicians and knowledge keepers.
Lloydminster Museum + Archives Lloydminster Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $800 The project would bring in an artist featured in the upcoming Dimensions exhibit to speak about/demonstrate their artistic process and their exhibition application process.
Mathieu, Veronique Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 Perform of a recital, assess the needs of the community, and evaluate possibilities for developing a longer term residency.
Melfort & District Curling Club Melfort Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 The Melfort Curling Club, incorporating youth participation, seeks to research, develop and plan the creation of an exterior mural on the community rink.
My Humanitas Family Services Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 This development project (MyHumanitas Dance Summer Camp) aims to help children develop creative dance skills and improve social interactions through dance training and movement activities.
My Humanitas Family Services Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 This Fall Program 2022 aims to help children develop creative dance skills, character development and improve social interactions through dance training and movement activities.
Prince Albert Association for Community Living Prince Albert Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 Build relationship with artist and gallery partnership to assist PAACL in the research required in the development of a disability art exhibition.
Prince Albert Chuckwagon and Chariot Association
Colten Mike
Weldon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $10,000 Running for a Cause, celebrating community talents, with dance, musicians, and artistry
Sâkêwêwak First Nations Artists' Collective Inc.
Skyler Anderson
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $10,000 To develop traditional stories into stage performances with puppets.
Saskatchewan Band Association
Paul Suchan
Regina Music Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $10,000 Engage developing youth composers, through collaboration with a professional composer, in the creation of a 4-piece band composition celebrating the Saskatchewan Band Association’s 40th anniversary.
Saskatoon Open Door Society Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 To hold an exploratory one-day virtual art workshop for 30 newly arrived refugees from Afghanistan.
Seniors Centre Without Walls Saskatchewan Bushell Park Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 Brain Engaging Art for Seniors
Slusar, Zoe
Chokecherry Studios
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $40,000 This residency will involve myself (ZHE the Free) supporting and collaborating with Chokecherry youth in two artistic modalities (film and music) to share their stories.
St. Frances Cree Bilingual School - Bateman
Zoe Kostuchuk
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $6,623 How to entice students/families back into school outside a school setting. Extra-curricular arts programming to engage students back into the school outside of school hours.
The Ability Hub YXE
Rebecca La Marre
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $39,000 Artist led workshops at The Ability Hub and OUT Saskatoon Pride home. Rebecca will bring the workshop to 3 diversity focused organizations outside of Saskatoon.
Wynyard and District Museum Committee Wynyard Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 This proposal aims to engage an artist(s) to work with our community in creating a plan and vision for a series of public art murals.
Young, Tom Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,216 Explore watercolour as a professional art form, seek ways to strengthen watercolour community, heighten 2023 symposium awareness as a foundation to the future.
Youth Matter Melfort Visual Artists in Communities 2022-2023 $1,000 Indigenous artist Kevin Pee-ace and Musician, J.J. Voss will be sharing their lived experiences with youth at our Mental Wellness for Youth Symposium.
Badger, Joanne
Sturgeon Lake Central School
Sturgeon Lake Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $4,048 To introduce the skill of porcupine quill zig zag stitching on felt, to youth in school, on the Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Saskatchewan.
Cameron, Ian Regina Music Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 This project uses the physical medium of vinyl records to communicate different curriculum components with an emphasis on creation & creativity.
Cameron, Ian
St. Augustine Community School
Regina Music Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $5,000 Vinyl records will be used as a platform to teach different school subjects and achieve curriculum outcomes. Students will then write/record/produce their own compilation record.
Chief Whitecap School
Mary Bishop
Saskatoon Literary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $7,899 Students will be part of a creative community as they experience researching, writing and illustrating to create a book on our school virtues.
Dene High School La Loche Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $2,000 In consultation with our Sask Arts partner, Dene High Arts program will establish a relationship with a SK potter capable of First Nation pottery instruction.
Dinsmore Composite School Dinsmore Dance Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Rural students in Grades K-12 will expand their understanding of Indigenous culture and worldview as experienced through Indigenous story-telling and dance.
Ecole Elsie Mironuck Community School
Tara Semple
Regina Music Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $10,000 Tara Semple (musician, Sound Bath practitioner) will create Sound Bath experiences for elementary students/teachers using cross curricular/cultural outcomes selected with Rosa Haynes (Arts Ed. Specialist).
Ecole St. Gerard School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Planning for future work with Kevin Peace.
Ecole Vickers Public School Prince Albert Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Artist Monique Martin and my grade fours will visually represent butterfly pollinators to educate other students as we build possibilities toward a future grant.
Fletcher, Étienne Regina Music Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Labo Musique - Is a music creation lab for francophone students, created and presented by Fransaskois artist Étienne Fletcher.
Humboldt Public School
Monika Kinner
Humboldt Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $7,820 We propose that Monika Kinner, Fibre Artist, guide Humboldt Public School students to create a colourful fabric mural on 15 fence panels surrounding the school.
Ironstar, Katelyn Regina Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 seeking support to provide one month of beading classes to the Grade 8 classroom at Kitchener Community School with assistance from a knowledge keeper.
Johnston, Christine
King George Community School
Saskatoon Music Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $10,000 Teaching youth composition/music production with a midi keyboard. We will write lyrics to the songs created, and perform a selection or two every June.
Lester B. Pearson Elementary School
Kathleen Arndt
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $20,000 Lester B. Pearson Elementary (Gr.1-8) explore personal wonders & cross curricular big ideas, through technical visual arts training, to develop holistical understanding & creative skills.
Martin, Monique
St. Anne School
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $13,309 The students will create an installation artwork for Nuit Blanche that uses lighting and plastic containers, and organize a community participation project at the event.
Maverick School Swift Current Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Provides an overview of the persons involved and processes undertaken to investigate and construct an effective art program for the Artist in Schools Project.
Maverick School
Theo Houghtaling
Swift Current Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $13,217 Artist Theo Houghtaling will work with students on a zine project in three parts: individual perzines, a collaborative group zine, and group community dispatch.
Moffatt, Kris
Mistawasis Nehiyawak High School
Hepburn Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $40,000 The Residency is to provide the students and teachers of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak with access and support to professional art resources.
Olafson, Marea
Wynyard Elementary School
Wynyard Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $20,000 To create a 2-D mural and 3-D functional pottery depicting personal land acknowledgment with grades 1,3,5 and 7 students.
Prairie Sky School
Carol Daniels
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $8,808 This project is to create a Spring Storytelling Festival.
Sakimay Goose Lake School Balcarres Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Interview Metis Elders and ask, what do you want children to know about the Metis culture?
Saskatoon Christian School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Taking students to experience wheel throwing with an experienced artist. Glazing pieces and trying out raku style firing. Providing an experience unattainable in a classroom.
Slusar, Zoe Music Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 Creative sessions with the Grade 6s, 7s and 8s to build on existing relationships and explore the students’ needs/interests in developing future artistic musical projects.
St. Frances Cree Bilingual School - Bateman
Mary Bishop
Saskatoon Literary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $10,000 Students will be part of a creative community as they create primary books in Cree/English to help themselves and other students learn Cree.
St. Frances Cree Bilingual School - Bateman
Mary Bishop
Saskatoon Literary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $7,899 Students will observe and learn about the importance and impact of recording their knowledge in writing, by working closely with an author.
St. Francis Community School Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $1,000 To establish partnerships with local indigenous artists and elders in order to develop and present an original collective creation as an act of reconciliation.
Anderson, Darryl Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $3,330 A Bose F1 speaker & sub system allows me to travel easier with a more compact speaker but It also helps me sound more professional.
Beattie, Jared Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 Purchase a new computer to replace my 10-year-old MacBook for video editing, motion graphic design, audio production and sound design for music and theatre projects
Bellefleur, Stephanie Willow Bunch Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $700 A professional drawing tablet will strengthen my Mural Practice by building capacity and variation, converting relevant content in addition to elevating current portfolio.
Benjamin, Paul Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,200 I use my 12-year-old computer with outdated IOS for music production and editing photos for my Photo Exhibitions: a new MacBook Pro would remediate.
Bennett, Andrew Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $5,000 My computer is struggling to keep up with the CPU demands of contorting and producing my voice within Ableton Live.
Benson, Scott Moose Jaw Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $5,000 A Carbon Fibre Violin would allow me to take my instrument into extreme conditions (hot and cold climates) without worrying about damaging the instrument.
Berglund, Blake Regina Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,450 In-ear monitors are needed as stage volume has caused inner ear damage. Their precision will assist in strengthening my vocals and tightening harmonies.
Caudillo, Kiela Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $690 Artist is a performing vocalist requiring a wireless microphone to improve stage performances and vocal sound.
Conlon, Emily Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $4,000 Purchase an 999 Model Two Etching Press for my studio in support of my independent practice.
Cote, Toby Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 Ceramic Kiln at Cone 10 level to expand glass working, fusing moulds, texture tiles, and expand work in glass bodies.
Croissant, Helen Candle Lake Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,002 Purchase proper lighting for my painting studio.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Multidisciplinary Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 Adding a cello to my performance would enhance my work.
Diakuw, Mike Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 Purchase projector, camera, screen and associated cables, to project video, shadow puppets and storybooks to an audience.
Erickson, Shannon Yorkton Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $3,464 Purchase of Nikon D850 will increase the resolution to 45MP and allow me to incorporate media elements into my body of work
Floen, Dawn Lawrence Bruno Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $3,440 In my practice as a jewellery artist, a pulse ARC welder would allow me to solder precious metals quickly, saving time/energy and requiring less ventilation.
Goretzky, Barbara Lumsden Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,523 A new computer for ease of projection, memory storage, and screen display are greatly lacking in my current laptop when creating large murals.
Han, Xiao Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,400 I need a good quality camera to enhance my art practice in all my major visual practices: media-based public art, socially engaged arts, and performance.
Hanwell, Drew Regina Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $4,768 My band would be able to take more gigs if we could start bringing our production equipment with us in the cargo trailer.
Hnatuk, Byron Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 Lighting software to assist and enhance a designer's ability to create designs quickly and efficiently and share that information with theatres.
Hui, Catherine Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $4,340 Purchase the software that professional set designers use Vectorworks software to create 3D rendering of set designs.
Johnson, Landon Saskatoon Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,100 Purchase of DJI RS2 Gimbal to allow for more creative movement and shots for videography adding auto-movement to stationary shots when shooting with multiple cameras.
Kent, Grahame Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,776 Purchase of MacBook Pro for theatrical sound design/editing work using Qlab.
Kinner, Monika Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $328 A wafer lightbox to transfer photos and line drawings to fabric for textile artwork, repeating patterns, layering designs and for composition placement & prep work.
Kroczynski, Jackie North Battleford Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,449 I sing, play keyboards, guitar and more with my interface and computer as I create demo tracks of my music using Logic Pro.
Kyle, Kevin Regina Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $650 Purchase of Circumaural Hi-Fi/Pro Headphones for purpose of audio mixing.
Lehner, Katelyn Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,649 Custom inner ear monitors to provide consistency between shows to refine live vocal skills
Macdonald, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,200 I am a writer currently not owning a functioning laptop. My desktop and the MacBook (circa 2009) is no longer able to update nor function.
Morton, Jeff Kennedy Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,191 Izotope RX 9 Advanced to enable a professional standard of audio production, mastering, editing, and repair in my practice as a sound artist and composer.
Neumier, Jane Langenburg Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $495 To set up my home studio with this microphone interface kit replacing my current set-up, leading to greater quality of recording of my voice work.
Pelletier, Sharon Regina Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $3,319 A camcorder for video recording of the performance and for editing of the footage in addition to using the equipment for future performances.
Perry, Jordan Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,830 Purchase of a computer to meet the high-performance demands of the music software I use to create and record all of my music
Phillips, Geoff Maple Creek Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,399 A desktop computer is essential to edit professional photos of my artwork ready for print with photoshop, prepping for online media promotions, and for storage.
Power, Kevin Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 A computer is essential in my artistic practice: record auditions for stage/film/tv, live auditions via zoom, my website design/maintenance , résumé, business accounting, online casting.
Reimer, Joel Dash Saskatoon Literary Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,000 A Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III Camera + Lens would elevate my practice greatly and bring the calibre of my artistic offerings to the professional level.
Robertson, Morgan Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,000 A mandolin with a built-in pick-up is essential for my practice because, in my band (guitar bass, drums) micing it is next to impossible.
Robson, Frances Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,385 I am switching to a new laptop for my photography/book work and the old software will not work on it efficiently. Adobe Creative will help.
Seidel, Louise Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,899 This computer is powerful enough to design, run sound and projections along with dedicated graphics with or without a tech booth for theatre productions.
Uhrmann, Pamela Regina Other Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,500 Voiceover artist and audio editor requiring to update computer for recording, networking and live sessions to maintain professionalism.
Virgo, Sean Eastend Literary Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,456 My laptop has worn out, so I’ve fallen back on an old desktop, itself pretty geriatric: portability is important to the way I write
Vogt, Joshua Regina Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $3,329 Laptop will allow me to work remotely on set during video shoots. This will increase productivity and work with newer versions of various software programs.
Wanotch, Tori-Lynn Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,000 I would like to purchase a leather walking foot machine and a Cricut to continue to grow as an independent designer of leather goods.
Watson, Lyndon Regina Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,200 To purchase a 14-inch bandsaw which will allow me to create my woodwork pieces without limits.
Wicks, Bob Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,400 My current MacBook Pro (2012 model) has become unreliable and insufficient in supporting my artistic practice: a new computer would help me make a living.
Wirtz, Kayanna Rae Prince Albert Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $1,500 Artist is needing to update aging computer for design work, iPad will be able to speed up work flow to allow for more projects.
Zong, Megan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $434 A ring light with stand is an essential item many film actors use for audition tapes to achieve the best lighting quality for the video
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.