Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Morgan, Zac Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Create a virtual musical production of A Killer Party: A Murder Mystery Musical and present the live production on our streaming platform on April 3rd.
Morgun, Jessica Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Produce a short video artist talk to communicate the project "Thoughts and Prayers"
Morin, Lawrence Ile a la Crosse Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Lawrence will have his artwork video taped so that our younger generation will know how to gather, prepare and utilize supplies from nature.
Morrison, Myles Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Create a musical comedy album. Humour based songs featuring collaborations with celebrated Saskatchewan musicians, spanning multiple musical genres.
Naytowhow, Joseph Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 designing and manufacturing 500 CD singles of my original song "Born From Dirt" about my fragmented memories of being stolen away to attend residential school.
Nelson, Marilyn Griffin Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am seeking assistance to attend a workshop to further my goal of creating meaningful art that explores social equity and justice.
Ness Creek Cultural and Recreational Society, Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 A small-scale virtual Ness Creek Music Festival, with activities and entertainment presented for Ness Creekers to participate in or simply enjoy.
New Dance Horizons Inc. Regina Dance Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 A creative process project exploring relationships between art and nature through dance, song, and costume via online workshops towards a backyard processional performance.
O'Shea, Myek Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Grant will go towards purchase of a green screen kit and to finish a micro documentary illustrating the life and work of the artist.
Oblong and Oboe Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 In May, 2020 we will continue the development of our clown piece, presenting and filming it in front of an audience after COVID-19 has passed.
Oehlerking, Darrin Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 This project aims to rehearse and perform large chamber music for winds that requires a conductor. The performance will be video recorded.
One Take Super 8 Regina Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 The One Take Super 8 event is an annual film festival dedicated to super 8 filmmaking for the local community to create analog films.
Penner, John J Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 The grant proposal is to replace my old deteriorating resin coated plywood darkroom sink with a chemical resistant stainless steel sink.
Phelps Bondaroff, Amber Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To re-visit The Objects of our Desires, a collaborative, social-practice, music project, resulting in a series of original songs written for objects and contributing participants.
Piggott-Suchan, Naomi Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Commission a composition during the final stages of the current Covid-19 pandemic. To be performed in concert with compositions from other great historical pandemics.
Poitras, Jarrid Curtis Lee Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 In order to market export my music I am in need of providing a professional music video to talent buyers and international music festivals.
Ppl r Ppl Productions Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 Ppl r Ppl Productions presents: {Title of Show}, a four person, 1 pianist, 1 act musical Performed at the Refinery and The Dekker Centre
Ramsay, Jessica Regina Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 The essential and final integration of violin fundamentals into audition preparation with renowned, Berlin-based violinist Elissa Lee.
Richter, Jessica Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 "Preparing for the Day" is a documented performance and printmaking project exploring loss and ritual.
Rosenwald, Betsy Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To be one of four participants in a unique online Encaustic Workshop on October 3, 2020 presented by the A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas.
Ruecker, Gerry Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Funding is requested to assist with the costs of transporting my artwork to numerous scheduled solo exhibitions in Saskatchewan and Manitoba beginning in January 2021.
Sandbeck, Derek Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Requesting material support for a short term BAM residency for the month of February 2021.
Scantily Glad Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To spend a week experimenting and playing in development of our queer, physical comedy collaboration: "Creepy Boys" for Melbourne Fringe Festival and future touring.
Schultz, Chantel Estevan Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Creation/installation/exhibition of work in sculpture and drawing for an upcoming solo exhibition at the Estevan Art Gallery & Museum.
Sinclair, Johnny Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 With our grant proposal we are planning to present a "one-night only" live streaming concert event by local music group Tucker Lane.
Slow Down Molasses Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To put together video content for streaming/promotional purposes in advance of the upcoming Slow Down Molasses album release.
SRMTA - Regina Branch Regina Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $485 Regina Branch is hosting our provincial convention entitled Music: A Collaborative Affair! - online through Zoom. Discussing how we can continue to collaborate musically, online.
Staples-Jetko, Sandra Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $450 To shoot a participatory Documentary with three older women living independently in rural Saskatchewan in the time of COVID 19.
Stebner, Jacob Saskatoon Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $380 Attend and participate in four unique virtual events, 1 festival and 3 conventions, for my professional development as Editor in chief of Hexagon SF Magazine.
Stonhouse, David Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I will be participating in BAM's artist residency, November 2020. I will create an installation to wrap up and document my POWER BOX series.
Tambwe Feza Kabibi, Joséphine Watrous Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 It is to participate in an exhibition that will take place this year
The Dekker Centre for the Performing Arts North Battleford Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 On Dekk- Pesented by Battlefords Untapped is a partnership between the Dekker Centre and Battlefords Untapped Podcast to celebrate artists in the Battlefords and area
The Feather Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 The Feather is looking to get funding for artist fees to do a Christmas project and live stream which involves mentorship within the collective.
Thevenot, Michelle Osler Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To purchase photography and video equipment required to capture and present my work and that of artistic collaborations in a professional way.
Ulrich, Maureen Lampman Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I have written a series of poems about COVID-19 which I would like to have professionally critiqued/edited. Paula-Jane Remlinger has agreed to do this.
Virgo, Sean Eastend Literary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To read, assess and select unpublished stories by the late Patrick Lane, and to assemble and propose a collection for publication, with editorial suggestions.
Weber, Janice Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To purchase an exposure unit and screens for home printmaking studio, supporting artistic development into textile printing and increasing capacity to initiate professional projects.
Wicks, Bob Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Study Clown with Christopher Bayes and The Pandamonium Studio while they have reduced tuition and shifted classes online during the Covid Pandemic.
YXE Drag Collective Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,500 A Country themed Virtual Drag Show to create stay at home programming.
Zhao, JingLu Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Framing a series of oil pastel and pencil drawings for future exhibitions.
Froc, Benton Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Haynes, Sierra Regina Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Hewitt, Declan Regina Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,000
Maneso, Ha'Keena Moose Jaw Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Newton, Sean North Battleford Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Rathgeber, Carolyn Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Ritter-Magot, Nathaniel Regina Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Sonntag, Mayson Regina Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $500
Sonntag, Meika Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Stockdale Winder, Deanna Saskatoon Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Thompson Ramsay, Sydney Dalmeny Visual Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
AKA Gallery Inc. Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $70,000 For general operating and programming support.
Art Gallery of Regina Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $45,580 For general operating and programming support.
Art Gallery of Swift Current Swift Current Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $40,000 For general operating and programming support.
Articulate Ink Press Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Buffalo Berry Press Inc. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $27,480 For general operating and programming support.
City of North Battleford Galleries North Battleford Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $57,850 For general operating and programming support.
Common Weal Community Arts Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $142,200 For general operating and programming support.
Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc. Saskatoon Media Arts Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Creative City Centre Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Dancing Sky Theatre Inc. Meacham Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $87,940 For general operating and programming support.
Deaf Crows Collective Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Dunlop Art Gallery Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $111,800 For general operating and programming support.
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum Estevan Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $44,000 For general operating and programming support.
FadaDance Troupe Inc. Regina Dance Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $22,000 For general operating and programming support.
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company Saskatoon Dance Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Friends of the Broadway Theatre Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $50,500 For general operating and programming support.
Globe Theatre Society Regina Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $238,930 For general operating and programming support.
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery Inc. Yorkton Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $49,000 For general operating and programming support.
Gordon Tootoosis Nīkānīwin Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $56,500 For general operating and programming support.
Indigenous Peoples Artist Collective of Prince Albert Inc. Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $34,000 For general operating and programming support.
J.M. Curtain Razors Inc. Regina Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
JackPine Press Inc. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $23,630 For general operating and programming support.
Kenderdine Art Gallery Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $32,760 For general operating and programming support.
La Troupe du Jour Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $79,000 For general operating and programming support.
Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre Inc. Regina Beach Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc. Regina Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
MacKenzie Art Gallery Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $161,620 For general operating and programming support.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $102,120 For general operating and programming support.
Neutral Ground Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $95,000 For general operating and programming support.
New Dance Horizons Inc. Regina Dance Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $82,000 For general operating and programming support.
On the Boards Staging Company, Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $29,950 For general operating and programming support.
PAVED Art + New Media Saskatoon Media Arts Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $138,980 For general operating and programming support.
Persephone Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $230,000 For general operating and programming support.
Radiant Press Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Regina Symphony Orchestra Inc. Regina Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $197,440 For general operating and programming support.
Remai Modern Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $213,750 For general operating and programming support.
Sage Hill Writing Experience Inc. Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $86,780 For general operating and programming support.
Sâkêwêwak First Nations Artists' Collective Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $68,100 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatchewan Book Awards Inc. Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $7,500 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatchewan Filmpool Cooperative Regina Media Arts Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $102,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $50,640 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Jazz Society Inc. Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $29,950 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Opera Association Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $30,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Symphony Society Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $150,000 For general operating and programming support.
Southwest Cultural Development Group Inc. Swift Current Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Station Arts Centre Cooperative Rosthern Multidisciplinary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Sum Theatre Corp. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $30,200 For general operating and programming support.
The Mann Art Gallery Inc. Prince Albert Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $63,000 For general operating and programming support.
Thistledown Press Ltd. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $128,840 For general operating and programming support.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.