Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Yorkton Film Festival Yorkton Media Arts SaskFestivals 2022-2023 $53,000 For general operating and programming support.
Aubichon, Holly Regina Share and Connect 2022-2023 $2,000 Develop a website, creating a map to share where traditional tattoo-artists work and build community-backed resources for future inclusion of tattooing during ceremonies and events.
Bear's Song Collective Saskatoon Share and Connect 2022-2023 $15,500 To provide intergenerational teachings about birch, spruce and porcupines and using their natural resources to create birch bark baskets and documenting the entire process.
Big River Metis Local #59 Big River Share and Connect 2022-2023 $20,000 The project animates community through our stories, music and connection to our land by highlighting knowledges of past to create new pathways forward.
Bird, Lianne Balcarres Share and Connect 2022-2023 $10,000 Singers from Peepeekisis FN joined with Saskatchewan Gymnaestada to perform at Amsterdam World Gymaestrada Festival to promote Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action.
Deiter, Christine Balcarres Share and Connect 2022-2023 $2,000 I would like to plan for a youth/Elder Saulteaux Tipi camp. This camp would be about Saulteaux language, culture and games.
Dene High School La Loche Share and Connect 2022-2023 $5,492 Educational expedition. This project is to support and gain Indigenous knowledge through teachings and experiences. Participants will be exposed to all facades of Indigenous led projects and businesses that will encourage our Youth in taking pride of their heritage and identity as indigenous peoples.
Friday, Tekeyla Webb Share and Connect 2022-2023 $20,000 Create the Stop-Motion Animation short film Escape from Residential School by mentoring youth to help with the production, pass on my skills and build community.
George-Heese, Tracey Regina Share and Connect 2022-2023 $10,000 The project will have three components; an artist residency, a 3 session workshop circles and exhibition of final pieces. For the personal residency, I will focus on on the creation of a Treaty 4 Dress that reflects on my ancestors who were signatories of the Treaty 4 document.
Knight, Lindsay Saskatoon Share and Connect 2022-2023 $19,997 To mentor and then host an itwewiniyiniwak("word people") storytelling gathering based on creation story(ies) of Treaty Six Territory, including contemporary/traditional rap, comedy, poetry and songwriting.
Miyawata Culture Association Inc. Paynton Share and Connect 2022-2023 $15,011 A series of Plains Indian Sign Language workshops to actively teach, reanimate Cree language learning using PISL. Live and Virtually.
Muskoday First Nation Community School Muskoday Share and Connect 2022-2023 $20,000 We will teach youth traditional Pow-Wow drumming, singing and regalia making. We will teach youth to make Indigenous hand drums and rattles.
Smith, James Muskoday Share and Connect 2022-2023 $10,000 Ask younger indigenous people what they think about Art. Show them how to develop these ideas ranging from educational, spiritual experiences, hardships, beauty nature, aspirations.
2022 Saskatchewan Winter Games Regina Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 We are looking for an artist to lead activities at the Culture Festival of the 2022 Saskatchewan Winter Games.
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc.
Kelsey Ford
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 Kelsey Ford and Andrei Fehergyhazi will engage under-represented communities and patrons of the 2021 Saskatoon Fringe Festival in creating an interdisciplinary, large-scale, outdoor art installation.
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc.
The Dark Lady Collective
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 William Brooks will work with theatre and visual artists to engage with the community by creating large-scale, interactive, outdoor theatre-based installations.
Age Friendly Outreach & Resource Network Bushell Park Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To research Northern and rural Saskatchewan and build relationships to develop art programs that are meaningful to a more diverse public.
Chokecherry Studios
Zoe Slusar
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 This 11-month project will offer youth facing multiple barriers with weekly programming to explore mental health through creative writing, music production and spoken word poetry.
City of Humboldt Cultural Services Humboldt Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To facilitate four community dialogues with Indigenous artist Kevin Peeace and the Humboldt community, especially youth, to collaborate on a Reconciliation art project.
City of Prince Albert
Lynda Monahan
Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 This project will provide individuals with mentorship from a professional artist to build capacity for artists and organizations in Prince Albert to develop residency programs.
Community Arts Mentorship Program Incorporated
Zoe Slusar
Asquith Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 Initiating Phase 2 of the Canoe Lake-Beauval Arts Mentorship Program that continues to build local capability to sustain future programming through the CAMP Mentorship Model
Conservatory of Performing Arts
Paul Dechene
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 "Out of the Darke" seeks to respond to untold oral stories and unwritten histories of performing arts venue, Darke Hall, through literary and multimedia works.
Core Neighbourhood Youth Coop
Muskwa Lerat
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 The Future Artistic Minds (FAM) is a program at CNYC for youth to explore their creative practice in a safe, identity affirming space.
Eastend Branch Library Eastend Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $995 To host two cultural events; a live musical performance and a visual art exhibition to reignite our community interest and supports in the arts.
Eden Care Communities Foundation Inc.
Misty Wensel
Regina Dance Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 To deliver innovative intergenerational dance programming to residents of Eden Care Communities involving creative dance workshops, adaptive movement, exploration, youth participation and intergenerational performance.
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum
Ruth Langwieser
Estevan Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $45,000 Contemporary Art Meets Parks (CAMP) is a COVID-19 friendly satellite artist residency featuring art and artist led projects in our regional and city parks.
Firmly Rooted Homeschool Support & Resource Centre Inc. Stenen Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To introduce, homeschooled kids, to the benefits and joys of art; and to help build community within a broad spectrum of economically divers families.
Firmly Rooted Homeschool Support & Resource Centre Inc. Stenen Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To provide an opportunity for rural homeschool children, of various economic backgrounds, to connect with, and build, community through the art of photography.
First Nations University of Canada Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To engage knowledge keepers that hold the history of natural color pigments (plant, animal, mineral). building capacity to hold public workshops on pigment use.
Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To develop a cultural/artistic team including Indigenous language groups in Treaty 6 that can contribute to GPS interpretive app stories for the Saskatoon afforestation area
Friesen, Marcy Carrot River Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $966 I will lead a beading class focusing on our mental health. Class will be held once a month at The Nest located downtown Prince Albert.
Girls Rock Camp Saskatoon Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Girls Rock Saskatoon (GRS) is a volunteer-based organization dedicated to empowering self-identified female, trans, two-spirit, and gender non-conforming youth through collaborative music creation and performance.
Goretzky, Barbara
Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home
Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $14,739 Create a collaborative, legacy mural for Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home. Design door decals to make exit doors unique and less confusing for dementia residents.
Han, Xiao
Riversdale Business Improvement District
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $9,508 Xiao Han works with Asian and non-Asian artists to create and install artwork in Riversdale's Asian restaurants to address racism toward Saskatoon Asian community.
La Marre, Rebecca
North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Inc.
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 Artist Rebecca La Marre proposes to both collaborate with and provide targeted services to clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre.
La Marre, Rebecca
The Ability Hub YXE
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 Rebecca La Marre proposes to collaborate with and provide targeted services to clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre and Out Saskatoon Pride Home.
Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan - Prince Albert Branch Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Local Artist Cheryl Ring and Elder Liz Settee will conduct 2 workshops exploring a variety of art mediums such as clay and zen doodling.
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc.
Dianne Ouellette
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 LTD’ will work with a filmmaker and a digital theatre-artist to digitize an original theatre production. This digitalized production will be witnessed nationally & internationally.
Live Out Loud Performing Arts Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To run a Ranch Camp: Arts Edition in collaboration with Journey To Hope and Ponderosa Connection
Lloydminster Public School Division Lloydminster Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Provide students from grades 6-8 across the division the opportunity to participate in an enhanced art education program focusing on a variety of art types/mediums.
Lumsden Beach Camp inc.
Shaunna Dunn
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $15,000 This project will provide the Camp community exposure to, and education through, diverse artistic practices, while offering professional artists meaningful engagement on the land.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Through consultation and research, MJM&AG will source an Indigenous Curator-in-Residence for a residency project and determine a new vision for our Indigenous exhibits and collections.
Muskoday First Nation Community School
Kevin Joseph
Muskoday Music Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 We plan on holding musical sessions with our main artist and with a few local artists to teach our community members about different musical genres.
Old Coronach Street Festival
Stephanie Bellefleur
Coronach Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $8,000 Local professional Artist, Stephanie Bellefleur will engage and collaborate with community members to create a large scale mural on Coronach's historic Centre Street.
passion2action Youth Empowerment Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 passion2action hopes to engage young artists to produce multidisciplinary content for INSPIRE, our flagship youth empowerment celebration that introduces students to new, local role models.
Reimer, Joel Dash
Chokecherry Studios
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 This 12 week project will provide young male participants with hip hop skills as a form of expression for a tandem project on healthy masculinity.
River Road Festival St. Louis Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To conduct surveys to research next River Road Festival events and direction.
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $998 This Development Project aims to design an innovative youth storytelling program that explores identity through painting, video, and sound.
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society
Curtis Peeteetuce
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $5,751 “Stories About Us” is a storytelling program that invites young people to build friendships, explore identity, and develop their artistic voice.
Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc. Vanscoy Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Consult SSAI membership and individuals to assess interest and develop planning for artistic programming to help address issues of isolation for rural seniors in Saskatchewan.
Saskatoon Business College Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $750 This project is meant to assist students entering a very demanding health care field to reduce stress and promote self care through holistic art expression.
Shurniak Gallery Inc. Assiniboia Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To consult and imagine with our diverse public to develop new plans for creative programming by the Shurniak Art Gallery and its partners
Shurniak Gallery Inc.
Crystal Thorburn
Assiniboia Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 The project "Metamorphosis" will engage the community through participatory art workshops, conversational gatherings and a collaborative public sculpture, stimulating Assiniboia's interest in the arts.
The Ability Hub YXE
Rebecca La Marre
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $45,000 Artist Rebecca La Marre proposes to collaborate with and provide workshops for clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre and Out Saskatoon Pride Home.
The Gallery/Art Placement Inc. Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Develop plans with Biofeedback Collective for artist in communities project proposal to support development of artist community through intergenerational dialogue, mentorship, and exchange.
The Gallery/Art Placement Inc.
Biofeedback Art Collective
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 Art Placement and Biofeedback will execute a series of relational projects, workshops, and networking events that will connect, support, and strengthen the Saskatoon artistic community.
The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC) Regina Music Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Generating Momentum is an activist leadership training camp for youth between the ages of 18-35 that is largely facilitated by Artists.
The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC)
Melanie Rose
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $9,900 To work with Saskatchewan artists to provide young leaders with creative and supportive spaces to engage with ideas related to social justice and global citizenship.
Tri-Community Dance Club La Ronge Dance Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Upstage Dance Co. brings Summer Dance Workshops to La Ronge! Introductions to a variety of dance genres and the process of collaborative creation.
Tri-Community Dance Club
Hip Hop Hoop Dance Productions
La Ronge Dance Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $12,658 Tri-Community Dance Club (TCDC) hosts innovative Hip Hop Hoop Dance creators Terrance Littletent and Chancz Perry for a 4-day, youth-oriented, engaging, and enlightening dance workshop.
Wild Sky Adventure Learning
Laura Hosaluk
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $13,900 MĪYO ACIMOWINA ASKIY: (Good Stories Earth) is a workshop exploring old European practices of reinforced earth construction, informed by Indigenous storytelling for children and community.
YWCA Regina
Lloyd Dubois
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 To provide art-making workshops and co-create a kinship mural that explore Indigenous experiences under colonialism for YWCA residents, staff and public.
Bishop Lloyd Middle School Lloydminster Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 The funding would be used to connect with Indigenous singers, drummers, and dancers to work with students and develop partnerships for further projects in future.
Bradley, Bevin
Bethlehem School
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $8,700 Bevin Bradley will work with the Alt. Education class at Bethlehem high school through a series of art workshops to create an student handbook resource.
Dinsmore Composite School Dinsmore Music Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 Rural students in Grades 9-12 will develop an understanding of reconciliation and the importance of relationship-building by working with an Indigenous/Metis artist.
Ecole Dundonald School
Paula Cooley
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $8,217 The focus of the project is an exploration of culture and community through texture, colour, and shape culminating in a clay art installation.
Ecole Elsie Mironuck Community School Regina Music Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 Tara Semple and Rosa Haynes will develop a sound (aural) experience program to for elementary students and their educators to explore mindfulness, creativity and self-care.
Friday, Kristi Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 To bring artists and educators together to create arts resources, such as an interactive play and workshops, that educate students and staff on systemic racism.
Humboldt Public School Humboldt Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 We propose that Monika Kinner, fiber artist, guide Humboldt Public School students to create a colourful fabric mural on the fence surrounding the school.
John Diefenbaker Public School Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 We would like to hold a mini winter festival in February that would showcase Indigenous Arts through activities like building snow sculptures and Metis jigging.
Lester B. Pearson Elementary School Saskatoon Music Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 We are asking for support to create a 2022 Drum Group at Lester B. Pearson School. Practice would be once a week during lunch.
Minahik Waskahigan Elementary School
Mitchell Dureault
Pinehouse Lake Music Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $41,500 Return a music educator to our Northern community to rejuvenate lost culture, strengthen intergenerational connections, teach music to youth, and building local capacity through mentorship.
Moffatt, Kris
Mistawasis Nehiyawak High School
Hepburn Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $40,000 Advance student school engagement using art as a means to strengthen language culture and expand student's spectrum of expression.
Pacquette, John
Churchill Community High
Black Lake Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $10,000 Traditional skills knowledge keeper John Pacquette. Dene drum teachings workshops. Drum making, Dene singing, traditional dancing along with hand games. Denesuline Language support.
Reimer, Joel Dash
Centennial Collegiate EAL Program
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $5,700 We will engage a classroom of EAL students with the art of writing & performing spoken word poetry, culminating in chapbook creation and a performance.
Reimer, Joel Dash
E. D. Feehan Catholic High School
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $4,580 We will engage a group of 10th grade newcomer students in an exploration of spoken word poetry through the themes of identity & balance
Reimer, Joel Dash
Bedford Road Collegiate
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $19,500 We will create a spoken word workshop series on community care with video resources for the Grade 9 Land Based program at Bedford Road Collegiate
Saskatoon Public Schools Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 Students will explore Indigenous pre-contact knowledge through land-based learning at Wanuskewin, disrupting the narrative that the plains were barren and wild prior to European contact.
St. Frances Cree Bilingual School - Bateman
Mary Harelkin Bishop
Saskatoon Literary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $10,000 This project is to help students to find out about their culture and record this information in writing. The final product is a printed book.
St. Frances Cree Bilingual School - Bateman
Mary Bishop
Saskatoon Literary Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $10,000 Students will be part of a creative community as they experience researching, writing and illustrating to create a book as the final project.
Stoughton Central School Stoughton Music Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 We would love to have Teagan Littlechief and Morgan Turk perform for the students in grades 7-12 and K-6
Sylvia Fedoruk Elementary School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 Fund beading artists to teach students indigenous beading. Develop a relationship with students, create therapeutic art opportunities and share indigenous knowledge.
Thomson Community School Regina Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $1,000 We are applying for an Artist in Schools Development Grant to create an outline for our proposed Storytelling through Symbolism project.
Thomson Community School
Jayde Goodon
Regina Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $11,500 Our project will strive to improve the literacy skills of students by exploring historical Indigenous artwork and incorporating traditional ways of teaching.
Turtleford Transition School
Bonny Macnab
Turtleford Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $9,303 We will investigate how people can gain a deeper understanding of their own and others' communities through practical applied arts and quilting.
Ba, Flany Regina Dance Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $4,000 Purchase of camera equipment to record dance rehearsals and performance to assist with professional critique and support online projects.
Bandur, Breanne Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $712 To Purchase a Metaltech Maxi Round 6 foot Scaffold to produce large drawings.
Berenbaum, Jenna Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 I will use a laptop for writing scripts and filming audition videos using applications like QLab for sound editing and FinalCutPro for video editing.
Blackman, Shawn Prince Albert Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,492 To purchase an Amp Profiler which is essential equipment needed to expand my musical practice to a greater extent into live performance and remote recording.
Brophey, Erin Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 To purchase a gouging machine to precisely remove the interior of bamboo in order to produce reeds for my oboe.
Cameron, Ian Regina Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,450 “As a studio musician who does a lot of remote sessions (recording and sending tracks), a new computer will better help me meet this demand.”
Craig, Robert Regina Multidisciplinary Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 To purchase a 16 inch Mac Book Pro to facilitate my video production, writing and digital art practice.
Diederichs, Callen Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $800 Purchase of analog delay equipment to support musical performance and recording.
Elder, Daniel Regina Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $1,485 Purchase of digital hand percussion instrument to expand live show performance ability and further artistic practice.
Ferraton, Dominique Gravelbourg Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 Purchase of a digital SLR camera to document artwork and provide much-needed flexibility to my image-making practice.
Kuse, Stephanie Saskatoon Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $5,000 Purchase of a custom built computer for 3D rendering that will advance technical complexity of artist's work.
Lerat, Muskwa Saskatoon Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,000 To purchase a Dracast X-Series 1000 Lighting Kit to enable me to control lighting on location shoots and better edit my film projects.
Mikkola, Elian Regina Media Arts Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $5,000 Purchase of a laptop for portable video editing to participate in professional development mentorship program and further post-production capacity.
Minnema, Conner Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $1,000 Purchase a top of the line microphone to record live instruments and vocals to add a new dynamic to my music production.
O'Bertos, Taegan Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $3,500 A new laptop geared towards graphic design and editing because my practice is becoming more about editing and designing projections.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.