Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Gordon Tootoosis Nīkānīwin Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $56,500 For general operating and programming support.
Wide Open Theatrical Escapades Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatoon Symphony Society Saskatoon Music Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $150,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatchewan Playwrights Centre Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $50,640 For general operating and programming support.
JackPine Press Inc. Saskatoon Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2019-2020 $23,630 For general operating and programming support.
Martin, Monique Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 To continue the touring of my installation based work "Continuous" and "Context is Everything" to 7 different exhibitions, solo and group.
Romero, Alejandro Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,696 #Sole_Purpose_a_glogal_interpretation_on_Islam is a ten day participatory art installation with components of Islamic culture including dance-performance art, fabric-fiber art, photography, audio-sound-light-projections, and re-purposed objects.
W3APONS Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $12,000 Our project is a 5 month writing period that will include collaborations with notable songwriters John-Angus MacDonald (The Trews) and Clayton Bellamy (The Road Hammers).
Lynch, Rory Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,000 Compose pieces designed to strengthen and diversify my band's repertoire, including a series of blues compositions and several stand-alone pieces.
Allard, Mark Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,000 A Graphic Art (graphic novel format) adaptation of the Icelandic saga known as The Saga of the Völsungs.
LaRiviere, David Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,400 Deliver paper at 12th annual Deleuze & Guattari Studies academic camp and conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, and apply research to collaborative project.
Bernbaum, Joel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 To apprentice with Forklift Danceworks' Artistic Director Alison Orr on her new community engaged production of Givens Swims - the culmination of a 3-year residency.
Scarrow, Kristine Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,000 Create a fiction young adult manuscript exploring organ donation and its potential impacts.
Neufeld, Travis Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $8,000 To support the writing and completion of a Saskatchewan-set feature film screenplay called Wildfire.
Harder, Kristel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,466 To gain the professional skills necessary to develop "EmotionLoss", a comedic cabaret exploring mental health, through two workshops and a mentorship program.
John Arcand Fiddle Fest Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $21,000 For general operating and programming support.
Thorn, Elly Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,000 Allan Gilliland will arrange 4 of Elly Thorns original Christmas songs so that she can perform them with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra Christmas 2019.
Normand, Alexis Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 This project is to complete the research, development, and treatment plan for "Sing Me Home" – a 30-minute POV documentary.
Fortier, Zoe Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,000 This grant will help fund the creative production of Latente, a Mexican-Canadian sound art intervention project produced through two artist-residencies.
Goobie, Beth Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $12,000 To write a collection, titled lookin' for joy, that combines lyrical, narrative poetry with my experiences with spoken word/poetry slams.
Kuse, Stephanie Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 Developing technical quality and scope of abstract digital video art utilizing natural textures.
Harder, Kendra Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,500 Along with my librettist collaborator, orchestrating and editing my two chamber operas for future performances in Saskatchewan.
Atkins, Amalie Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $15,500 To create a triple screen film installation for a confirmed solo exhibition at the Remai Modern opening April 5, 2019
Penner, John J Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,000 The project entails the exploration and applicaiton of digital technology to the historic process of carbon printing.
Pooyak, Roberto Saskatoon Music Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 15-17 Track Reggae & Hip Hop album following two previously released albums.
Rosie & the Riveters Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 This project is to write 60 new songs, the best 12 of which will be recorded on Rosie & the Riveters’ next album.
Burnt Thicket Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 Script development & world premiere production of My Own Personal Jesus? by Tim Bratton
Epp, Carole Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,771 This grant covers the creation of a new body of politically themed functional ceramics and includes a one month residency at the Archie Bray Foundation.
Hagan-Egyir, Rebecca Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,573 Development of second draft of novella, Kingdom of Waking Dreams.
Cafferata, Skyler Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To record 4 new studio-quality songs with my band (The Faps) which will be released as digital singles throughout 2019.
Hale, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,040 Time for creative exploration, investigation, experimentation, risk taking, discovery, dialogue and critique, development and creation of new artworks and works in progress.
Gonie, Jalisa Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $1,200 To train at the Manitoulin Conservatory and receive direction and dramaturgy from John Turner for a festival-length clown piece.
Gebremichael, Elsa Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 To write and co-produce songs that incorporate traditional Ethiopian elements combined pop / rock elements with producer XSDTRK for my debut Wild Black album.
Standing, Lorraine Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 To research and develop my stories of my father’s stories of song and drumming when I was a child.
Billingsley, Alyssa Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $1,309 Professional development at Manitoulin Conservatory for Creation and Performance of a solo bouffon show with Karen Hines and directorial mentorship under John Turner.
It's Not a Box Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $15,000 To devise and stage a live Overhear pod-play with Prague storytellers for the Prague Quadrennial 2019 and bring local content for geocache stories.
Mackasey, Michèle Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $18,000 To create two Memory-bottle-portraits commemorating lost family members, using tiny glass bottles filled with coloured transparent liquid; a pixelated process resulting in two-dimensional sculptural works.
Atimoyoo, Erland Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 I will reach Descendants who were unable to attend the 2018 "Gathering", report on last year's Gathering, promote this year's Gathering and contact ceremonial Elders.
Peters, Charles Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $700 Participating in a devised theatre workshop with Frantic Assembly, a celebrated UK theatre company while they are in Saskatoon for the first time.
Cuthand, Shawn Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 We want to create and produce fifteen videos that focus on Indigenous comedy and satirical news.
Anskohk Aboriginal Writers' Circle Inc. Saskatoon Literary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $16,000 For general operating and programming support.
Berenbaum, Jenna Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 A playwriting workshop of an extended version of an existing script.
Candline, Randi Saskatoon Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $6,500 I would like to take time off work to on a fully beaded Men's Grass Dance regalia.
Broadway Business Improvement District Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $5,000 RedBall is a traveling public art piece considered “the world’s longest-running street art work” and moves through a city with a new site each day.
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company
Integrated Dance Artist Collective
Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 To develop a regional community of professional contemporary dancers through creative practice with choreographer Shannon Litzenberger, toward creating a performance installation at the Remai Modern.
Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Inc. Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $70,000 For general operating and programming support.
Ecole Dundonald School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Our Grade 4 students will engage in a series of land based explorations with Leah Dorion to explore and represent understandings of our inquiry question.
Northern Saskatchewan International Children's Festival Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $40,000 For general operating and programming support.
Duval-Tyler, Madeline Saskatoon Media Arts Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $1,000
Saskatoon Jazz Orchestra Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Northern Lights Bluegrass and Old-Tyme Music Society, Inc. Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $9,000
Short Cuts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Theatre SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan Festival Inc. Saskatoon Theatre SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $86,000 For general operating and programming support.
Prairie New Music Festivals Inc. Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Campbell, Tara Saskatoon Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $6,725 I would like to create a collection of beaded jewelry and accessories that reflect the intertwining of Hip Hop culture and Indigenous culture.
Jungwirth, Jessica Saskatoon Visual Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $1,800
Ness Creek Cultural and Recreational Society, Inc. Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $50,000 For general operating and programming support.
Standing, Cyrus Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $4,488 Developing my art form of story telling and tell the stories of Dakota history, Kinship, language and my community in Saskatchewan
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $38,000 For general operating and programming support.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Visual SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $11,000 For general operating and programming support.
Tupper, Annika Saskatoon Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $1,000
North Park Wilson School
Joel Bernbaum
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Creative Action is a new Grade 8 Arts Program. Partnering with Joel will enhance the program from the very first year of its existence!
Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,000 To empower LGBTQ2S youth by highlighting art as a formative part of expressing identity and as a vehicle for social change.
Lebel, Emilie Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $929 Artistic development at the Banff Center for Arts and Creativity through Entr'Arts, a francophone multidisciplinary art program.
Simon-Worobec, Hillary Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Purchase supplies, raw materials, and equipment to aid in the production of several large volume ceramic orders.
Mantyka, Drew SASKATOON Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $1,500
Pantel, Rowan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To attend training with Russian puppeteer Polina Borisova, at the National Puppetry Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center in June 2019.
Dale, Danielle Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I have been accepted to the Biophilia Research Residency at Ayatana Artists' Research Program, where I will learn about biology and wildlife.
Haldoupis, Nicole Saskatoon Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To attend Sage Hill Writing’s 2019 Summer Program (Fiction Course) and work with writer Jacqueline Baker, July 2-12.
Bernbaum, Joel Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 This grant will allow me to purchase a new laptop , an essential tool to both my playwriting and artistic community building practice.
PAVED Art + New Media Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 PAVED Arts is hosting the Saskatoon iteration of the One Take Super 8 event taking place on Tues. Sept. 10th, 2019.
Grienke, Jennica Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Request for support to attend the Digital Challenges in Theatre for Young Audiences conference in North Vancouver this June.
Hale, Laura Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To accept an invitation to travel to and participate in a unique career development opportunity, an environmental art focused residency in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Tenold, Darla Saskatoon Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $858 Attend the St. Peter's College Colloquium with Tim Lillburn and Sheri Benning, followed by a five-day SWG individual retreat.
Pogorelova, Anya Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $631 International symposium for educators to explore new ideas. Participants conduct live ensembles, receive feedback, and are guided through score study, rehearsal techniques, movement, and interpretation.
Campos, Yulissa Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 This grant will allow me to compensate the cast and crew for their work during the creative process of "I,Frida" featuring at the Fringe Festival.
Coppens, Nathan Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I am acting in a Fringe production that is touring Canada. This grant would help cover per diems for the 77 days on the road.
Mathieu, Veronique Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $830 Perform, and offer outreach teaching and presentations during the first Lincoln Crossroads Music Festival in Nebraska this coming August.
Kyuubi Culture Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 "Rebellious Space" uses colourful luminous adhesive tape to connect the corners and details of downtown buildings.
Maxwell, Aralia Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 The proposed grant will help to fund fees and expenses for my participation in the Alchemy Artist Residency in Hillier, ON in August 2019.
Podiluk, Mike Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Complete a selection of handcrafted knives to exhibit at the "one year later" exhibition by 2018 CARFAC mentorship participants at St. Thomas More Gallery.
These Young Hands Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Opportunity to present my solo ambient electronic project, GLAZ, to a wider audience including notable industry professionals.
Kybalion Movement Saskatoon Dance Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 To request a micro-grant for alleviating expenses for a unique opportunity to present a Canadian Breaking artist at the international street dance festival “Hip-Fest 2019”.
Payne, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $8,491 For the creation of work, including paintings and electronic media, for a solo exhibition at Galerie Roberston Arès, Montréal QC
Oh, Julie Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $12,000 To produce and present a new installation of objects for a confirmed solo exhibition at the Dunlop Art Gallery opening Fall 2019.
Dynamic Video Imaging Corporation Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 This project is meant to facilitate the travel and professional development of Dynamic Video Imaging Corporation for the "Eastern Oregon Film Festival".
Benjamin, Paul Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,400 Attending Colombian and South American private music master classes by drum instructor Juan David Castano at the Berklee Satellite campus EMMAT in Bogota, Colombia.
Wong, Wing Tak Nova Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,640 Presenting Historically Informed Performance of early and late Italian, French and German violin-harpsichord music, and Baroque dance step workshop, to the Saskatoon community.
Murza, Michael Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $8,500 To compose "Cold and Lonely Kingdom," an album telling stories of a fantasy world that contains parallels to the history and geography of Saskatchewan.
Sanger, Joslin Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Purchase of DJ equipment for ongoing shows this winter and summer of 2020.
Power, Kevin Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,000 A professional development project to work with Mr. Aaron Low (Toronto), Canada's renowned vocal coach for professional singers. Registration confirmed.
Lebel, Emilie Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,262 This project is to produce a short film for my song "Métamorphose" with Stephanie Kuse
The Salt Shaker Festival Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $7,000 This application is seeking funding for the Manitou Boogaloo, a 2-day multi-media arts festival set in the community of Manitou Beach on July 10-11th, 2020.
The Garrys Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 Documentation/recording/mixing costs of The Garrys' Live score of "Haxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages", to be performed on Oct. 25th at the Roxy Theatre.
One Take Super 8 Event Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $5,575 This project will help artists create and exhibit 25 new films as part of an annual OTS8 film event dedicated to developing filmmakers in Saskatchewan.
Megan Kent and Sara Kreuger Saskatoon Dance Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $4,905 Megan Kent and Sara Kreuger want to further their study of Egyptian dance with master instructors at the Ya Salam Canada workshop in May 2020.
Schwab, Jordan Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $3,486 Attend the late winter residency to research the relationship of scale, isolation and space in a geographically contrasting location to the prairies.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.