Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Anderson, Charles Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $8,265 This grant is to complete an essay collection entitled POSTCARDS FROM THE PANDEMIC.
Brochu Lambert, Anne Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $8,300 To conceive and create an interactive slide projection-based art installation, complementing two-dimensional works for a curated duo show at the AGR in 2023.
Payne, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $8,491 For the creation of work, including paintings and electronic media, for a solo exhibition at Galerie Roberston Arès, Montréal QC
Murza, Michael Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $8,500 To compose "Cold and Lonely Kingdom," an album telling stories of a fantasy world that contains parallels to the history and geography of Saskatchewan.
Ouellette, Dianne Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $8,500 I will honour the memory of the extinct "buffalo wolves" and the strength of these beings, who at one time thrived in the prairie grasslands.
Körner, Miriam Air Ronge Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $8,500 This project is to create an illustrated children's book (text and illustrations) that addresses climate grief and climate change in a literary way.
Ripplinger, Matthew Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $8,500 Cosmic Tundra will be a short 16mm experimental film, aiming to represent surreal landscapes paralleling the rugged realism of the Yukon environment.
Reimer, Joel Dash Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $8,500 To workshop a 1 hour spoken word poetry/folk music set that integrates a loop pedal in order to tour it in Eastern Canada.
Gronsdahl, Todd Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,500 To build the installation for exhibit at AKA ARC, which will then function as a workshop for me and the community to to create in.
Fernandez, Cezar Patrick I Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $8,587 Develop and produce new works for three exhibitions in the Philippines.
QuarterTones Flute Ensemble Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $8,600 The QuarterTones Flute ensemble will work in collaboration with emerging composer, Makenzie Hay to create a work for flute trio.
Bradley, Bevin
Bethlehem School
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $8,700 Bevin Bradley will work with the Alt. Education class at Bethlehem high school through a series of art workshops to create an student handbook resource.
Prairie Sky School
Carol Daniels
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2022-2023 $8,808 This project is to create a Spring Storytelling Festival.
Lyons, Joanne Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $8,850 This project is to create new mixed media work exploring the weight of accumulation.
Badger, Joanne
Sturgeon Lake Central School
Sturgeon Lake Visual Artists in Schools 2024-2025 $8,896 To introduce the art of porcupine quill placement on birchbark, to youth in school, on the Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Saskatchewan. This is intermediate level.
Martin, Monique Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 To continue the touring of my installation based work "Continuous" and "Context is Everything" to 7 different exhibitions, solo and group.
Noel-Maw, Martine Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 To complete my "Will James Triad" by writing a novel based on my play "Dans l’ombre de Will James".
Deaf Crows Collective Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 The project will develop the ASL/English script, puppetry, and ASL poetry, and present a workshop reading of "1000 Ladders Down" with a small ensemble.
Anderson, Bruce Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 Complete several large format and medium sized oil paintings as the beginning of two new series expanding on the concerns examined in my previous work
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $9,000
Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,000 To empower LGBTQ2S youth by highlighting art as a formative part of expressing identity and as a vehicle for social change.
Kuzbik, Paul Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,000 To work with my band to adapt my debut solo album into a world class live show, and simultaneously write our follow up record.
Lepage, Mario St. Denis Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,000 Write and compose music and lyrics for Ponteix’s next record
Carroll, Jonathan Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,000 Gridlocked is an augmented reality project about the history technology and how it changes our relationship to land.
Dunlop, Bonnie Swift Current Literary Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $9,000 Create 10 new pieces and polish existing 22. On retreat, write 5 pieces utilizing archived material. Meld the material into a completed manuscript. Query publishers.
Pottle, Adam Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,000 Revise and polish my graphic novel script, SHADOWS ARE ALWAYS HUNGRY, into a second draft worthy of submission to publishers and artists.
Slade, Arthur Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,000 To write a graphic novel based on my award-winning novel DUST.
Lorer, Danica Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,000 Continue work on Ghosts and Other Grandfathers, a poetry and storytelling project that was supported by a Canada Council grant in its first phase.
Baudemont, David Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,000 Writing of "Fenêtre sur cour", a collection of poems and poetic aphorisms inspired by ink drawings
Beltran, Marlene Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,000 The production of an original play for young audiences featuring D/deaf performers. Telling the story of forbidden love between a cat and a swallow.
Kirchmeier, Kurt Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,000 To write a short speculative fiction novel about a man returning to his childhood home to face unresolved trauma and unanswered questions about his past.
Peart, Greta Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,000 I will create an empathy-focused videogame called “Mitch” that explores finding personal growth and groundedness amidst new and unfamiliar experiences.
Tootoosis, Lyndon Battleford Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $9,000 Create a series of sculptures that will speak about nehewuk way of dealing with loss and grieving, geared to those who never learned these techniques
Art Gallery of Regina Inc.
Ashley Johnson
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2023-2024 $9,000 This 2-part project (Experiences of difference and health through art & Forum co-creation) offers marginalized communities transdisciplinary experiences of the body, health, & self.
Macdonald, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $9,000 Build a touring production of my play IAGO SPEAKS to tour to High Schools students through arts centres across the province in 2024/25.
Paoli, Loretta Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,060 Continuation and completion of a series of interactive installations, Take Hold. Combining painting, video projection and viewer participation, each installation provides an experience of connection.
Nepjuk, Elizabeth Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,275 I will be researching and developing, and then presenting my death-centred production TEA. CAKE. DEATH. at the 2023 Saskatoon Fringe.
Turtleford Transition School
Bonny Macnab
Turtleford Visual Artists in Schools 2021-2022 $9,303 We will investigate how people can gain a deeper understanding of their own and others' communities through practical applied arts and quilting.
Blom, Monique Waldheim Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,350 To construct a sod house for my performance "Ethics of the Dust" for Remai Modern Sustained Artist Project.
Bates, Steve Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,400 To create an environmentally sensitive listening station and exhibition site from my home. Artworks will be exhibited from the same site and streamed online.
Ferguson, Anastasia Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,493 Shoot and hand-develop a 5-minute film, using 16 and Super 8 film. Title: The Garden of Curiousities, Chapter 2: From the Dying of the Day
Olsen, Farideh Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,500 This project is to write 60 songs, the best 10 will be recorded and performed by Farideh.
Han, Xiao
Riversdale Business Improvement District
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $9,508 Xiao Han works with Asian and non-Asian artists to create and install artwork in Riversdale's Asian restaurants to address racism toward Saskatoon Asian community.
Kennedy, Marsha Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,514 My proposal requests funding to produce and frame 15 works for a traveling retrospective exhibition and to support experimentation and further production of new works.
F.W. Johnson Collegiate
Holly Yuzicapi
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $9,547 After multiple land-based explorations, students will prepare materials to use for traditional art forms to create four panels which examine connections between land and reconciliation.
Bellefleur, Stephanie
Qu'Appelle Valley Friedship Centre Inc
Willow Bunch Visual Artists in Communities 2024-2025 $9,700 Friendship Centre inclusive contemporary indoor mural, facilitating mentorship related to themes of; Nature, Mental Health and Community Civic Pride.
McGuinty, Mooky Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $9,747 Creation time to script write and production plan 13 episodes of a preschooler and neurodivergent student, screen based educational program
Badger, Joanne
Sturgeon Lake Central School
Sturgeon Lake Visual Artists in Schools 2023-2024 $9,769 To introduce the practice of porcupine quill placement on birchbark to Grade 7 to 12 at the Sturgeon Lake Central School, Sturgeon Lake Reserve, Saskatchewan.
Eden Care Communities Foundation Inc.
Misty Wensel
Regina Dance Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,781 Collaborating with FadaDance Troupe our project will integrate the use of dance and movement to improve the overall well-being of our staff, artists and communities.
Ferraton, Dominique Gravelbourg Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $9,827 To complete first drafts of a 5-part audio piece exploring our relationship with water in Southwestern Saskatchewan.
Petit, Marcel Saskatoon Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $9,863 Jean’s War is about the turmoil of a youth who has suffered abuse. His world is a metaphor for the inner workings of his psyche.
Horowitz, Risa Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,872 To prepare for and attend an artist retreat in Longyearbyen, and a residency circumnavigating the Svalbard Archipelago, undertaking a series of documented performance art actions.
The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC)
Kris Alvarez
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,900 To work with Saskatchewan artists to provide young leaders with creative and supportive spaces to engage with ideas related to social justice and global citizenship.
The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC)
Melanie Rose
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $9,900 To work with Saskatchewan artists to provide young leaders with creative and supportive spaces to engage with ideas related to social justice and global citizenship.
Schneider, Zoë Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $9,900 This proposal seeks funding to support the creation of a solo exhibition of sculpture, video, and installation at Bunker Projects, Pittsburgh, PA in September-October 2024.
Pewapsconias, Janelle Paynton Share and Connect 2023-2024 $9,900 For youth descendants of Indian Residential School to capture survivance stories through family tree art, spoken word, and storytelling for Orange Shirt Day 2023.
Badger, Joanne
Mistawasis Nehiyawak
Sturgeon Lake Visual Artists in Communities 2023-2024 $9,916 To provide workshops as a series of porcupine quillwork artistry and preservation of a centuries old Indigenous decor.
KSAMB Dance Company Saskatoon Dance Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $9,955 Perfecting the technique of live amplification of dancers’ heartbeats and integrating the technique into a work in progress performance.
Rosie & the Riveters Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 This project is to write 60 new songs, the best 12 of which will be recorded on Rosie & the Riveters’ next album.
Gebremichael, Elsa Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 To write and co-produce songs that incorporate traditional Ethiopian elements combined pop / rock elements with producer XSDTRK for my debut Wild Black album.
Blom, Monique Waldheim Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 To produce and perform "(In)terfertilization: Of Word and Flesh" at (UNAM) Encuentro 2019:The World Inside Out in Mexico City in June 2019.
Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples Inc. La Ronge Literary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
The Vertigo Series Regina Literary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Free Flow Dance Theatre Company
Integrated Dance Artist Collective
Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 To develop a regional community of professional contemporary dancers through creative practice with choreographer Shannon Litzenberger, toward creating a performance installation at the Remai Modern.
Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Ecole Dundonald School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Our Grade 4 students will engage in a series of land based explorations with Leah Dorion to explore and represent understandings of our inquiry question.
Saskatoon Jazz Orchestra Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Eastend Historical Museum & Cultural Centre Eastend Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Art as Healing workshops with people dealing with isolation facilitated by Artists in the Eastend SK area will be held September 1'18 to Feb.28'20
Big River Metis Local #59 Big River Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Big River Metis Local would like to have a cultural mural painted on the west wall of our 50 year old heritage theater.
Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000
Short Cuts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Theatre SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Prairie New Music Festivals Inc. Saskatoon Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Regina International Open Theatre Society Regina Theatre SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Cathedral Area Community Association Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Creative City Centre Inc.
Karlie King
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Karlie King will work with retirement communities downtown to facilitate knitting groups focused on the yarn-bombing of pre-determined locations downtown leading up to Nuit Blanche.
North Park Wilson School
Joel Bernbaum
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Creative Action is a new Grade 8 Arts Program. Partnering with Joel will enhance the program from the very first year of its existence!
Clinton Ackerman Music Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Host a week long summer camp of creativity and interdisciplinary art creation.
Regina Folk Festival Inc.
Megan Nash
Regina Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 All Our Relations choir, led by local musicians, will rewrite songs that shaped the labour movement and the RFF, culminating in a 50th anniversary performance.
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity Inc. Regina Media Arts Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Stories That Move You: A portrait and digital storytelling project by and for trans and non-binary people in Saskatchewan
Chief Gabriel Cote Education Complex
Treaty 4 Education Alliance
Kamsack Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Grade 4 – 8 students will complete traditional art projects surrounding the theme of identity and sense of self with Dakota artist Holly Yuzicapi.
Favel, Floyd Paynton Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $10,000 This project is to write down and publish, accompanied by visual images, the story of Broken Knife Lookout on Poundmaker Cree Nation.
Körner, Miriam Air Ronge Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 This project is to complete a first draft of the novel ‘Burnt’ , including travelling to the places the protagonist encounters in her journey.
Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home
Barbara Goretzky
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 To test the feasibility of an arts-based program in the home with the hope of turning it into an artist in community residency
Anderson, Charles Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 I would like to complete a collection of quirky, humorous literary essays entitled The Boy in the Window.
Herriot, Trevor Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $10,000 to prepare a final draft of the novel I am writing to submit to my editor at HarperCollins.
Dotson, Allan
Ecole Wascana Plains Elementary School
Regina Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 A Grade 4 class will build a modular model community which will depict the use of natural resources in Saskatchewan.
Dunlop Art Gallery
Logan MacDonald
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Logan MacDonald will explore the Deaf experience with Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The collaborative artwork will be exhibited at Dunlop Art Gallery.
Prairie Sculptors' Association
Manitou Beach Recreation Board
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Prairie Sculptors' Assoc. (PSA) and Manitou Beach Recreation Board will host a sculpture symposium including public art workshops and a community art project.
Saskatoon Industry Education Council
Muveddet Al-Katib
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Through art, newcomer youth will to express and share their culture while learning about the similarities and differences in other cultures in their new community.
Living Sky School Division No. 202
Bonny Macnab
North Battleford Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Conversations with Nature brings together artists, storytellers and healers to lead students through a process of thinking like artists, scientists and stewards of the land.
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc.
Laura Hale
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Artist Laura Hale will engage the attendees of the 2020 Fringe Festival to create a large-scale, outdoor art installation over the course of ten days.
Fidelak, Terri
Christ the King School
Regina Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Creation of a large, temporary sculptural installation using locally-sourced clay to engage students in learning about connection to land and sustainability through the creative process.
Girls Rock Camp Saskatoon
Eliza Mary Doyle
Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Providing opportunities for female empowerment through Cultural Arts Mentorship Programming by building capacity and expanding the Girls Rock Saskatoon program to under-served/remote communities in Saskatchewan.
Mistawasis Nehiyawak High School
Kris Moffatt
Leask Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $10,000 Engage students in art therapy sessions, complete a friendship canvas and develop a video of these process. Friendship and culture.
Hale, Laura
Wild about Saskatoon NatureCity Festival
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Free, drop-in, community-engaged, environmental art project using locally found plants to explore material potential and create sculptural artworks and to create space for community dialogue.
asokan Project Camps
Alexandra Nordstrom
Battleford Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 This project provides youth of Poundmaker and Little Pine First Nation with five days of creative programming that use land as pedagogy for art practice.
W3APONS Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $10,000 This project is to fund a writing period for Saskatoon-based band and writing collaborators, W3APONS.
Cathedral Area Community Association Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2020-2021 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon Saskatoon Media Arts SaskFestivals 2020-2021 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples Inc. La Ronge Literary SaskFestivals 2020-2021 $10,000 For general operating and programming support.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.