Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Ay, Caramba! Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2022-2023 $2,000 To attend COYUNTURA, a National Latinx Theatre Gathering to connect and network with Latinx artists across Canada
Baraniecki, Jordan Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $2,000 I am applying to create a series of paintings that explore the intersections between contemporary Surrealist painting and three-dimensional collage.
Deaf Crows Collective Regina Media Arts Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 Send four Deaf actors, our Deaf Artistic Director, and the film’s Assistant Director to the Fable Deaf world premiere at Yorkton Film Festival.
Rathgeber, Carolyn Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2023-2024 $2,000
Ding, Nino Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2023-2024 $2,000
Jackson-Reynolds, Chloe Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2023-2024 $2,000
Prairie Saxophone Initiative North Battleford Music Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 To perform a concert in the Greater Vancouver Area and develop connections with their artistic community.
Shurniak Gallery Inc. Assiniboia Visual Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 Shurniak Gallery will host Tracey-Mae Chambers to create installations of premade crochet, woven, knit pieces made with yarn to encourage dialogue regarding reconciliation and decolonization.
Wanuskewin Heritage Park Saskatoon Share and Connect 2023-2024 $2,000 Offering a free, drop-in art collaboration in with Metis artists Holly Tennant and Leah Dorion to connect with the Prince Albert Indigenous community through art.
Kyuubi Culture Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 We are creating artworks (sculptures, videos, performance art) which accumulate into a collaborative performance piece during our month-long artist residency at Banff Center.
Prince Albert Potter's Guild Prince Albert Visual Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 We would like to bring in Dawn Candy, a Canadian ceramic artist from Red Deer Alberta, for a workshop on extensive surface design.
Dynamic Video Imaging Corporation Saskatoon Media Arts Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 Facilitate the travel and professional development of Dynamic Video Imaging through attending the "Reelworld Film Festival" and premier of our film "A Storm Blows Over".
Tweidt, Adam Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $2,000 Seeking funding to explore directing as a mentee during the production of Two Bees The Anger of Ernest and Ernestine.
Janvier-Dugan, Diane Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $2,000 Quilted a portrait of my newly wed Dene parents in the early 50s. 56" x 82" wall hanging textile art.
THE 525 ART POP-UPS INC. Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 Our pop-up art exhibition on November 25th and the pre-exhibit artists’ workshop aim to develop early-career artists who have little to no prior exhibiting experience.
Live Five Theatre Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 To increase our capacity and solidify our future goals through the creation of an organizational strategic plan with guidance from an external facilitator
Chinese Dance Club of Saskatoon Saskatoon Dance Microgrant Program 2023-2024 $2,000 One of a kind and traditional Chinese drum dance, illustrating dancers using drums as their stages, a combination of classical dance and Han dynasty poetry.
Eger, Ruby Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 The goal to engage in a month long dance training program based in Lucca, Italy.
Pascal, Madison Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 To celebrate the Official Bird of Regina: the Black-capped Chickadee. Representation of the community's commitment to environmental stewardship and the wellbeing of its bird populations.
Bates, Steve Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To use a custom weather station to gather data from the Sun (solar radiation) to make a small body of sound and visual art works.
Grimelda Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Grimelda will be touring through Southern Ontario & Quebec to re-establish awareness prior to performing at NXNE in Toronto.
Cupid's Heart Prince Albert Music Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To support the release and planned 15-show Eastern Canada tour around the latest single "Pick Me Up" from Cupid's Heart.
Dump Babes Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Perform 5 shows in Western Canada to promote our new album 'Known Liar', 4 of them as tour support for Miesha and the Spanks.
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc. Regina Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 LTD' will be touring to rural communities to perform Bits & Pieces of Dis’ & Dat for high school students, cultural leaders, and community members.
Art Gallery of Swift Current Swift Current Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Install a dynamic pilot mural project along the Chinook Parkway to enhance public art, community well-being, and grow the gallery's presence in the community.
Stonechild, Jacob Regina Share and Connect 2024-2025 $2,000 I am currently looking for funding to continue my art projects not only to share but to teach those who might be interested thank you
Armstrong, Audrey Saskatoon Share and Connect 2024-2025 $2,000 Large visual artworks identify Treaty 6 and Métis territory. A community art wall invites participants to deepen their awareness of and relationship to this land.
KSAMB Dance Company Saskatoon Dance Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 A dance, music, and spoken-word performance on nature and capitalism, workshopped in an inner-city theatre residency, combining live music, mixed ability ensemble improvisation, and outreach.
Chaos Encouraged Productions Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Create a 4ft by 4ft stage for Trans and Genderqueer Drag performers to present a unique show at Nuit Blanche YXE in Saskatoon.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Dance Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 This project features contemporary dance in response to Leesa Streifler's exhibition to bridge dance and visual arts while promoting community building and engagement.
Pocha, Michael Lloydminster Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 Children's book 'Junior Paranormal Investigators' about the Dene legend of the Skinwalker. Set within Cold Lake First Nation where many Dene legends are explored.
Wecker, Sabine Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Re-Orientation Space after Grad School
Lenko, Timothy Moose Jaw Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To write a collection of musical theatre songs adapting the George MacDonald novel 'The Princess and the Goblin' and contract a composing consultant for coaching.
Garcia-Luna, Gabriela Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Research of analogue methods and techniques of print making, mark making and paper treatment to incorporate into my works Rivers.
It's Not a Box Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 To co-produce, co-direct, and co-design a production of Overhear as a performance and an installation in Taiwan with producing partner Performosa Theatre.
Peeteetuce, Curtis Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 wâpikwaniy, a vignette community production, is inspired by the history of Indigenous-Ukrainian relations in Saskatchewan and intended for production in 2025.
Brass, Philip Balcarres Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 Pipe Stone carving youth mentorship opportunity at Community and School Chief Payepot, First Nation.
Morning Owl, Raistlin Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 Raistlin Morning Owl will create an Indigenous-themed rap album, incorporating community workshops and performances, focused on empowering youth through music and storytelling.
Southwest Cultural Development Group Inc. Swift Current Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Host four performances of "Leave it to Weavers" by Gordon Tootoosis Nikaniwin Theatre
La Ronge Arts Council Corp. La Ronge Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 The La Ronge Arts Council seeks to create an Art Gallery at the Alex Robertson Public Library to show local and OSAC artwork publicly.
The Spare Room Gallery Cut Knife Visual Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 We require funding for 2025 while we establish alternative sources of core funding for support and promotion of our local region's artists.
Ay, Caramba! Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2024-2025 $2,000 Artistic Leadership Residency by the National Theatre School of Canada in Montreal
Cabildo Esquivel, Priscila Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Building Arts Equity 2023-2024 $2,062 'KIN Movement" is art exchanged for kindness. "Ojos de Dios" - weavings traditional to the Indigenous Huichol of Mexico - are traded for good deeds.
Stinn, Cassandra Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,071 Creating an immersive performance experience for the release of my newest work, “Returnings,” my first work for small ensemble.
O'Gorman, Kate Sasktatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,095 The artist will attend Sage Hill’s 2024 Fiction Course with a focus on revising part one of a three-part novel-in-progress currently titled The Light Chasers.
Kuz, Tessa Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $2,100 To produce and premiere 'The Open Soul Of The Prairies' - a solo dance work choreographed by Margie Gillis, performed by Tessa Rae Kuz.
Leschyshyn, Ava Saskatoon Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2024-2025 $2,125
Alexander, Bridget Weyburn Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2024-2025 $2,125
Cram, Kathie Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $2,142 This is a research project to better integrate the lived experiences of survivors of the military regimes in Bolivia 1964-1982 into my novel "Shedding Skin".
Benjamin, Paul Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,200 I use my 12-year-old computer with outdated IOS for music production and editing photos for my Photo Exhibitions: a new MacBook Pro would remediate.
Lipton School
Holly Yuzicapi
Lipton Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $2,210 We have asked Holly Yuzicappi to provide a introduction to Indigenous art and natural materials to our grade 7-9 students.
Lebel, Emilie Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,262 This project is to produce a short film for my song "Métamorphose" with Stephanie Kuse
McCreary, Sara Michelle Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,274 Miniature futurism dioramas blending technology and traditional knowledge and are based on prairie life. They depict climate change impacts and resilience from global nation collaboration.
Devine-Tajgardan, Negar Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,290 production, installation and presentation of art works at the above mentioned art centers and provide artist talk and community engagement programs at ARTSPLACE gallery
Eger, Ruby Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $2,320 The opportunity to take part in a 1 week intensive training program under a renowned contemporary company, Rubberband in Montreal, Quebec.
Stonhouse, David Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $2,364 For additional assistance for materials, installation and shipping costs as POWERBOXES will be expanding to a large solo exhibition at Godfrey Dean Arts Gallery, Yorkton.
Phillips, Geoff Maple Creek Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,399 A desktop computer is essential to edit professional photos of my artwork ready for print with photoshop, prepping for online media promotions, and for storage.
Weger, Rebecca Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $2,400
Han, Xiao Saskatoon Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,400 I need a good quality camera to enhance my art practice in all my major visual practices: media-based public art, socially engaged arts, and performance.
Wicks, Bob Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,400 My current MacBook Pro (2012 model) has become unreliable and insufficient in supporting my artistic practice: a new computer would help me make a living.
Bundon, Johanna Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,400
Maier, Lenore Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,400 This project application will support my continued educational endeavors to learn new percussive styles through formal drum lessons and mentorship from Graham Templeman.
Pedersen, Courtney Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $2,428 "A Poet's Blouse" will be a series of short videos and accompanying photography, portraying poets and their words through these visual mediums.
Kroczynski, Jackie North Battleford Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2022-2023 $2,449 I sing, play keyboards, guitar and more with my interface and computer as I create demo tracks of my music using Logic Pro.
Cameron, Ian Regina Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,450 “As a studio musician who does a lot of remote sessions (recording and sending tracks), a new computer will better help me meet this demand.”
Blackman, Shawn Prince Albert Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,492 To purchase an Amp Profiler which is essential equipment needed to expand my musical practice to a greater extent into live performance and remote recording.
Palaschuk, Brett Regina Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $2,500
Merasty, Marcus Prince Albert Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $2,500
Hepting, Finnian Regina Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $2,500
Hector, Eleanor Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2019-2020 $2,500
McNeill, Dean Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $2,500 This is a 2 part application: 1) Develop new web site for Dean McNeill 2) Support 'Edmonton Winds' (ensemble) European tour featuring McNeill as soloist.
Oxbow Arts and Cultural Committee
Oxbow Arts and Cultural Committee
Oxbow Music SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $2,500 Funding for the Bow Valley Jamboree Music and Arts Festival.
Mathieu, Veronique Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $2,500 Work in collaboration with composers to develop a set of 12 etudes for solo violin that will address unusual contemporary techniques.
Stockdale Winder, Deanna Saskatoon Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Rathgeber, Carolyn Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Haynes, Sierra Regina Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Froc, Benton Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Sonntag, Meika Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Newton, Sean North Battleford Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Ritter-Magot, Nathaniel Regina Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Maneso, Ha'Keena Moose Jaw Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Thompson Ramsay, Sydney Dalmeny Visual Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Ritter-Magot, Nathaniel Regina Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Rae, Faith Melville Visual Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Zarubin, Brooke Moose Jaw Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Rathgeber, Carolyn Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Webster, Rickee-Lee Weyburn Visual Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Maneso, Ha'Keena Moose Jaw Multidisciplinary Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Read, Leanne Davidson Multidisciplinary Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Sonntag, Mayson Regina Theatre Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Sonntag, Meika Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2021-2022 $2,500
Brophey, Erin Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 To purchase a gouging machine to precisely remove the interior of bamboo in order to produce reeds for my oboe.
Berenbaum, Jenna Saskatoon Theatre Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 I will use a laptop for writing scripts and filming audition videos using applications like QLab for sound editing and FinalCutPro for video editing.
Pederson, Krystle Saskatoon Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 I would like to purchase a new MacBook Pro complete with Logic Pro and more storage space so I can record in my own studio.
Ferraton, Dominique Gravelbourg Visual Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 Purchase of a digital SLR camera to document artwork and provide much-needed flexibility to my image-making practice.
Craig, Robert Regina Multidisciplinary Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,500 To purchase a 16 inch Mac Book Pro to facilitate my video production, writing and digital art practice.
Boyd, Julia Saskatoon Dance Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2022-2023 $2,500
Zarubin, Brooke Moose Jaw Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2022-2023 $2,500
Scott, Graeme Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2022-2023 $2,500
Rathgeber, Carolyn Regina Music Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2022-2023 $2,500
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.