Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Johnson, Omar Regina Music Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 This project will produce an album. Utilizing a 4 part method. I.e Locale sampling, sound sculpting, sound generation, sound pallet programming, plus composition.
Cameron, Howard Duck Lake Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 In my process of learning Cree stories from elders, I will illustrate images that coincide with the stories. Thus, limiting the need for English translation.
Pewapsconias, Janelle Paynton Literary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Connecting to the prairie plains and to water, Janelle Pewapsconias will reflect, create and flow poetry in the form of a 24 page poetry chapbook.
Deiter, Christine Balcarres Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Re-Creation of a Treaty Suit for hereditary Chief Dieter of Peepeekisis, documented in a PowerPoint for Treaty educational - TRC/repatriation purposes.
Tootoosis, Shelly Cut Knife Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Fully porqupine quilled Woman's accessory set will include a chocker with breast piece attached, two braid-ties,back barrette, and side of head medicine wheel.
Angus, Meagan Regina Theatre Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 I would intern at the Globe Theatre to further my theatrical training and create a solo performance.
Jodoin, Berkley Leader Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Album of original music shedding light on problems facing aboriginal people today. Addiction, Mental Health, Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
Dorion, Leah Prince Albert Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 This project will be to design and create 13 moon shawls for an existing art show that features the 13 moon teachings.
Sanger, Joslin Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Purchase of DJ equipment for ongoing shows this winter and summer of 2020.
Campbell, John Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 Funding to build and exhibit a body of kinetic sculptures responding to facial recognition. Confirmed exhibits in SK, ON; plus international residency and touring options.
Schneider, Zoë Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 To create and heavily expand upon two bodies of work for two confirmed solo exhibitions that will take place in 2020.
Ripplinger, Matthew Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 The Corrupted Spectrum is a creation project exploring possibilities in Technicolor processes combined with homemade photographic emulsion techniques.
Budgell-Eaglespeaker, Forrest Scott Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 I am applying for funding to financially support the recording of a full length album written about inter-generational trauma and healing.
Poitras-Jarrett, Phyllis Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 To create 6 mixed-media paintings honouring 6 Sk. animals necessary for the survival of the Indigenous people throughout history to be included in future exibitions.
Carriere, Kenneth Air Ronge Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 Conduct and record Swampy Cree language interviews, record historical photos from family albums, attain permissions to use recorded photos and interviews for a book.
Cowan, Hilarey Regina Multidisciplinary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,500 To develop and expand my work around labour, connection and care through sculpture and performance, including a residency at the Banff Centre with Bridget Moser.
Saskatoon Poetic Arts Festival Saskatoon Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2019-2020 $7,500 Week-long performance series and poetry boot camp, featuring spoken word artists from Saskatchewan and across Canada in collaboration with artists in other disciplines.
Tienkamp, Christine St. Louis Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Produce Metis beadwork pieces
McArthur, Robert Carlyle Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Robert Mcarthur is bringing back the Nakoda language through song, specifically children's lullabies. Writing lullabies helps preserve the language by putting it in children's ears.
Ratt, Molly Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 My grant proposal is Landscape Creations By Molly R Ratt
Yokozawa Farquharson, Hanna Saltcoats Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Creating Textile Art for my first solo exhibition at the Godfrey Dean Art Gallery in Yorkton from September 13th to October 31st , 2020.
Belarmino, Jimuel Weyburn Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will explore themes (acculturation, social class, identity) that will inform my work to create body of work for my first solo exhibition in 2023.
Svennes-Smith, Diana Eastend Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Complete a polished draft of my novel Sob Lake for submission to my editor Martha Kanya-Forstner at Doubleday Canada.
Ruecker, Gerry Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 The funding requested in this grant application is to support the further development and creation of my current body of work in mixed media sculpture.
Lazurko, Anne Weyburn Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 To provide writing and research time for completion of a draft of my novel "One Woman".
Harder, Kendra Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will be working with Saskatoon ensemble, Mistral 5, to create a new piece of concert music for wind quintet.
Maxwell, Aralia Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 To support the production of work and its documentation for confirmed exhibition at Neutral Ground in November 2020.
Wiwchar, Michelle Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Development of the libretto for “Orpheus and Eurydice: Nox”, a modern, queer response to my existing work with Kendra Harder, “Orpheus and Eurydice... ish”.
Rinas, Aarin Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 A series of portrait paintings depicting the emotional states of people affected by economic inequality.
Hunter, Jennie Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 To complete a new literary novel titled 'Factor of Safety', which focuses on my continuing theme of women working in non-traditional roles.
Rose, Melanie regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To create and develop new work with the intent of exhibition. Research of new techniques and materials.
McKay, Michelle-Rae (M-Rae) Grenfell Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 Utilize beads, material, leather, fur, feathers to create a visual representation of powwow grand entry through the ages on a brain tanned Moosehide.
Yuzicapi, Holly Fort Qu’Appelle Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 I would like to do traditional quillwork on a buffalo robe. Quillwork is the oldest art form from the land we live on.
Saskatchewan Book Awards Inc. Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $7,500 For general operating and programming support.
Standing, Lois Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To research and develop Dakota women's geometric beaded designed dresses and produce a dress with the influence of past designs.
Knight, Lindsay Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 I plan research twenty years of my songs to compile lyrics and descriptions in nehiyaw (Cree) and english and then produce a resource.
Parent, Anna Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To finish the writing and create paintings for a story about a raven raised by geese learning to fly, a sixties scoop survivors story.
Langhorne, Donna Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To reimagine the Seven Sacred Teachings by creating portraiture of the associated animal figures in a hybrid rendition of Woodlands and Realist styles.
Vincent, Angus Yorkton Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 Take time off work to complete my play. I've completed the songs and am looking to finish my script to begin work-shopping and marketing it.
Bigeagle-Kequahtooway, Joely Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To purchase a long arm quilting machine to assist me in designing and creating my starblankets.
Radiant Press Regina Literary Special Initiatives Fund 2020-2021 $7,500 To support the enrolment of our Managing Editor in the online Certificate in Publishing program from the Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University.
Thistledown Press Ltd. Saskatoon Literary Special Initiatives Fund 2020-2021 $7,500 To cover expenses of Thistledown Press’ transition in ownership.
Goodwyn, Amber Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Support for the creation of a new cycle of songs for my experimental pop music project, Natural Sympathies.
Hebert, Dakota Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To completely gut and redo my three-act play about Jack the Ripper into a way better two-act.
Oblong and Oboe Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Exploration, creation and development to expand a 20-minute clown piece to a full 60-minute tourable production at the Manitoulin Centre for Creation and Performance.
Rewuski, Lindsey Saskatoon Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will develop an immersive installation and photo series for a confirmed online exhibition, as well as future exhibitions.
Bérubé, Annie Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will present a new series of work about abandoned buildings and their inner stories at CAVA in Edmonton in February 2021.
Bluemke, Cat Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 GAN of Living Skies is a project that spans machine learning, video, and installation work.
Stevens, Tracy Regina Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To write a film treatment titled: THE RIVERS FLOW: A NATIONAL TRAGEDY, the untold love story of Marguerite Monet dit Bellehumeur and Louis Riel.
Campbell, Tenille Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 "natural desire, embodied" is a series of ten portraits featuring Indigenous men who embody desire through an Indigenous woman’s gaze, exploring land, identity and lust.
Parovsky, Karley Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 I would like to compose 3 pieces and make 5 demos all inspired by isolation and the emotions deeply felt at this time.
Fernandez, Cezar Patrick I Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 Solo Exhbition at Weyburn Art Council
Yokozawa Farquharson, Hanna Saltcoats Visual Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 Creating Textile Art for my solo show at the Community Hall in Saltcoats in October 2021.
Johner, Lucas Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 To write 11 country-pop songs which will be released by The Johner Boys as singles, and then as an album.
Tupper, Katharine Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 I will be writing a new EP collaborating with my producer, remotely and online over the next several months.
Ratt, Molly Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 My project will consist of painting 8 landscapes of various areas of the Lac La Ronge and surrounding area landscapes.
Skjeie, Cooper Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 To finalize my first full-length poetry manuscript, titled, "post-immunity theory."
Hyggen, Vanessa Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 I want to highlight the diversity, beauty, importance and plight of northern Saskatchewan muskegs, land that is being threatened with strip mining.
Saskatchewan Book Awards Inc. Regina Literary Professional Arts Organizations Program 2021-2022 $7,500 For general operating and programming support.
Fookes, Jasmin Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 A portable contemporary cabinet of curiosities from a repurposed structure to house diverse assortments of my locally collected and altered natural materials and mass-produced objects.
Francis, Cate Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 Support for the research and creation of large format screenprint based works examining cultural conceptions of nature as decoration in the face of climate change.
Cuthand, Shawn Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 I want to complete a first draft of a screenplay and script for stage about interracial dating in Saskatchewan in the post Gerald Stanley era.
Poitras-Jarrett, Phyllis Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 To paint 6-40"x36" paintings: sturgeon, elk, polar bear, salmon, bee, and orca to add to my Spirit Animal series which is close to completion.
Dawson, Michael Estevan Music Independent Artists Program 2021-2022 $7,500 To write and arrange songs for a full length album and conceptualize accompanying videos, design, visuals, and photos related to the release and subsequent live performance.
Ledoux, Maureen Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 I am requesting funding to produce a Woman's Traditional Beaded Outfit to participate in cultural activities.
Severight, Tanya Whitecap Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 Expand my fabric design skills to make Story Star Quilts, by adding embroidery and sublimation images to the quilts, ribbon skirts and make dolls.
Deiter, Christine Balcarres Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 To learn how to construct a tipi with tranferable indigenous teachings, documenting as a teaching aid with powerpoint.
Pawlowich, Raistlin Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 Produce, record & edit a single off my debut album.
Nuit Blanche Regina Arts Festival Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2021-2022 $7,500 Nuit Blanche Regina is a free, accessible, night-time festival showcasing public art installations and engaging audiences in Regina on Saturday, August 27, 2022.
McIntyre, Nelda Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 Making Starblankets and also to teach younger people to carry on the tradition and knowledge
Albert Park Community Association Regina Multidisciplinary SaskFestivals 2021-2022 $7,500 A 3 day, multidisciplinary festival including works by local artistic, musical and cultural talents.
Martin-Arcand, Logan Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 I will be doing a writing workshop to further develop my play The Gay Card to be tour ready when safe to do so.
Janvier, Bobby La Loche Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 To build an separate studio/workshop so I can safely continue my art projects like woodworking outside.
Baptiste, Falynn Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $7,500 Requesting funding/sponsorship to complete a second contemporary Cree language music album. Album will contain a mix of gospel and original music.
Fletcher, Étienne Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 To compose 8 songs to be added to bilingual live concert, and eventual recording.
Laird, Tonia Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 Continuation of planning and writing of high fantasy novel series with themes of decolonization, kinship, and intergenerational trauma and healing.
MacDonald, Ruaridh Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 A 3-month creation process to develop a libretto and record tracks for “The Picture of Dorian Gray - A New Musical”
Kovach, Jaye Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 Responding to Ross and Mackay’s Gendertroublemakers, we will produce an experimental short film exploring our trans-for-trans and butch-femme relationship through kink and the everyday.
Okihcihtaw, Marc Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $7,500 This collaboration will bring together various traditional music artists and create an album/collection of traditional and social hand drum songs.
Hendrickson, Raye Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 To conduct research for, receive consultation about, and complete a poetry manuscript chronicling my great-grandmother's life story in her voice.
Badger, Joanne Sturgeon Lake Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $7,500 To introduce the practice of porcupine quilled birchbark basket making to women and men at the Lloyd Johnson Healing Lodge in Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchewan.
Peart, Greta Regina Media Arts Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 I will complete the first stage of a story-based videogame featuring original art/music that explores finding personal groundedness amongst unfamiliar psychological and social spaces.
Bennett, Andrew Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,500 To create 8 new ambient tracks using only my voice.
Melberg Schwier, Karin Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 Develop an in-progress literary prairie fiction manuscript, Inheriting Violet, a sequel to my award-winning debut novel, and produce a finished draft ready for substantive editing.
Hosaluk, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 'The Circle and the Dot' is a mixed-media Installation influenced by folklore and Saskatchewan architecture. New work is scheduled for exhibition for 2024.
Joa, Catherine Denare Beach Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To take time to create six paintings for "View from the Edge of the World", a confirmed group exhibition at the AGR in August 2023.
Harpham, Lindsay Tisdale Dance Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To present a full-length show entitled "Behind Us" in Saskatoon, SK. Intended for future goals of national and international touring as well as festival submissions.
Richter, Jessica Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 We seek funding to develop an exhibition for the Ukrainian Museum of Canada. In addition to Artist Run Centers & Gallery's in Canada.
Bird-Wilson, Lisa Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To attend three writing residency/retreat locations as I research, write, edit, and revise my book-length memoir, Magpie Dreams.
St. Germaine, Yvonne Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To write and perform a brand new full-length album that is contingent upon my newly released single "Sacred Tree" inspired by Sixties Scoop survivors.
Bandur, Breanne Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 A body of work that investigates adapting my drawing practice to a smaller scale, carrying forward formal attributes and conceptual considerations of my large-scale works.
Sutherland, Dallas Rosthern Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 This grant would fund my short film project titled Noize, acquiring equipment, actors, and most importantly, crew members to make the film great.
Merasty, Marcus Regina Dance Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To deepen my creative process and performance skills through realizing a dance-based performance work informed by traditional Indigenous art practices, choreographed by Robin Poitras.
Jarrett, Alexandra Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 I will be conceptualizing 50 poems dedicated to the land and nehiyaw language. I will be incorporating political, matriarchal and MMIW elements.
Knight, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 I plan to write a rock musical exploring the theme of the integration of indigenous men in a colonial society
Dufour Bowes, Arnolda Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 A written and/or audiovisual preservation of traditional northern Metis stories and songs.
Blackett, Tim Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 Writing the second half of my novel, "We Were Meant to be Grownups," currently about 35k words in length.
Morken, Jaclyn Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To finish outlining and drafting my short story collection, "Inter(n)ment," and to revise the manuscripts for publication.
Nelson, Josiah Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 To continue drafting poems for a poetry manuscript exploring the interconnectedness of the self and the natural world.
Bohn, Brooke Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 My project is to create many works to place in public shows and spaces to help solidify myself as an emerging artist.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.