Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Wilson, Nic Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I will be traveling to Venice, Italy to participate in a workshop with Marilyn Arsem and present a performance at Venice International Performance Art Week.
Liu, Lin Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $757 This proposal is for support to develop a proposal for a Saskatchewan Arts Board Artists in Communities Project grant for the May 1, 2020 deadline.
Yokozawa Farquharson, Hanna Saltcoats Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I have been invited to have a private exhibition at Godfrey Dean Art Gallery in the fall of 2020. I need 20 works of art.
Erickson, Craig Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I need funding to be able to purchase paint to finish a body of work for an art show I have been invited to.
Town of Lumsden Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $990 Local artist to create an outdoor public mural in collaboration with a wide range of community members, wide range in age, displayed at the Museum.
Paquet, Daniel Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Participation as photographer in the creation of the work "What belongs to us" at the International Center for Contemporary Culture Tabakalera, with choreographer, Suzanne Miller.
Bridges Art Movement Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 To provide financial support for BAM as we develop our Artist Residency program
Friesen, Marcy Carrot River Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 This oversized depression moccasin is fully beaded outside and inside in blue shades representing tears will spread awareness on various factors associated with depression.
Baerwaldt, Wayne Assiniboia Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To deliver a public lecture on Zachari Logan's work and visit Verona's renowned Palazzo Giusti to begin to co-curate Logan's solo exhibition for April, 2021.
Ratt, Molly Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 My grant proposal is Landscape Creations By Molly R Ratt
Zdunich, Emily Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,600 To create and research a new body of work exploring the human condition for the purpose of exhibitions and professional development.
Yokozawa Farquharson, Hanna Saltcoats Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 Creating Textile Art for my first solo exhibition at the Godfrey Dean Art Gallery in Yorkton from September 13th to October 31st , 2020.
Dishaw, Jessie Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Further my development of the business side of the art while working towards an Emerging Artist grant for a solo exhibit advocating woman's mental health.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 MJM&AG is proposing a pilot project for a short-term artist residency to increase community engagement and provide public access to an artist's creative process.
Norlen, Alison Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,752 “curio” will explore elements of spectacle through miniature welded sculptures in bell cloches, for exhibitions at Art Gallery of Guelph and Moose Jaw Art Gallery.
Thorburn, Crystal Assiniboia Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $948 To facilitate 2 half day visual art sessions to research and assess community needs in partnership with the Shurniak Art Gallery.
Belarmino, Jimuel Weyburn Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 I will explore themes (acculturation, social class, identity) that will inform my work to create body of work for my first solo exhibition in 2023.
Kennedy, Marsha Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,514 My proposal requests funding to produce and frame 15 works for a traveling retrospective exhibition and to support experimentation and further production of new works.
Sharpe, Wendy Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $3,283 This proposal is to support the production of new work based on travel through Saskatchewan along a stretch of highway called Ghost Town Trail
King, Karlie Regina Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $987 Host a “Paint Night” (during the day) where students invite a parent, guardian, or family member/friend to join them in painting self-portraits that explore identity.
Rhoda Hardlotte Memorial Keethanow High School Stanley Mission Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $1,415 Josh Goff will work with students from the Visual Arts 10/20 class to design a concept for a mural.
Pshebylo, Mila Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 “Twisted” will be a fantastical wire sculptural landscape inspired by The Crooked Bush, installed at the Gallery at Frances Morrison Library August 4th- September 4th.
Langwieser, Ruth Estevan Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $973 I plan to purchase the material to build a specific Gas - Kiln for the process of Raku - firing.
17 Wing Detachment Dundurn Dundurn Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 Bringing an Art based summer camp to the rural community of Dundurn and surrounding areas.
Ruecker, Gerry Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 The funding requested in this grant application is to support the further development and creation of my current body of work in mixed media sculpture.
Hume, Diana Creelman Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 Research and develop artistic programming for the village of Creelman by recruiting artists to share their skills locally with the community and with neighbouring communities.
Void Gallery Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 Producing zines with Indigenous peoples and newcomers for distribution in Princeton, USA and Dublin, Ireland
Glenn, Allyson Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Attend three-month NARS Foundation International Residency, in New York City, NY, USA
Fornwald & Wilson Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,900 We are working as a duo to produce an installation of 50 flags and wallpaper for the Alberta Biennial at the Remai Modern in Saskatoon.
Ells, Chrystene Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 To develop and pilot strategies towards a year-long AiC to provide arts programming for residents, memory care patients, and palliative care patients and their families.
Baerwaldt, Wayne Assiniboia Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $16,116 To conduct original research, develop curatorial premises, write critical essays and deliver art exhibitions in Saskatchewan and abroad
Phelps Bondaroff, Amber Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,015 To further develop my performance art practice through attendance at a ten day workshop in Merida Mexico, with Guillermo Gomez Pena and LaPocha Nostra.
Maxwell, Aralia Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 To support the production of work and its documentation for confirmed exhibition at Neutral Ground in November 2020.
Bishop James Mahoney High School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $1,000 Request for School Residency Grant development time between lead teachers Janelle Franko, Roberta Ross and Cate Francis.
Vibank Regional School Vibank Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $1,000 Invited artist, Holly Yuzicapi, will teach students about Indigenous art practices ending with a culminating collaborative project - the creation of a star blanket.
Gordon Denny Community School La Ronge Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $1,000 The Cree Culture teacher is looking to invite a local artist to come and show all students grade 1-6 the painting process.
Rinas, Aarin Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $7,500 A series of portrait paintings depicting the emotional states of people affected by economic inequality.
Benning, Heather Swift Current Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $14,116 To create large scale installation sculpture "Winter Sleep" to exhibit at the 2020 Biennial of Contemporary Art at the Remai Modern.
Lyons, Joanne Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $8,850 This project is to create new mixed media work exploring the weight of accumulation.
Eston Composite School Eston Visual Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $1,000 Interested in working with artist, Susan Clark, in 2 half days workshops for grade 7-8 on making a Coat of Arms reflecting sense of place.
St. Pierre, Laura Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $15,975 Production of new work towards the AGA/Remai 2020 Biennial and La Presence des Femmes at CAVA Edmonton.
Malinsky, Charles Regina Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,000 Preliminary development of a new narrative series of paintings entitled, "Alisa and the Seven Deadly Sins."
Moore, Tim Swift Current Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $8,000 I will continue to create a body of work "Erasure is Futile" to be exhibited at the 2020 Biennial of Contemporary Art at the Remai Modern.
Rose, Melanie regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To create and develop new work with the intent of exhibition. Research of new techniques and materials.
AKA Gallery Inc. Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $70,000 For general operating and programming support.
Weyburn Art Gallery Weyburn Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
Art Gallery of Regina Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $45,580 For general operating and programming support.
Art Gallery of Swift Current Swift Current Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $40,000 For general operating and programming support.
Articulate Ink Press Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
City of North Battleford Galleries North Battleford Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $57,850 For general operating and programming support.
Dunlop Art Gallery Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $111,800 For general operating and programming support.
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum Estevan Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $44,000 For general operating and programming support.
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery Inc. Yorkton Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $49,000 For general operating and programming support.
Kenderdine Art Gallery Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $32,760 For general operating and programming support.
Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre Inc. Regina Beach Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $20,000 For general operating and programming support.
MacKenzie Art Gallery Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $161,620 For general operating and programming support.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $102,120 For general operating and programming support.
Neutral Ground Inc. Regina Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $95,000 For general operating and programming support.
Remai Modern Saskatoon Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $213,750 For general operating and programming support.
Yuzicapi, Holly Fort Qu’Appelle Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 I would like to do traditional quillwork on a buffalo robe. Quillwork is the oldest art form from the land we live on.
The Mann Art Gallery Inc. Prince Albert Visual Professional Arts Organizations Program 2020-2021 $63,000 For general operating and programming support.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Visual SaskFestivals 2020-2021 $11,000 For general operating and programming support.
Standing, Lois Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To research and develop Dakota women's geometric beaded designed dresses and produce a dress with the influence of past designs.
Fourstar, Gabrielle Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $4,536 I intend to paint an art series of 100 abstract acrylic blob paintings on 18"X 24" canvases. Remaining paintings with vegan paint.
Parent, Anna Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To finish the writing and create paintings for a story about a raven raised by geese learning to fly, a sixties scoop survivors story.
CARFAC Saskatchewan
Clint Neufeld
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $43,500 We propose an artist residency where Travelling Mentor Clint Neufeld offers critical engagement, professional development opportunities, and expanded community for artists working in rural Saskatchewan.
Langhorne, Donna Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To reimagine the Seven Sacred Teachings by creating portraiture of the associated animal figures in a hybrid rendition of Woodlands and Realist styles.
Bigeagle-Kequahtooway, Joely Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,500 To purchase a long arm quilting machine to assist me in designing and creating my starblankets.
Goretzky, Barbara
Town of Lumsden
Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 To start the first stage of a large mural at the museum, depicting the settlement of the area, beginning with Indigenous people to the present.
Baraniecki, Jordan Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 During this time, I'm looking for innovative ways that people can still experience thought-provoking art by creating immersive projections around the city.
Creighton Community School
Karen Clark
Creighton Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $7,356 This school led program will provide opportunities for youth and parents to experience visual arts and gain knowledge of traditional Cree teachings, values,
Emma Artists Group Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To create an artistic installation on the south side of Ness Creek, as a 10th Anniversary reprisal of a project started in 2010.
Thompson Ramsay, Sydney Dalmeny Visual Prince Edward Arts Scholarship 2020-2021 $2,500
Oxbow Prairie Horizons School Oxbow Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $1,166 Artist Terri Fidelak will work alongside Oxbow Prairie Horizons School to design a longer-term project involving a large interactive 2D/3D-relief artwork for Oxbow’s Main Street.
Bishop James Mahoney High School
Cate Francis
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $10,000 Project grant to work with Health Science Academy students to create collaborative murals at BJM as well as a scientifically focused public art campaign.
La Ronge Arts Council Corp. La Ronge Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 To engage local indigenous artist DLanghorne to give artist talks and painting sessions to school groups and others while OSAC exhibit 'Common Truths' is here.
Sylvia Fedoruk Elementary School Saskatoon Visual Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $500 A class field trip to SCYAP art gallery and art centre to learn about their activism in the Saskatoon community based on Saskatchewan curriculum.
Goretzky, Barbara Lumsden Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To experiment with wood and metal in creating a time-sensitive, small-scaled, permanent wall piece in collaboration with young adults, who experience intellectual disabilities.
Nelson, Marilyn Griffin Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I am seeking assistance to attend a workshop to further my goal of creating meaningful art that explores social equity and justice.
Dillon, Daniel Creighton Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Local gallery exhibition (at NorVA) and the self publication of book (Blurb) related to a COVID-19 project.
Brochu Lambert, Anne Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Researching, acquiring, and assembling technology components to support the soundtrack of four generation of women’s voices integrated into an art installation activated by viewers.
Epp, Carole Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Creation of work for the exhibition borderLINE: 2020 Biennial of Contemporary Art, plus travel to install the work in Edmonton in September.
Richter, Jessica Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 "Preparing for the Day" is a documented performance and printmaking project exploring loss and ritual.
Larouche Ellard, Diane Biggar Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To complete a mixed media encaustic mentorship with Bobbi Clackson-Walker consisting of 8 one-on-one sessions.
Morgun, Jessica Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Produce a short video artist talk to communicate the project "Thoughts and Prayers"
Bérubé, Annie Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Mentorship with Laura St-Pierre
Art Gallery of Swift Current Swift Current Visual Special Initiatives Fund 2020-2021 $5,000 We will hire a professional videographer to create virtual tours of our next two upcoming exhibitions to help us regain, retain and broaden our audience.
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery Inc. Yorkton Visual Special Initiatives Fund 2020-2021 $4,825 Upgrade and replace aging and soon to be obsolete computer and technology infrastructure. Manage change and succession for a new Director & Curator position.
AKA Gallery Inc. Saskatoon Visual Special Initiatives Fund 2020-2021 $5,000 Re-envision AKA's organizational framework, working with diverse consultants and colleagues challenge institutional assumptions and biases in order to better support artists, communities, and staff.
Neutral Ground Inc. Regina Visual Special Initiatives Fund 2020-2021 $5,000 Address the barriers to equity at Neutral Ground Artist-Run Centre through an in-depth anti-racism training program lead by Future Ancestors Inc.
Biofeedback Art Collective Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $2,000 Biofeedback is creating an online platform to curate a virtual art show for emerging Saskatchewan artists as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
La Marre, Rebecca Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 I have been invited to complete a BAM artist residency in Saskatoon for the month of October, culminating in an exhibition.
Rosenwald, Betsy Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 To be one of four participants in a unique online Encaustic Workshop on October 3, 2020 presented by the A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas.
Phillips, Geoff
Southwestern Saskatchewan Oldtimers' Museum Inc.
Maple Creek Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 The next generation of Agribusiness will benefit from learning how technology is impacting their trade through targeted art workshops inspired by local ranching history.
Saskatoon Open Door Society Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Establish a body to research and coordinate artistic programming in partnership with Saskatoon Open Door Society.
Boechler, Jared Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Two-Day Solo Landscape Exhibition, Landings
Dale, Danielle Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $5,500 An exploration of food in the post-Anthropocene through sculpture and photography.
Simon-Worobec, Hillary Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,000 To purchase equipment/materials to for my home pottery studio to enable me more freedom within my craft and become a full-time potter.
Penner, John J Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 The grant proposal is to replace my old deteriorating resin coated plywood darkroom sink with a chemical resistant stainless steel sink.
Keighley, Ray Warman Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $12,000 This grant would produce 6 paintings and a wood carving. Dealing with the mystic animal and reconcilliation styles I work on with my art.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.