Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Whirligig Theatre Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,000 Whirligig Theatre seeks to produce Jean Genet's queer classic, The Maid's, at Divas Nightclub in downtown Saskatoon.
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc.
The Dark Lady Collective
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 William Brooks will work with theatre and visual artists to engage with the community by creating large-scale, interactive, outdoor theatre-based installations.
Sinclair, Johnny Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 With our grant proposal we are planning to present a "one-night only" live streaming concert event by local music group Tucker Lane.
Chadwick, Madison Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $1,573 With this funding I’d attend the 2024 b12 dance festival in Berlin, a professional development opportunity to attend research workshops taught by international dance artists.
Malinsky, Charles Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 With this grant I intend to rescue paintings and drawings that are stranded abroad due to COVID-19 and are to be destroyed if not collected.
Solheim, Krista Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 With this Professional Development grant I will attend and complete The Franklin Method 6-month Level 4 long-form training program (June – November 2024).
Mathieu, Veronique Saskatoon Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $2,500 Work in collaboration with composers to develop a set of 12 etudes for solo violin that will address unusual contemporary techniques.
E.S. Laird Middle School Lloydminster Music Artists in Schools 2019-2020 $1,000 Work with local elders and drummers to create a sustainable pow wow and round dance drum group for young men in Lloydminster.
Muirhead, Laurie Shellbrook Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $500 Work with professionals in the area of children's literature to assist me with editing and finding a suitable publisher for my manuscript (Loonies for Lazaro).
Tootoosis, Lyndon Battleford Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $15,000 Working on major pieces for upcoming shows in 24/25 in various venues in sk/can utilizing the stories, guidance and blessings of my Elders
Craig Penner, Josephine Regina Dance Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $5,000 Working under the mentorship of Rachela Abate (a senior artist in my field), I will spend time on research and professional development.
Campos, Yulissa Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2020-2021 $1,000 Workshop for I, Frida by Yulissa Campos that is going to be feature at the Singapore Fringe Festival
Haynes, Sierra Regina Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $10,000 Workshop the first act of the new musical Crazy Girl The Musical in advance of Pacific Theatre’s New Roots Festival Showcase in Vancouver, BC.
Janvier, Bobby La Loche Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2021-2022 $2,000 Would like to construct paddles with traditional artwork designs using carving and hand painting designs.
Hamel, Madonna Val Marie Literary Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $6,500 Write 6 months, complete 2nd draft of novel "The Hem of the World' using monologue 'Mother's Apron' as template. All scenes outlined if not finished.
Arcand, Gary Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2020-2021 $7,000 Write a first draft of a collection of traditional Plains Cree stories of long ago told to me by my late Mother in the 1970's.
Luhning, Holly Lumsden Literary Microgrant Program 2022-2023 $1,000 Write a sequence of poems about a farm auction sale and to investigate the physical and sonic processes and emotional themes of removal and dismantlement.
Nash, Megan Palmer Music Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $15,000 Write and arrange songs inspired by Crescent Park for an upcoming album in the Moose Jaw Public Library Theatre from mid July to mid November.
Lepage, Mario St. Denis Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $9,000 Write and compose music and lyrics for Ponteix’s next record
Pettigrew, Laura Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $7,000 Write new work for Orchestra and Choir; Hymn for Peace, my gift to orchestras and choirs globally, performance September 21, 2023 International Day of Peace
Lebel, Emilie Moose Jaw Music Independent Artists Program 2024-2025 $3,500 Write research-based lyrics via workshops and mentorships and compose melodies inspired by nature via the Ableton music software.
Pettigrew, Laura Regina Music Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $4,000 Write two new works for Low Brass ensembles which will be premiered at 11th ed. Gravissmo International Low Brass Festival August 23-27 2021, Alcobaça, Portugal
Kharsa, Ali Saskatoon Music Building Arts Equity 2023-2024 $5,000 Write, rehearse, and record 3 new songs and host a community event in Saskatoon with music with an open mike.
Gonie, Jalisa Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2022-2023 $500 Writing a full length script (75-90 minutes), ready to be work shopped by October 2022.
Hagel, Mandie Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $3,750 Writing and creating a poetry collection about all we've lost during the pandemic and the lasting effects of it.
Baudemont, David Saskatoon Literary Independent Artists Program 2022-2023 $9,000 Writing of "Fenêtre sur cour", a collection of poems and poetic aphorisms inspired by ink drawings
Blackett, Tim Regina Literary Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 Writing the second half of my novel, "We Were Meant to be Grownups," currently about 35k words in length.
Berenbaum, Jenna Saskatoon Theatre Independent Artists Program 2023-2024 $7,500 Writing, re-writing and editing my play 18 Jews Order Chinese Food until it is ready for production and publication.
Han, Xiao
Riversdale Business Improvement District
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $9,508 Xiao Han works with Asian and non-Asian artists to create and install artwork in Riversdale's Asian restaurants to address racism toward Saskatoon Asian community.
Cameron, Ian Regina Music Equipment Purchase Fund 2021-2022 $2,450 “As a studio musician who does a lot of remote sessions (recording and sending tracks), a new computer will better help me meet this demand.”
Norlen, Alison Saskatoon Visual Independent Artists Program 2020-2021 $6,752 “curio” will explore elements of spectacle through miniature welded sculptures in bell cloches, for exhibitions at Art Gallery of Guelph and Moose Jaw Art Gallery.
Tucker, Peter Moose Jaw Visual Independent Artists Program 2019-2020 $7,000 “Defined by Otherness” is the creation of a body of work exploring the structure of identity for an upcoming exhibition of sculptural installations.
Da Silva, Gabrielle Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2022-2023 $1,000 “Invisibly ill” is a free and accessible, 6-spread, DIY magazine for those who hold, or have experiences with invisible illnesses and disabilities in Saskatoon.
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society
Curtis Peeteetuce
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $5,751 “Stories About Us” is a storytelling program that invites young people to build friendships, explore identity, and develop their artistic voice.
Pshebylo, Mila Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 “Twisted” will be a fantastical wire sculptural landscape inspired by The Crooked Bush, installed at the Gallery at Frances Morrison Library August 4th- September 4th.
Balfour Collegiate - Balfour Arts Collective
Tessa Kuz
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Schools 2020-2021 $10,000 “Who Am I?” is designed to impact young people as they investigate, represent, express and embrace empowered self-identity through the arts.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.