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Updates on SK Arts programs and activities.
In honour of International Women's Day 2024, SK Arts partnered with Minister Laura Ross and the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport to exhibit a fitting and enthralling series of artwork by Saskatchewan women in an exhibit called 40+ Years in the Making—Women and Clay at the Cumberland Art Gallery in Regina. The exhibit was inspired by Deborah Potter’s sculpture, 40+ Years in the Making: Women and Clay, which was also installed at the Mosaic Tower Hill Centre III by the City of Regina last fall.
Interdisciplinary artist, educator and producer Chancz Perry joined SK Arts as a Program Consultant with an equity and inclusion focus. As an artist, a prior SK Arts grant recipient and a Person of Colour with complex social identities, Chancz is uniquely positioned to serve in his new role at SK Arts with the program team as we work on strategic goal around addressing systemic barriers.
Carol Greyeyes, Policy and Planning Advisor for SK Arts will retire in December 2023. After a collective 13 years served over three separate occasions, Greyeyes spearheaded several initiates with the agency to serve the arts community. Carol established our Indigenous funding program, currently called Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists (IPAA), and the Share and Connect: Indigenous Community Arts program. She also made significant contributions to Artists in Schools, Artists in Communities and the newly launched Building Arts Equity: BPOC Program.
SK Arts launched a new program for underserved artists who are Black and People of Colour, collaborating with SaskCulture, the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan (MCoS) and the wider BPOC arts community. The program, developed through participatory grant-making, will increase accessibility and connections to arts and cultural resources by People of Colour, specifically of African, Black, Asian, Latin American, Caribbean, and Middle Eastern descent.
Welcome receptions for Michelle Chawla, CEO, Canada Council for the Arts will be held in Saskatoon and Regina.
SK Arts is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) and nominations for professional artists or arts professionals to join our Board of Directors. Interested applicants can read more about board member roles, review relevant governance policies and submit their EOIs using the fillable PDF form on our website. Submit completed PDF forms to
SK Arts is a Crown Agency that provides grants, programs, and services to individuals and groups whose activities impact the arts in Saskatchewan and ensures that opportunities exist for Saskatchewan residents to experience all art forms.
Click here to learn more.
Following a 2.5% increase to SK Arts' appropriation in the 2023/24 provincial budget, SK Arts announced how it plans to distribute the funds. This increase represents the first to the agency's general funds since 2011, not including occasional designated funds for specific purposes. The agency also received a funding increase towards specific programs from Sask Lotteries as a result of its ongoing partnership with SaskCulture.
SK Arts is hosting a free, three-part virtual speakers series on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the arts in 2023. Videos of talks are available on our YouTube channel which can be accessed from the website. Click here to learn more!
SK Arts joins with Indigenous and non-Indigenous people from across Canada in marking September 30 as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This beaded artwork is by Swampy Cree/Welsch artist Marcy Friesen.