Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Dorion, Leah Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $18,000 Create and Install a Metis healing garden and create interdisciplinary artworks while Mentoring a local Metis Artist in the process.
Okihcihtaw, Marc Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $7,500 This collaboration will bring together various traditional music artists and create an album/collection of traditional and social hand drum songs.
Favel, Floyd Paynton Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $13,842 To write the story of The Battle of Cut Knife Hill accompanied by Chief Poundmaker's speech in English, Cree Syllabics, Roman Orthography, and PISL illustrations.
L'Hirondelle, Cheryl Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $18,000 create a 360°VR music video/installation of the song 'To All Our Nations' from my Why the Caged Bird Sings project for exhibition in Regina 2023.
Petit, Marcel Saskatoon Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $9,863 Jean’s War is about the turmoil of a youth who has suffered abuse. His world is a metaphor for the inner workings of his psyche.
Reynolds, Jamie Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $7,000 Creating a series of paintings that reflect on the use of crownland in Saskatchewan, and how it relates to themes of reconciliation and the environment.
C. Lysias Designs Rosthern Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $16,500 Passion for Fashion Project, "Project Iskotew" raises awareness on the residual effects of residential schools, while promoting culture, and healing through fashion.
Langhorne, Donna Air Ronge Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $14,975 To acquire materials and equipment required to create and document Aanjitoon, a series of twelve large paintings using an original hybrid Woodlands/Realist style.
Bigeagle-Kequahtooway, Joely Regina Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $12,320 To honour the land and the formations that have existed her for millennia by creating new compasses for future generations.
Badger, Joanne Sturgeon Lake Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $7,500 To introduce the practice of porcupine quilled birchbark basket making to women and men at the Lloyd Johnson Healing Lodge in Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchewan.
Janvier-Dugan, Diane Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $5,715 Make 30 wall quilts representing calls 1 to 17 (Child Welfare, Education & Language and Culture) of the 94 Calls to Action.
Friesen, Marcy Carrot River Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $5,050 I plan to create new beaded face and body work. I will preserve the work through photography, printing, framing and epoxying the original bead work.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $11,360 I am an established and award-winning author and poet in Canada. The project I wish to produce is a new collection of short stories.
Goodon, Jayde Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $18,000 My proposal is to create a body of work that fosters personal healing and inspires others to pursue their life's dreams.
Jodoin, Berkley Leader Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $5,250 Create a full length album of original songs rooted in truth and reconciliation, while touching on PTSD and showcase internationally at Folk Alliance International.
The Feather Saskatoon Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $18,000 This project is to help us write season two of our comedy series "The Feather News" streaming on APTN Lumi.
Keighley, Ray Warman Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $12,000 My proposal is to continue working in painting, printmaking and drawing. I also will be carving and other sculpturing opportunities. Collaboration with others is important.
Ewenin, Ron Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $2,000 Production and sale of 100, 2023 native art calendars to be sold across Saskatchewan.
Vincent, Angus Yorkton Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $18,000 Create a script/play in a musical format, along with music, with story lines of life and love on a reserve and urban setting.
Agecoutay, Richard Regina Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $6,125 I want to produce an independent feature length video documentary on Saskatchewan Pow Wows.
Moore, Tim Swift Current Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2022-2023 $16,000 To complete the body of work "Erasure is Futile" for a scheduled group exhibition and future solo exhibition potential.
Bird-Wilson, Lisa Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To attend three writing residency/retreat locations as I research, write, edit, and revise my book-length memoir, Magpie Dreams.
Moccasin, Ryan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $12,000 This project is to assist me in writing the first two pilot episodes of a TV series called "First Among Equals".
Tootoosis, Lyndon Battleford Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $9,000 Create a series of sculptures that will speak about nehewuk way of dealing with loss and grieving, geared to those who never learned these techniques
Sutherland, Dallas Rosthern Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 This grant would fund my short film project titled Noize, acquiring equipment, actors, and most importantly, crew members to make the film great.
Favel, Floyd Paynton Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $10,000 To create an artistic book- 60 word lexicon of Plains Indian Sign Language in black and white photos, accompanied by the Cree word or phrase.
Badger, Joanne Sturgeon Lake Please Select Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $6,719 To introduce the practice of porcupine quill zig zag stitching to women and men at the Lloyd Johnson Healing Lodge in Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchewan.
Hebert, Dakota Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $14,780 To showcase the hard work and talent of Saskatchewan's Indigenous Comedians in Regina, Saskatoon, Toronto, and Ottawa.
Cuthand, Shawn Saskatoon Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $10,031 To produce a comedy web series "That Deadly Cousin," which uses super 8/digital film which focuses on urban Indigenous kinship bonds.
Merasty, Marcus Regina Dance Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To deepen my creative process and performance skills through realizing a dance-based performance work informed by traditional Indigenous art practices, choreographed by Robin Poitras.
Jarrett, Alexandra Saskatoon Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 I will be conceptualizing 50 poems dedicated to the land and nehiyaw language. I will be incorporating political, matriarchal and MMIW elements.
Knight, Daniel Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 I plan to write a rock musical exploring the theme of the integration of indigenous men in a colonial society
Okemaysim, Aren Regina Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $4,470 This grant is to cover subsistence & living expenses while writing new music for my OKIMAW ᐅᑭᒪᐤ music project.
Rose, Melanie Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $13,000 To provide documentation and artist fees for the project, Sisopekinam//"S/he rubs medicine of it", a collection of wearable art by Metis designers.
Dufour Bowes, Arnolda Dalmeny Multidisciplinary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 A written and/or audiovisual preservation of traditional northern Metis stories and songs.
McDonald, John Brady Christopher Lake Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $6,820 It will be a series of paintings addressing my personal experiences as a Residential School survivor in the 1980s
Smith, James Muskoday Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $5,680 Illustrating stories from Elders. Focusing on stories from Legends and Residential experiences. I have researched stories from the 1980s.
Crowe, Lisa Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $6,000 Funding to assist in the creation of a beaded mens regalia including vest, side drops, arm cuffs, headband, hair ties, neck tie, leggings and moccasins.
Johnson-Harder, Harmony Prince Albert Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $1,000 To explore different techniques that will create a painting / mixed media image that depicts the connection of Story & Evolution.
Auger, Kristen Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $7,500 To create editions of hand-pulled, beaded, and woodcut prints that will be a graphical demonstration of my journey of learning nêhiyawêwin (the Cree language).
Janvier-Dugan, Diane Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $2,000 Quilted a portrait of my newly wed Dene parents in the early 50s. 56" x 82" wall hanging textile art.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Literary Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $15,000 Finding courage, embracing Indigenous culture, my new novel. JOE is a vampire but the real killer is alcohol. Mythology and folklore are dominant.
Tootoosis, Lyndon Battleford Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $15,000 Working on major pieces for upcoming shows in 24/25 in various venues in sk/can utilizing the stories, guidance and blessings of my Elders
Belanger, Maureen Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $15,000 The funds requested are to assist in creating and writing new material for my character "Ernestine and her pet bird Muckatoon"
Hebert, Dakota Saskatoon Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $18,000 We want to develop our standup comedy careers by showcasing in Saskatchewan and California, meeting with Industry Professionals, and securing our Social Security Numbers.
Tienkamp, Christine St. Louis Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $4,500 To support a Metis Womens Artists evening with an exhibit following, completing and adding new 'li rooz di no piyii' pieces to the exhibit.
Wilson, Thorina (Nina) Broadview Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $18,000 The project focuses on the Cree creation story regarding the importance of the moose, using color, symbolism, syllabics to retain the story for the future
Murray, Audie Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2023-2024 $10,500 The continuation of a project using beadwork to depict the sky in rural and urban spaces.
Pascal, Madison Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $2,000 To celebrate the Official Bird of Regina: the Black-capped Chickadee. Representation of the community's commitment to environmental stewardship and the wellbeing of its bird populations.
Okihcihtaw, Marc Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $5,500 "Scout & The Red Empire: Voices Unite" digitally preserves traditional hand drum songs of Indigenous communities, celebrating Turtle Island's rich cultural heritage.
Gay, Felicia Regina Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $7,000 To create a traditional Swampy Cree woman's outfit through research, and community knowledge; in order to reinvigorate an almost lost Swampy Cree style of clothing.
Vincent, Angus Yorkton Theatre Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $15,000 Complete a script/play in a musical format, along with music, with story lines of life and love on a reserve and urban setting.
Jodoin, Berkley Leader Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $15,000 Create a full production music video for the song "White Man's World" The song describes the 1885 Fort Battleford Hangings of eight cree warriors
Dieter, Mark Fort Qu'Appelle Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $7,000 I wish to apply for funding to continue development on a new independent feature-length screenplay titled "The Hawk and the Sparrow."
Longman, Mary Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $15,000 Passage Home: Public Bronze Sculpture and Custom Healing Park. Fund request to complete work: Phase 2: 3D printing and casting in bronze
Ouellette, Dianne Regina Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $15,000 To create a 10-12 minute short film that explores similar Métis and Oneida family histories through storytelling, as I learn to bead.
Hope, Lauren Saskatoon Music Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $6,000 This project seeks to research and record traditional Metis songs as a means to preserve them for future generations.
Duffy, Tarralik Adina Saskatoon Visual Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $15,000 This project is an extension of my soft sculpture series about Inuit food that will be presented at a solo exhibition at Remai Modern.
Agecoutay, Richard Regina Media Arts Indigenous Peoples Art and Artists 2024-2025 $10,000 The following grant proposal is for the research phase of a Video Documentary focused on the people who attend and participate in Saskatchewan Powwows.
Pooyak, Roberto Saskatoon Music Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 15-17 Track Reggae & Hip Hop album following two previously released albums.
Nordstrom, Alexandra Battleford Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 This project provides grades 5-9 students of Chief Poundmaker School with a week of creative workshops that use land as pedagogy for art practice.
Standing, Lorraine Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 To research and develop my stories of my father’s stories of song and drumming when I was a child.
Atimoyoo, Erland Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 I will reach Descendants who were unable to attend the 2018 "Gathering", report on last year's Gathering, promote this year's Gathering and contact ceremonial Elders.
Cuthand, Shawn Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 We want to create and produce fifteen videos that focus on Indigenous comedy and satirical news.
Johnson, Omar Regina Music Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 This project will produce an album. Utilizing a 4 part method. I.e Locale sampling, sound sculpting, sound generation, sound pallet programming, plus composition.
Candline, Randi Saskatoon Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $6,500 I would like to take time off work to on a fully beaded Men's Grass Dance regalia.
Daniels, Carol Regina Beach Literary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $3,000 A new manuscript of poetry celebrating the joys, challenges and blessings of single parenthood
Cameron, Howard Duck Lake Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 In my process of learning Cree stories from elders, I will illustrate images that coincide with the stories. Thus, limiting the need for English translation.
Pewapsconias, Janelle Paynton Literary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Connecting to the prairie plains and to water, Janelle Pewapsconias will reflect, create and flow poetry in the form of a 24 page poetry chapbook.
Deiter, Christine Balcarres Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Re-Creation of a Treaty Suit for hereditary Chief Dieter of Peepeekisis, documented in a PowerPoint for Treaty educational - TRC/repatriation purposes.
Kozak, Kathryn Creighton Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,300 To support experimental sculptures, photographs and recorded soundworks to be made during and following a July 2019 land-based residency at the Sointula Art Shed.
Campbell, Tara Saskatoon Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $6,725 I would like to create a collection of beaded jewelry and accessories that reflect the intertwining of Hip Hop culture and Indigenous culture.
Tootoosis, Shelly Cut Knife Visual Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 Fully porqupine quilled Woman's accessory set will include a chocker with breast piece attached, two braid-ties,back barrette, and side of head medicine wheel.
Standing, Cyrus Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $4,488 Developing my art form of story telling and tell the stories of Dakota history, Kinship, language and my community in Saskatchewan
Bellegarde, Bradley Regina Music Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $4,487 To write 6 songs, all stories with Indigenous relevance for an EP with the working title, "Rediculous Stories".
Angus, Meagan Regina Theatre Indigenous/Metis Art and Artists 2019-2020 $7,500 I would intern at the Globe Theatre to further my theatrical training and create a solo performance.
Henry, Hugh Swift Current Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 The funds will be used to print and frame 30 photographs and deliver / install prints for exhibition in Maple Creek.
Cafferata, Skyler Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To record 4 new studio-quality songs with my band (The Faps) which will be released as digital singles throughout 2019.
Blanchette, Cynthia North Battleford Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I have received an invitation to participate in a study tour through Beijing and Wuhan, China from the Confucius Institute of China and Alison Norlen.
Miyawata Culture Association Inc. Paynton Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 Poundmaker-Life, Legacy, Liberty. An exhibition commemorating the exoneration of Chief Poundmaker from the false charge of Treason by this white supremacist state, Canada.
Nuit Blanche Regina Arts Festival Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 Nuit Blanche Regina will curate a visual art show and augmented reality experience for display at Saskatchewan Fashion Week 2019's after parties.
Peters, Charles Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $700 Participating in a devised theatre workshop with Frantic Assembly, a celebrated UK theatre company while they are in Saskatoon for the first time.
Craig Penner, Josephine Regina Dance Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Oral Presentation at The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2019.
Harris, Carla Regina Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Editing my first collection of disabled narrative poetry I will attend an immersive, facilitated writing program focused to revise my manuscript for submission to publishers.
Berenbaum, Jenna Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 A playwriting workshop of an extended version of an existing script.
Muirhead, Laurie Shellbrook Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $500 Work with professionals in the area of children's literature to assist me with editing and finding a suitable publisher for my manuscript (Loonies for Lazaro).
Phelps Bondaroff, Amber Regina Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To develop performance and video work through participation in a five-week, thematic residency program at the Banff Centre entitled “Behavioural Swarm.”
Lebel, Emilie Saskatoon Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $929 Artistic development at the Banff Center for Arts and Creativity through Entr'Arts, a francophone multidisciplinary art program.
Simon-Worobec, Hillary Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Purchase supplies, raw materials, and equipment to aid in the production of several large volume ceramic orders.
Hagel, Mandie Regina Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Attend Sage Hill Spring Poetry Colloquium.
Pantel, Rowan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To attend training with Russian puppeteer Polina Borisova, at the National Puppetry Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center in June 2019.
Silverthorne, Judith Regina Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To attend the launch of the German translation of Honouring the Buffalo at the Frankfurt Book Fair and do presentations at a related Conference.
Dale, Danielle Saskatoon Visual Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 I have been accepted to the Biophilia Research Residency at Ayatana Artists' Research Program, where I will learn about biology and wildlife.
McCullam-Arnal, Caitlin Eastend Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 Funding to cover tuition for: Sage Hill Writing Emerging Writers Workshop Writing For Your Life: Crafting with Courage, Imagination, and Care
Haldoupis, Nicole Saskatoon Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 To attend Sage Hill Writing’s 2019 Summer Program (Fiction Course) and work with writer Jacqueline Baker, July 2-12.
Baggett, Brian Fort Qu'Appelle Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $750 To attend the 2019 Chapman Stick 4-day Workshop featuring Stick inventor Emmett Chapman and master instructors Greg Howard and Steve Adelson.
Rock My Gypsy Soul Music Festival Prince Albert Music Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 Our Music festival is a not for profit event, held over 1 day, in downtown Prince Albert.
Bernbaum, Joel Saskatoon Theatre Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 This grant will allow me to purchase a new laptop , an essential tool to both my playwriting and artistic community building practice.
Körner, Miriam Air Ronge Literary Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $1,000 This project is to attend a colloquium with Heather Benning and Tim Lilburn, receive manuscript consultation and create new work.
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery Inc. Yorkton Please Select Microgrant Program 2019-2020 $2,000 A series of lecture–demonstrations on the subject of Powwow culture and art forms, determined and delivered by local and regional Powwow artists.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.