Recipient Community Discipline Program Year Amount Description
Clinton Ackerman Music Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Host a week long summer camp of creativity and interdisciplinary art creation.
Camp fYrefly Saskatchewan Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,000 To empower LGBTQ2S youth by highlighting art as a formative part of expressing identity and as a vehicle for social change.
Regina Folk Festival Inc.
Megan Nash
Regina Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 All Our Relations choir, led by local musicians, will rewrite songs that shaped the labour movement and the RFF, culminating in a 50th anniversary performance.
Doyle, Eliza Mary Asquith Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $46,500 Stage 2 of Pilot Project that engages community in music for self-expression/healing/reconciliation with intent on identifying, training and mentoring community members for future workshop facilitation.
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity Inc. Regina Media Arts Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Stories That Move You: A portrait and digital storytelling project by and for trans and non-binary people in Saskatchewan
Art Gallery of Swift Current
Shon Profit
Swift Current Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $45,000 To provide a professional artist-led weekly creative art class for the Long-Term Care facilities in Maple Creek, Shaunavon and Eastend Saskatchewan.
Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $990 To establish a relationship and work collaboratively with 2 artists to develop concrete plans for an artistic project in a special care home
Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home
Barbara Goretzky
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 To test the feasibility of an arts-based program in the home with the hope of turning it into an artist in community residency
Dunlop Art Gallery
Logan MacDonald
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Logan MacDonald will explore the Deaf experience with Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The collaborative artwork will be exhibited at Dunlop Art Gallery.
Eden Care Communities Foundation Inc.
Misty Wensel
Regina Dance Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,781 Collaborating with FadaDance Troupe our project will integrate the use of dance and movement to improve the overall well-being of our staff, artists and communities.
Prairie Sculptors' Association
Manitou Beach Recreation Board
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Prairie Sculptors' Assoc. (PSA) and Manitou Beach Recreation Board will host a sculpture symposium including public art workshops and a community art project.
Saskatoon Industry Education Council
Muveddet Al-Katib
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Through art, newcomer youth will to express and share their culture while learning about the similarities and differences in other cultures in their new community.
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc.
Laura Hale
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Artist Laura Hale will engage the attendees of the 2020 Fringe Festival to create a large-scale, outdoor art installation over the course of ten days.
Northern Saskatchewan International Children's Festival Inc.
Laura Hosaluk
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $6,000 Sock Puppet workshop
Girls Rock Camp Saskatoon
Eliza Mary Doyle
Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Providing opportunities for female empowerment through Cultural Arts Mentorship Programming by building capacity and expanding the Girls Rock Saskatoon program to under-served/remote communities in Saskatchewan.
Hale, Laura
Wild about Saskatoon NatureCity Festival
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 Free, drop-in, community-engaged, environmental art project using locally found plants to explore material potential and create sculptural artworks and to create space for community dialogue.
The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC)
Kris Alvarez
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $9,900 To work with Saskatchewan artists to provide young leaders with creative and supportive spaces to engage with ideas related to social justice and global citizenship.
asokan Project Camps
Alexandra Nordstrom
Battleford Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $10,000 This project provides youth of Poundmaker and Little Pine First Nation with five days of creative programming that use land as pedagogy for art practice.
Town of Lumsden Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $990 Local artist to create an outdoor public mural in collaboration with a wide range of community members, wide range in age, displayed at the Museum.
Thorburn, Crystal Assiniboia Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $948 To facilitate 2 half day visual art sessions to research and assess community needs in partnership with the Shurniak Art Gallery.
17 Wing Detachment Dundurn Dundurn Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 Bringing an Art based summer camp to the rural community of Dundurn and surrounding areas.
Gauvin, Vanessa Swift Current Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 Developing a relationship between Artist and Camp, create music curriculum targeted for youth & engage community working towards an Artist-project grant for June to August.
Hume, Diana Creelman Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 Research and develop artistic programming for the village of Creelman by recruiting artists to share their skills locally with the community and with neighbouring communities.
Ells, Chrystene Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 To develop and pilot strategies towards a year-long AiC to provide arts programming for residents, memory care patients, and palliative care patients and their families.
L'Association fransaskoise de Zenon Park Inc. Zenon Park Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $903 Explore the possibility of doing a music project with artist Alexis Normand and determine how to best serve the community of Zenon Park.
Dureault, Mitchell Wolseley Music Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 To visit, access, and develop, a long term, sustainable music programming that is focused on youth, based on the needs and wants of the community.
Wolseley Public Library Wolseley Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2019-2020 $1,000 The Wolseley Public Library would lead a cultural inventory research project and offer trial programs to assess current community needs and services.
CARFAC Saskatchewan
Clint Neufeld
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $43,500 We propose an artist residency where Travelling Mentor Clint Neufeld offers critical engagement, professional development opportunities, and expanded community for artists working in rural Saskatchewan.
Mathieu, Veronique
Saskatoon Public Library
Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Present six free interactive and educational concerts involving different musical traditions at Frances Morrison Public Library (Saskatoon) and in North Battleford .
Wildeman, Tatum
Father Megret High School
Saskatoon Dance Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Utilizing dance to strengthen Indigenous youths' knowledge and connection to their language and culture while improving their sense of mental wellness.
Goretzky, Barbara
Town of Lumsden
Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 To start the first stage of a large mural at the museum, depicting the settlement of the area, beginning with Indigenous people to the present.
La Marre, Rebecca
North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Inc.
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Artist Rebecca La Marre proposes to both collaborate with and provide artistic programming to clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre.
Gauvin, Vanessa
Camp Shagabec Committee
Swift Current Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $5,144 In partnership with Camp Shagabec, this project creates a dedicated youth music program, serving the Cypress Hills and area
Sum Theatre Corp.
Pleasant Hill Community Association
Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $20,000 An artistic inquiry process developed in the Pleasant Hill community, culminating in a documentary play.
Creighton Community School
Karen Clark
Creighton Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $7,356 This school led program will provide opportunities for youth and parents to experience visual arts and gain knowledge of traditional Cree teachings, values,
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc.
Judy Wensel
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $20,000 LTD' Artists and Judy Wensel will support creative community members with disabilities in an online-focused exploration of Caryl Churchill's play, Love and Information.
Common Weal Community Arts Inc.
Eliza Mary Doyle
Regina Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $46,500 Community Arts Mentorship Programming that engages community in music for self-expression/healing/reconciliation with intent on identifying, training and mentoring community members for future community program facilitation.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc. Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 This project consists of a partnership with artist/architect Jason Surkan, Oxbow Architecture, Nuit Blanche Saskatoon to facilitate youth workshops in digital design and fabrication.
Centre Francophone BDS Bellevue Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 To discover through community consultations, research, and project planning how to bring music back to our communities.
Doyle, Eliza Mary Asquith Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Consult with First Nations Artists and Trauma Counsellors to develop an Artist-In-Residency/Workshop Training Course to educate artists in program delivery from a trauma-informed culturally-sensitive perspective.
Canadian Light Source Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $500 CLSI's Bison Project engages Indigenous students through Traditional Cultural Expressions (play scripts), that incorporate Indigenous women’s role in Bison ecology, synchrotron science, and Traditional Knowledge.
City of Prince Albert Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 This development project would determine the interest and readiness for Artist in Residence projects in Prince Albert for the next 1-3 years.
Phillips, Geoff
Southwestern Saskatchewan Oldtimers' Museum Inc.
Maple Creek Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 The next generation of Agribusiness will benefit from learning how technology is impacting their trade through targeted art workshops inspired by local ranching history.
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity Inc. Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Exploring the need and interest of drag performance development in Regina
Canadian Light Source Inc. Saskatoon Theatre Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $500 Bison Herstory begins initial collaborating, transcribing the untold story about First Nation and Metis relationships between Bison and the women who saved them from extinction.
Saskatoon Open Door Society Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Establish a body to research and coordinate artistic programming in partnership with Saskatoon Open Door Society.
Nuit Blanche Saskatoon Contemporary Arts Festival Inc.
Jason Surkan
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 This project engages youth to create an installation that explores how the rhythms and patterns of Métis tectonics can be translated through contemporary architectural design.
Art Gallery of Regina Inc.
Linda Duvall
Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $20,000 Artists Linda Duvall (SK) and Jillian McDonald (MB/NY) will lead a community-engaged artwork and residency that responds to historical, cultural and discipline-specific approaches to excavation.
Art Gallery of Swift Current
Shon Profit
Swift Current Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Provide and document for research a professional artist-led weekly art class for Wolf Willow Health Centre LTC to implement into a sustainable program during lockdowns.
Centre Francophone BDS
Alexis Normand
Bellevue Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 To start a youth choir who will perform three songs in French for “Les rendez-vous de la francophonie” and host Café Culture gatherings in Bellevue/St.Louis/Domrémy.
Stonhouse, David
Bridges Art Movement
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $6,408 Artist David Stonhouse is working with newcomer youth from Open Door Society to learn and create artwork that will lead to an exhibition at BAM
YWCA Regina
Joely Bigeagle-Kequahtooway
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Brain tanned buffalo hide will used to create art work that will commemorate MMIWG2S+ families loved ones.
Doyle, Eliza Mary
Girls Rock Camp Saskatoon
Asquith Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $10,000 Providing continued opportunity for female empowerment by building local capacity through strengthening, mentoring and expanding the Girls Rock Saskatoon program to under-served/remote communities in Saskatchewan.
Larsen, Mitchell Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 We will communicate with the above organizations to develop arts-based community wellness workshops with remote delivery options.
Muskoday First Nation Community School Muskoday Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 We want to meet and become familiar with processes of artists that will carry out future activities for our upcoming Artists in Communities- Residencies grant.
Wasteste, Angelo Fort Qu'appelle Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Purchase pro audio recording equipment to record traditional Dakota songs (wars songs, pow-wow, kahomanie, spiritual) and Dakota oral stories for preservation of language.
City of Prince Albert
Lynda Monahan
Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 This project will provide individuals with mentorship from a professional artist to build capacity for artists and organizations in Prince Albert to develop residency programs.
City of Prince Albert Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 To contract Jesse Campbell as a Curator for Artists in Community project coordination in Prince Albert.
Saskatoon Youth Jazz Orchestra Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 SYJO will collaborate and record with guest artist Joel Grundahl as a mentoring opportunity for current SYJO members and to generate future engagement.
Ferguson, Louisa Meacham Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 Ecological Restorative Art project is a site specific art installation designed and executed in collaboration with community members and The Meewasin Valley Authority.
Jack Millikin Centre, Inc. Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 1. Bring together emerging artistic blacksmiths to explore the transmission of sound through metal. 2. Explore concept of permanent, four-season blacksmith facility at Ness Creek.
Atcheynum, Kasey Saskatoon Literary Artists in Communities 2020-2021 $1,000 To assess the creative literary community needs of Black diaspora by conducting research analysis to develop a plan for a longer term project and residency.
Lumsden Beach Camp inc.
Shaunna Dunn
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $15,000 This project will provide the Camp community exposure to, and education through, diverse artistic practices, while offering professional artists meaningful engagement on the land.
Conservatory of Performing Arts
Paul Dechene
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 "Out of the Darke" seeks to respond to untold oral stories and unwritten histories of performing arts venue, Darke Hall, through literary and multimedia works.
Muskoday First Nation Community School
Kevin Joseph
Muskoday Music Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 We plan on holding musical sessions with our main artist and with a few local artists to teach our community members about different musical genres.
La Marre, Rebecca
North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Inc.
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 Artist Rebecca La Marre proposes to both collaborate with and provide targeted services to clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre.
Old Coronach Street Festival
Stephanie Bellefleur
Coronach Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $8,000 Local professional Artist, Stephanie Bellefleur will engage and collaborate with community members to create a large scale mural on Coronach's historic Centre Street.
Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization Inc.
Dianne Ouellette
Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 LTD’ will work with a filmmaker and a digital theatre-artist to digitize an original theatre production. This digitalized production will be witnessed nationally & internationally.
Han, Xiao
Riversdale Business Improvement District
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $9,508 Xiao Han works with Asian and non-Asian artists to create and install artwork in Riversdale's Asian restaurants to address racism toward Saskatoon Asian community.
25th Street Theatre Centre Inc.
Kelsey Ford
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 Kelsey Ford and Andrei Fehergyhazi will engage under-represented communities and patrons of the 2021 Saskatoon Fringe Festival in creating an interdisciplinary, large-scale, outdoor art installation.
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum
Ruth Langwieser
Estevan Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $45,000 Contemporary Art Meets Parks (CAMP) is a COVID-19 friendly satellite artist residency featuring art and artist led projects in our regional and city parks.
The Gallery/Art Placement Inc. Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Develop plans with Biofeedback Collective for artist in communities project proposal to support development of artist community through intergenerational dialogue, mentorship, and exchange.
Live Out Loud Performing Arts Regina Theatre Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To run a Ranch Camp: Arts Edition in collaboration with Journey To Hope and Ponderosa Connection
River Road Festival St. Louis Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To conduct surveys to research next River Road Festival events and direction.
2022 Saskatchewan Winter Games Regina Inc. Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 We are looking for an artist to lead activities at the Culture Festival of the 2022 Saskatchewan Winter Games.
Tri-Community Dance Club La Ronge Dance Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Upstage Dance Co. brings Summer Dance Workshops to La Ronge! Introductions to a variety of dance genres and the process of collaborative creation.
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $998 This Development Project aims to design an innovative youth storytelling program that explores identity through painting, video, and sound.
Girls Rock Camp Saskatoon Saskatoon Music Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Girls Rock Saskatoon (GRS) is a volunteer-based organization dedicated to empowering self-identified female, trans, two-spirit, and gender non-conforming youth through collaborative music creation and performance.
Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc. Vanscoy Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Consult SSAI membership and individuals to assess interest and develop planning for artistic programming to help address issues of isolation for rural seniors in Saskatchewan.
Saskatoon Business College Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $750 This project is meant to assist students entering a very demanding health care field to reduce stress and promote self care through holistic art expression.
Friesen, Marcy Carrot River Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $966 I will lead a beading class focusing on our mental health. Class will be held once a month at The Nest located downtown Prince Albert.
Shurniak Gallery Inc. Assiniboia Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To consult and imagine with our diverse public to develop new plans for creative programming by the Shurniak Art Gallery and its partners
The Gallery/Art Placement Inc.
Biofeedback Art Collective
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 Art Placement and Biofeedback will execute a series of relational projects, workshops, and networking events that will connect, support, and strengthen the Saskatoon artistic community.
Shurniak Gallery Inc.
Crystal Thorburn
Assiniboia Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 The project "Metamorphosis" will engage the community through participatory art workshops, conversational gatherings and a collaborative public sculpture, stimulating Assiniboia's interest in the arts.
Wild Sky Adventure Learning
Laura Hosaluk
Saskatoon Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $13,900 MĪYO ACIMOWINA ASKIY: (Good Stories Earth) is a workshop exploring old European practices of reinforced earth construction, informed by Indigenous storytelling for children and community.
La Marre, Rebecca
The Ability Hub YXE
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 Rebecca La Marre proposes to collaborate with and provide targeted services to clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre and Out Saskatoon Pride Home.
Chokecherry Studios
Zoe Slusar
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 This 11-month project will offer youth facing multiple barriers with weekly programming to explore mental health through creative writing, music production and spoken word poetry.
Firmly Rooted Homeschool Support & Resource Centre Inc. Stenen Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To introduce, homeschooled kids, to the benefits and joys of art; and to help build community within a broad spectrum of economically divers families.
Saskatchewan History and Folklore Society
Curtis Peeteetuce
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $5,751 “Stories About Us” is a storytelling program that invites young people to build friendships, explore identity, and develop their artistic voice.
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Through consultation and research, MJM&AG will source an Indigenous Curator-in-Residence for a residency project and determine a new vision for our Indigenous exhibits and collections.
City of Humboldt Cultural Services Humboldt Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To facilitate four community dialogues with Indigenous artist Kevin Peeace and the Humboldt community, especially youth, to collaborate on a Reconciliation art project.
The Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation (SCIC) Regina Music Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Generating Momentum is an activist leadership training camp for youth between the ages of 18-35 that is largely facilitated by Artists.
Age Friendly Outreach & Resource Network Bushell Park Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To research Northern and rural Saskatchewan and build relationships to develop art programs that are meaningful to a more diverse public.
First Nations University of Canada Regina Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 To engage knowledge keepers that hold the history of natural color pigments (plant, animal, mineral). building capacity to hold public workshops on pigment use.
The Ability Hub YXE
Rebecca La Marre
Saskatoon Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $45,000 Artist Rebecca La Marre proposes to collaborate with and provide workshops for clients at the North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre and Out Saskatoon Pride Home.
Eastend Branch Library Eastend Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $995 To host two cultural events; a live musical performance and a visual art exhibition to reignite our community interest and supports in the arts.
Goretzky, Barbara
Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home
Lumsden Visual Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $14,739 Create a collaborative, legacy mural for Santa Maria Senior Citizens Home. Design door decals to make exit doors unique and less confusing for dementia residents.
Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan - Prince Albert Branch Prince Albert Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $1,000 Local Artist Cheryl Ring and Elder Liz Settee will conduct 2 workshops exploring a variety of art mediums such as clay and zen doodling.
Community Arts Mentorship Program Incorporated
Zoe Slusar
Asquith Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $20,000 Initiating Phase 2 of the Canoe Lake-Beauval Arts Mentorship Program that continues to build local capability to sustain future programming through the CAMP Mentorship Model
YWCA Regina
Lloyd Dubois
Regina Multidisciplinary Artists in Communities 2021-2022 $10,000 To provide art-making workshops and co-create a kinship mural that explore Indigenous experiences under colonialism for YWCA residents, staff and public.
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Photo Credit: Artist Evie Ruddy partnered with UR Pride Centre for Sexuality & Gender Diversity on a photography project featuring trans and non-binary people. Photo by Charity Marsh.