Inspirational stories about the Saskatchewan arts community.
When Tekeyla Friday was a child, her mother would often tell her stories about her Métis upbringing and culture. She wasn’t always listening back then, but now she is determined to revive her family’s history and share it through the art of Claymation.
Each year, more than 2,000 students apply to the theatre program at Ithaca College in New York state. Only 16 are accepted, and Mayson Sonntag of Regina is one of them. He received a Prince Edward Arts Scholarship from the Arts Board to help him with tuition.
Candace Savage’s recent writing is firmly rooted in Saskatchewan’s history. Her latest book, Strangers in the House: A Story of Bigotry and Belonging, was inspired by a pencilled name on a list of all of the inhabitants of her Saskatoon home.
An Artists in Schools Micro-Development grant enabled Turtleford Transition School to bring fabric artist Bonny Macnab into the classroom.
Kitchen Party Music is collaborating with four communities in southeast Saskatchewan to bring back "old tyme" dances.
The Tic Toc TEN Short Performance Festival challenges Regina artists to write and present 10-minute performances.
Regina compower Stephen Leidal received Arts Board grants to attend the 2018 composition session at the Domaine Forget Academy in Quebec and the Opera from Scratch workshop in Halifax.
The show’s tagline says it all: “Mermaids. Campfires. Pirates. Clowns. Water and Fire. Earth and Air. Poems, Stories, Songs. It’s Elemental.” Elemental is a double-bill of new one-person plays by Saskatoon artists, presented as part of Live Five’s current season.
As the sole kizomba instructor in Regina, Flany Ba knew that she would need to seek out opportunities in other locales to develop her skills in the African dance style. A Micro-Grant enabled her to take intensive African dance teacher and performer training in Montreal.
The Saskatchewan Arts Board recently purchased Three Minute Miracle (Pavillion), an installation by Amalie Atkins, for our Permanent Collection.