Inspirational stories about the Saskatchewan arts community.
Don Kerr is happy to be part of a tradition of poet laureates in Saskatchewan, which include Glen Sorestad, Louise Halfe, and Robert Currie.
Saskatoon metal band Untimely Demise has signed a worldwide multi-album deal with the Sonic Unyon Metal label.
People living with disabilities face many barriers, not the least of which is having their voices heard. An innovative partnership between the South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre (SSILC) and Common Weal Community Arts provides these individuals with opportunities to develop their artistic potential and tell their stories.
After reading all of the non-adult books in her small-town library, Emily Garland decided that if she still wanted to read, she would just have to write books.
The Saskatchewan Arts Board Annual Report 2009-2010 is the winner of two 2011 Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) National Awards. The report received Silver Awards of Excellence for Print Projects (External) and Writing (External).
Alejandro Romero, who worked as artist-in-residence at King George Community School in Saskatoon from 2008 to 2009, says having artists work with members of the community changes people's lives and brings them closer together.
Saskatchewan musician Jeffery Straker partnered with Regina graphic designer Taron Cochrane to create an innovative t-shirt design that taps into smart phone technology.
Saskatoon artist Barbara L. Reimer will travel to Nicaragua on February 11, 2011 to present her Finding a Green Photo project, based on an organically derived solution for developing film and the ecologically responsible photograph.
When it came to the celebration of their community's centennial, Zenon Park's artists wanted more than a big party. They wanted to celebrate their town with a multidisciplinary performance that showcased not only the diverse talent of local artists, but also the community's rich francophone culture and history.