On Monday, May 27, 2024, the Saskatchewan arts community convened at Darke Hall in Regina to celebrate the artists, arts leaders and arts organizations recognized in the agency's introductory installment of Arts of Celebration. Performances in different art forms throughout the evening and the hosting of MC Dakota Ray Hebert made for a vibrant evening, and the diversity of guests added to the excitement of the event.

To further celebrate, eight honourees, chosen at random, received a cash gift to enhance their practice. In a previous interview, Michael Jones shared that the format used to identify the recipients was intentional in moving away from the "winners" and "losers" structure and offering all honourees an equal chance to receive the gift.

Arts of Celebration's success was made possible with the much-appreciated support of the Government of Saskatchewan, Jarislowsky Fraser Global Investment Management, SaskCulture, with funding from Sask Lotteries, SGEU, Tourism Saskatchewan, Sask Software, Bradbury Brand and Design Experts, and Creative Display.

To view the list of 2024 honourees, click here.

 Photo on on SK Arts - Arts funding agency website showing and Artisan market inside a chapel in progress

Photo credit: Mark Greschner